分类: C/C++
2015-01-08 21:47:40
int pthread_once(pthread_once_t *once_control,void(*init_routine)(void));
once_control 控制变量
init_routine 初始化函数
#define _MULTI_THREADED #include#include #define NUMTHREADS 3 int number = 0; int okStatus = 777; pthread_once_t onceControl = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
static void checkResults(char *string, int rc) { if (rc) { printf("Error on : %s, rc=%d", string, rc); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return; }void initRoutine(void){ printf("In the initRoutine\n"); number++;}void *threadfunc(void *parm){ printf("Inside secondary thread\n"); pthread_once(&onceControl, initRoutine); return NULL;}int main(int argc, char **argv){ pthread_t thread[NUMTHREADS]; int rc=0; int i=NUMTHREADS; void *status; printf("Enter Testcase - %s\n", argv[0]); for (i=0; i < NUMTHREADS; ++i) { printf("Create thread %d\n", i); rc = pthread_create(&thread[i], NULL, threadfunc, NULL); checkResults("pthread_create()\n", rc); } for (i=0; i < NUMTHREADS; ++i) { printf("Wait for thread %d\n", i); rc = pthread_join(thread[i], &status); checkResults("pthread_join()\n", rc); if ((int)status != okStatus) { printf("Secondary thread failed\n"); exit(1); } } if (number != 1) { printf("An incorrect number of 1 one-time init routine was called!\n"); exit(1); } printf("One-time init routine called exactly once\n"); printf("Main completed\n"); return 0;}
编译 gcc -o pthread_once -lpthread pthread_once.c
运行结果:Enter Testcase - ./pthread_once Create thread 0 Create thread 1 Create thread 2 Wait for thread 0 Inside secondary thread In the initRoutine Inside secondary thread Secondary thread failed