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2006-07-29 22:33:54

 * main.c -- Main program for the GoAhead WebServer (LINUX version)
 * Copyright (c) GoAhead Software Inc., 1995-2000. All Rights Reserved.
 * See the file "license.txt" for usage and redistribution license requirements
 * $Id: main.c,v 1.5 2003/09/11 14:03:46 bporter Exp $
/******************************** Description *********************************/
 * Main program for for the GoAhead WebServer. This is a demonstration
 * main program to initialize and configure the web server.
/********************************* Includes ***********************************/
#include "../uemf.h"
#include "../wsIntrn.h"
#include "../websSSL.h"
#include "../um.h"
void formDefineUserMgmt(void);

/*********************************** Locals ***********************************/
 * Change configuration here
static char_t  *rootWeb = T("web");   /* Root web directory */
static char_t  *password = T("");    /* Security password */
static int   port = 80;      /* Server port */
static int   retries = 5;     /* Server port retries */
static int   finished;      /* Finished flag */
/****************************** Forward Declarations **************************/
static int  initWebs();
static int aspTest(int eid, webs_t wp, int argc, char_t **argv);
static void formTest(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query);
static int  websHomePageHandler(webs_t wp, char_t *urlPrefix, char_t *webDir,
    int arg, char_t *url, char_t *path, char_t *query);
extern void defaultErrorHandler(int etype, char_t *msg);
extern void defaultTraceHandler(int level, char_t *buf);
#ifdef B_STATS
static void printMemStats(int handle, char_t *fmt, ...);
static void memLeaks();
/*********************************** Code *************************************/
 * Main -- entry point from LINUX
int main(int argc, char** argv)
 * Initialize the memory allocator. Allow use of malloc and start
 * with a 60K heap.  For each page request approx 8KB is allocated.
 * 60KB allows for several concurrent page requests.  If more space
 * is required, malloc will be used for the overflow.
 bopen(NULL, (60 * 1024), B_USE_MALLOC);
 signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
 * Initialize the web server
 if (initWebs() < 0) {
  return -1;
 * Basic event loop. SocketReady returns true when a socket is ready for
 * service. SocketSelect will block until an event occurs. SocketProcess
 * will actually do the servicing.
 while (!finished) {
  if (socketReady(-1) || socketSelect(-1, 1000)) {
 * Close the socket module, report memory leaks and close the memory allocator
#ifdef B_STATS
 return 0;
 * Initialize the web server.
static int initWebs()
 struct hostent *hp;
 struct in_addr intaddr;
 char   host[128], dir[128], webdir[128];
 char   *cp;
 char_t   wbuf[128];
 * Initialize the socket subsystem
 * Initialize the User Management database
 * Define the local Ip address, host name, default home page and the
 * root web directory.
 if (gethostname(host, sizeof(host)) < 0) {
  error(E_L, E_LOG, T("Can't get hostname"));
  return -1;
 if ((hp = gethostbyname(host)) == NULL) {
  error(E_L, E_LOG, T("Can't get host address"));
  return -1;
 memcpy((char *) &intaddr, (char *) hp->h_addr_list[0],
  (size_t) hp->h_length);
 * Set ../web as the root web. Modify this to suit your needs
 getcwd(dir, sizeof(dir)); /*get current working directory*/
char *strrchr(const char *s, int c);
The strrchr() function shall locate the last occurrence of c (converted to a char) in the string pointed to by s. The terminating null byte is considered to be part of the string.
Upon successful completion, strrchr() shall return a pointer to the byte or a null pointer if c does not occur in the string. 在这里是得到当前工作目录,如/home/yang/,然后把目录中最后一个'/'用'\0'代替,再和rootWeb组合成web根服务目录(放置访问的文件,如home.asp)
 if ((cp = strrchr(dir, '/'))) {   
  *cp = '\0';
 sprintf(webdir, "%s/%s", dir, rootWeb);
 * Configure the web server options before opening the web server
 cp = inet_ntoa(intaddr);
 ascToUni(wbuf, cp, min(strlen(cp) + 1, sizeof(wbuf)));
 ascToUni(wbuf, host, min(strlen(host) + 1, sizeof(wbuf)));
 * Configure the web server options before opening the web server
 * Open the web server on the given port. If that port is taken, try
 * the next sequential port for up to "retries" attempts.
 websOpenServer(port, retries);
 *  First create the URL handlers. Note: handlers are called in sorted order
 * with the longest path handler examined first. Here we define the security
 * handler, forms handler and the default web page handler.
 websUrlHandlerDefine(T(""), NULL, 0, websSecurityHandler,
 websUrlHandlerDefine(T("/goform"), NULL, 0, websFormHandler, 0);
 websUrlHandlerDefine(T("/cgi-bin"), NULL, 0, websCgiHandler, 0);
 websUrlHandlerDefine(T(""), NULL, 0, websDefaultHandler,
 * Now define two test procedures. Replace these with your application
 * relevant ASP script procedures and form functions.
 websAspDefine(T("aspTest"), aspTest);
 websFormDefine(T("formTest"), formTest);
 * Create the Form handlers for the User Management pages
 * Create a handler for the default home page
 websUrlHandlerDefine(T("/"), NULL, 0, websHomePageHandler, 0);
 return 0;
 * Test Javascript binding for ASP. This will be invoked when "aspTest" is
 * embedded in an ASP page. See web/asp.asp for usage. Set browser to
 * "localhost/asp.asp" to test.
static int aspTest(int eid, webs_t wp, int argc, char_t **argv)
 char_t *name, *address;
 if (ejArgs(argc, argv, T("%s %s"), &name, &address) < 2) {
  websError(wp, 400, T("Insufficient args\n"));
  return -1;
 return websWrite(wp, T("Name: %s, Address %s"), name, address);
 * Test form for posted data (in-memory CGI). This will be called when the
 * form in web/forms.asp is invoked. Set browser to "localhost/forms.asp" to test.
static void formTest(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query)
 char_t *name, *address;
 name = websGetVar(wp, T("name"), T("Joe Smith"));
 address = websGetVar(wp, T("address"), T("1212 Milky Way Ave."));
 websWrite(wp, T("

