分类: C/C++
2012-03-15 11:26:17
OVERLAPPED I/O是WIN32的一项技术, 你可以要求操作系统为你传送数据,并且在传送完毕时通知你。这项技术使你的程序在I/O进行过程中仍然能够继续处理事务。事实上,操作系统内部正是以线程来I/O完成OVERLAPPED I/O。你可以获得线程的所有利益,而不需付出什么痛苦的代价。也就是说,OVERLAPPED主要是设置异步I/O操作,异步I/O操作是指应用程序可以在后台读或者写数据,而在前台做其他事情。
Allen denver在他的《Serial Communication in Win32》中是这样解释OVERLAPPED I/O的:我个人认为还是比较准确的
Overlapped I/O is not as straightforward as nonoverlapped I/O, but allows more flexibility and efficiency. A port open for overlapped operations allows multiple threads to do I/O operations at the same time and perform other work while the operations are pending. Furthermore, the behavior of overlapped operations allows a single thread to issue many different requests and do work in the background while the operations are pending.