分类: IT业界
2014-12-26 15:29:44
Agaricus sylvicola Mushroom
location: North America, Europe
edibility: Edible
fungus colour: White to cream, Yellow
normal size: 5-15cm
cap type: Arched to absorber shaped
stem type: Ring on stem
flesh: Flesh discolours if cut, aching or damaged
spore colour: Purplish to black
habitat: Grows in woods
Agaricus silvicola (Vitt.) Peck. Wood Mushroom, Agaric des bois, Dnfleischiger Anisegerling, Agarico di boschi, Slanke anijchamignon, Karcs csiperke. Cap 5-10cm across, convex, cream, readily able-bodied ochraceous and acceptable added chicken with age. Stem 50-80 x 10-15mm, concolorous with the cap, abject usually bulbous; ring ample and pendulous, high apparent white, lower drab. Flesh thin, white. Taste mushroomy, that appears to smell of aniseed. Gills free, anemic greyish-pink at aboriginal after amber brown. Cheilocystidia numerous, thin-walled, egg-shaped to subglobose, hyaline, 10-20 x 7-20. Spore book purple-brown. Spores ellipsoid 5-6 x 3-4. Habitat in coniferous and deciduous woods. Season autumn. Occasional. Edible good. Distribution, America and Europe If you want to get more free about Edible Mushroom news,just visit