Name: %s, Address: %s

\n"), name, address);
 websDone(wp, 200);
 * Home page handler
static int websHomePageHandler(webs_t wp, char_t *urlPrefix, char_t *webDir,
 int arg, char_t *url, char_t *path, char_t *query)
 * If the empty or "/" URL is invoked, redirect default URLs to the home page
 if (*url == '\0' || gstrcmp(url, T("/")) == 0) {
  websRedirect(wp, T("home.asp"));
  return 1;
 return 0;
 * Default error handler.  The developer should insert code to handle
 * error messages in the desired manner.
void defaultErrorHandler(int etype, char_t *msg)
#if 0
 write(1, msg, gstrlen(msg));
 * Trace log. Customize this function to log trace output
void defaultTraceHandler(int level, char_t *buf)
 * The following code would write all trace regardless of level
 * to stdout.
#if 0
 if (buf) {
  write(1, buf, gstrlen(buf));
 * Returns a pointer to an allocated qualified unique temporary file name.
 * This filename must eventually be deleted with bfree();
char_t *websGetCgiCommName()
 char_t *pname1, *pname2;
 pname1 = tempnam(NULL, T("cgi"));
 pname2 = bstrdup(B_L, pname1);
 return pname2;
 * Launch the CGI process and return a handle to it.
int websLaunchCgiProc(char_t *cgiPath, char_t **argp, char_t **envp,
       char_t *stdIn, char_t *stdOut)
 int pid, fdin, fdout, hstdin, hstdout, rc;
 fdin = fdout = hstdin = hstdout = rc = -1;
 if ((fdin = open(stdIn, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0666)) < 0 ||
  (fdout = open(stdOut, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0666)) < 0 ||
  (hstdin = dup(0)) == -1 ||
  (hstdout = dup(1)) == -1 ||
  dup2(fdin, 0) == -1 ||
  dup2(fdout, 1) == -1) {
  goto DONE;
  rc = pid = fork();
  if (pid == 0) {
 *  if pid == 0, then we are in the child process
  if (execve(cgiPath, argp, envp) == -1) {
   printf("content-type: text/html\n\n"
    "Execution of cgi process failed\n");
  exit (0);
 if (hstdout >= 0) {
  dup2(hstdout, 1);
 if (hstdin >= 0) {
  dup2(hstdin, 0);
 if (fdout >= 0) {
 if (fdin >= 0) {
 return rc;
 * Check the CGI process.  Return 0 if it does not exist; non 0 if it does.
int websCheckCgiProc(int handle)
 * Check to see if the CGI child process has terminated or not yet. 
 if (waitpid(handle, NULL, WNOHANG) == handle) {
  return 0;
 } else {
  return 1;
#ifdef B_STATS
static void memLeaks()
 int  fd;
 if ((fd = gopen(T("leak.txt"), O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY, 0666)) >= 0) {
  bstats(fd, printMemStats);
 * Print memory usage / leaks
static void printMemStats(int handle, char_t *fmt, ...)
 va_list  args;
 char_t  buf[256];
 va_start(args, fmt);
 vsprintf(buf, fmt, args);
 write(handle, buf, strlen(buf));
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