* Here are the dependencies of GNS-3:
- Qt >= 4.2
- Python >= 2.4
- Sip >= 4.5
- PyQt >= 4.1
* WINDOWS users:
1. Download (~22 MB)
This program will install multiple programs that GNS-3 and Dynamips depends on:
- WinPCAP 4.0
- Dynamips 0.2.7
- Python 2.5.1
- PyQt 4.2
- MinGW dll and Qt 4.3 dlls.
2. Run pyqt-gns3-setup.exe and follow the prompts. You will be asked to reboot your PC at the end.
3. Configure the integrated hypervisor by double-clicking on gns3-config.pyw (Optional if you want to start dynamips in hypervisor mode yourself).
4. Start GNS-3 by double-clicking on gns3.pyw.
* Linux users:
- If you are on debian/ubuntu, use apt-get install python-qt4 to install the dependencies and start GNS-3 by double-clicking on gns3.pyw or launching it from a command line.
* MacOS X users:
1. Download python 2.5.1 for Macintosh OS X on and install it.
2. Download qt-mac-opensource-4.3.0.dmg on
http://trolltech.com/developer/downloads/qt/mac and install it
3. PyQt
4. Start GNS-3 by double-clicking on gns3.pyw.
Those limitations will be corrected in future releases.
* Currently the symbols are purely decorative, meaning there isn't any difference between them.
* Ethernet links are drawn whether you choose a serial or Ethernet interface.
* Provide a way to do get a IDLE PC directly from GNS-3 and include/reuse an IDLE PC database.
* Use the ghost file and sparsemen features
* Option to suspend and resume IOS.
* Enable the use of iomem
* Use virtual ATM, Frame-Relay, Ethernet switches and the NIO bridge module provided by Dynamips
* Language support.
* Configuration of network modules dynamically when linking to other nodes.
* Users can change hostnames
* NET files import and export
* Connections to real NICs
* Include a Close option and a New option on the File menu
* Provide a way to select multiple devices to configure at the same time in Node Configuration. Right now, you have to configure each router separately.
* Do a slow 'start all IOS'
* Use the fast clock divisor of Dynamips.
* Add more 'Cisco-like' SVG symbols.
* How about a telnet all button?
* On Windows, all telnet windows have the same window title bar "Telnet localhost"
* How can we get the status of an interface from the IOS?
Open a new ticket on the trac (development tab on ). Please be as explicit as you can. Try to remember what was you last action and join the exception.log file if it exits.
- Qt >= 4.2
- Python >= 2.4
- Sip >= 4.5
- PyQt >= 4.1
1.下载 (~22 MB)
这个程序将安装多个程序 GNS-3和Dynamips根据
- WinPCAP 4.0
- Dynamips 0.2.7
- Python 2.5.1
- PyQt 4.2
- MinGW dll and Qt 4.3 dlls.
2.运行 pyqt-gns3-setup.exe 按提示操作,最后将会提示你重启计算机.
3.双击gns3-config.pyw 配置这个集成的管理程序(如果你自己想在系统管理程序模式启用DYNAMIPS,这个可选)
MacOS X用户:
1.在 下载基于Macintosh OS X的python 2.5.1并安装它.
http://trolltech.com/developer/downloads/qt/mac 下载qt-mac-opensource-4.3.0并安装.
*做一个慢的"start all IOS"
*在Windows上,所有的telnet窗口有相当的窗口标题栏"telnet localhost"