分类: Mysql/postgreSQL
2012-12-24 10:34:42
int Query(const char* sql, int len, vector< vector
if (0!=mysql_real_query(&m_client, sql, len))
m_ErrorCode = (int)mysql_errno(&m_client);
ERR_LOG("%s", mysql_error(&m_client));
return -1;
MYSQL_RES* result = mysql_store_result(&m_client);
if (NULL==result)
m_ErrorCode = (int)mysql_errno(&m_client);
ERR_LOG("%s", mysql_error(&m_client));
return -2;
unsigned int i;
unsigned int num_fields = mysql_num_fields(result);
int row_count = 0;
while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result)))
unsigned long* lengths = mysql_fetch_lengths(result);
for(i = 0; i { row_data.push_back(string(row[i], (int)lengths[i])); } out.push_back(row_data); } mysql_free_result(result); return row_count; } MYSQL_ROW的定义为: typedef char **MYSQL_ROW; /* return data as array of strings */ 可见,执行函数后,所有数据都已经存在于本地的内存中了。 假设用这样的方法读取LONGBLOB中2G的字段,则一定要2G数据全部读到本地内存后才返回,或者在内存不足的时候抛出out of memory的错误。 mysql中对LONGBLOB字段实现流式的读写,必须要使用Prepared Statement系列的函数。 实现流式读写的关键函数是: my_bool mysql_stmt_send_long_data(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, unsigned int parameter_number, const char *data, unsigned long length) 多次调用,每次写入一块数据 int mysql_stmt_fetch_column(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, MYSQL_BIND *bind, unsigned int column, unsigned long offset) 多次调用,每次从结果集的某个字段里读出一块数据 下面是分段写入和读取的例子: //---------test_write_longblob_3.cpp------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #define ERR_LOG(format, ...) printf("%s %d:" format "\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define MYSQL_SET_BIND(bind_, type_, buffer_, is_null_, len_) \ { \ bind_.buffer_type = type_; \ bind_.buffer = buffer_; \ bind_.is_null = is_null_; \ bind_.length = len_; \ } /* 测试数据库 create table test_longbolb(v longblob); */ void test_write(MYSQL& client) { MYSQL_STMT* stmt = mysql_stmt_init(&client); assert(NULL!=stmt); const char* sql = "insert into test_longbolb (v) values(?)"; int sql_len = strlen(sql); int ret = mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, sql, sql_len); assert(0==ret); ERR_LOG("param count:%d", (int)mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt)); char null_flag = 0; MYSQL_BIND param = {0}; MYSQL_SET_BIND(param, MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB, NULL, &null_flag, NULL); ret = mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, ¶m); assert(0==ret); // for (int i=0; i<10; ++i) { char buf[10]; int buf_len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d\n", i); char ret1 = mysql_stmt_send_long_data(stmt, 0, buf, buf_len); if (ret1!=0) { ERR_LOG("code=%d, msg=%s", (int)mysql_errno(&client), mysql_error(&client)); return; } } // ret = mysql_stmt_execute(stmt); assert(0==ret); mysql_stmt_close(stmt); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc<6) { printf("usage:%s return 1; } MYSQL client; mysql_init(&client); if (NULL==mysql_real_connect(&client, argv[1], //host, argv[3], //user, argv[4], //pass, argv[5], //db, atoi(argv[2]), //port, NULL, 0)) { ERR_LOG("code=%d, msg=%s", (int)mysql_errno(&client), mysql_error(&client)); return 1; } test_write(client); ERR_LOG("OK"); return 1; } /* g++ -o test_write_longblob_3.o -c test_write_longblob_3.cpp -g -Wall -Werror g++ -o test_write_longblob_3 test_write_longblob_3.o -lmysqlclient -static -pthread ./test_write_longblob_3 3306 root test123 test */ //---------end test_write_longblob_3.cpp--------------------------------------- 下面是读取的例子: //---------test_read_longblob_3.cpp-------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #define ERR_LOG(format, ...) printf("%s %d:" format "\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__) /* 测试数据库 create table test_longbolb(v longblob); */ void test_write(MYSQL& client) { MYSQL_STMT* stmt = mysql_stmt_init(&client); assert(NULL!=stmt); const char* sql = "select v from test_longbolb"; int sql_len = strlen(sql); int ret = mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, sql, sql_len); assert(0==ret); ERR_LOG("param count:%d", (int)mysql_stmt_param_count(stmt)); // MYSQL_BIND result = {0}; unsigned long total_length = 0; result.buffer_type = MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB; result.length = &total_length; ret = mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, &result); assert(0==ret); ret = mysql_stmt_execute(stmt); assert(0==ret); ret = mysql_stmt_store_result(stmt); assert(0==ret); //while (mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt)!=0) for (;;) { ret = mysql_stmt_fetch(stmt); if (ret!=0 && ret!=MYSQL_DATA_TRUNCATED) breal; int start = 0; char buf[1024] = {0}; printf("total_length=%lu\n", total_length); while (start<(int)total_length) { result.buffer = (buf+start); result.buffer_length = 3; //每次读这么长 ret = mysql_stmt_fetch_column(stmt, &result, 0, start); if (ret!=0) { ERR_LOG("code=%d, msg=%s", (int)mysql_errno(&client), mysql_error(&client)); return; } start += result.buffer_length; } printf("%.*s\n", total_length, buf); } mysql_stmt_close(stmt); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc<6) { printf("usage:%s return 1; } MYSQL client; mysql_init(&client); if (NULL==mysql_real_connect(&client, argv[1], //host, argv[3], //user, argv[4], //pass, argv[5], //db, atoi(argv[2]), //port, NULL, 0)) { ERR_LOG("code=%d, msg=%s", (int)mysql_errno(&client), mysql_error(&client)); return 1; } test_write(client); ERR_LOG("OK"); return 1; } /* g++ -o test_read_longblob_3.o -c test_read_longblob_3.cpp -g -Wall -Werror g++ -o test_read_longblob_3 test_read_longblob_3.o -lmysqlclient -static -pthread ./test_read_longblob_3 3306 root test123 test */ //---------end test_read_longblob_3.cpp----------------------------------------