安装 OpenBSD5.1 的准备工作
=== OpenBSD5.1 系统配套歌曲 ===
=== OpenBSD5.1 系统配套歌曲 ===
2> 请开始安装 OpenBSD5.1
切换到root,向dmesg@openbsd.org发送机器信息为社区的发展尽一份心力(PS: 不要老发虚拟机信息)!
# visudo (如图中所示,允许wheel组使用sudo ^_^)
测试 sudo是否配置成功:
3> 简单认识OpenBSD5.1
- # cat /etc/myname (查看主机名)
- obsd5.kotzu.org
- # cat /etc/hostname.em0 (查看网卡配置)
- dhcp
- # cat /etc/hostname.em0 (静态地址会是这样)
- NONE NONE (依次是:inet ipaddress netmask broadcastaddress options)
- # cat /etc/mygate (配置网关地址)
- # cat /etc/resolv.conf (配置DNS)
- search kotzu.org
- nameserver
- nameserver
- lookup file bind
4> 关于boot菜单 /etc/boot.conf
- boot> set timeout 60 (boot delay, 5 seconds by default)
- boot> boot -s (To boot into single-user mode)
- #/bin/sh /etc/netstart (Start the network while in single-user mode)
- boot> boot -s /bsd.old (To boot an old kernel in single-user mode)
- # man boot
- /usr/mdec/biosboot first stage bootstrap
- /usr/mdec/pxeboot PXE bootstrap
- /boot system bootstrap
- /etc/boot.conf system bootstrap's startup file
- /bsd kernel image
- /bsd.sp kernel image for single processor machines
- /bsd.mp kernel image for multiprocessor machines
- /bsd.rd kernel image for installation/recovery
- Boot the default kernel:
- boot> boot
- Remove the 5 second pause at boot-time permanently, causing boot to load
- the kernel immediately without prompting:
- # echo "boot" > /etc/boot.conf
- Use serial console. A null modem cable should connect the specified
- serial port to a terminal. Useful for debugging.
- boot> set tty com0
- Invoke the serial console at every boot:
- # echo "set tty com0" > /etc/boot.conf
5> 使用本地化语言(简体中文)
- $ ls /usr/share/locale/zh_
- zh_CN.GB18030/ zh_CN.eucCN/ zh_TW.Big5/ zh_TW.eucTW/
- zh_CN.UTF-8/ zh_TW.BIG5/ zh_TW.UTF-8/
- $ vim ~/.profile
- export LANG="zh_CN.UTF-8"
- export LC_CTYPE="zh_CN.UTF-8" (字符类型)
- export LC_COLLATE="zh_CN.UTF-8" (字符对比规则)
- export LC_TIME="zh_CN.UTF-8" (时间类型)
- export LC_NUMERIC="zh_CN.UTF-8" (数字类型)
- export LC_MONETARY="zh_CN.UTF-8" (货币类型)
- export LC_MESSAGES="zh_CN.UTF-8" (消息/提示类型)
- export LC_ALL="zh_CN.UTF-8"
- :wq
- $ exit (注销生效)
- 恭喜阁下终于看到母语了^_^
- --------------------------------------------4.8之前的版本可能要用zh_CN.eucCN
- # cd /usr/src/share/locale/ctype
- # vim Makefile
- LOCALES += zh_CN.eucCN
- LOCALESRC_zh_CN.eucCN = zh_CN.eucCN
- LOCALES += zh_CN.UTF-8
- :wq
- # cd ..
- # make && make install && make clean
About eucCN:
- $ vi ~/.profile
- export PKG_PATH=ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/5.1/packages/`machine -a`/
- # export PKG_PATH=ftp://ftp.jaist.ac.jp/pub/OpenBSD/5.1/packages/`machine -a`/
- export FETCH_PACKAGES=yes
- :wq
- $ exit (注销生效)
- $ sudo pkg_add -v axel (安装axel)
- axel-2.4 : libiconv-1.14: ok
- axel-2.4 : gettext-0.18.1p1: ok
- axel-2.4 : ok
- $ axel -V
- Axel version 2.4 (OpenBSD)
- Copyright 2001-2002 Wilmer van der Gaast.
- $ sudo pkg_add -v wget (安装wget)
- wget-1.13.4 : libidn-1.22: ok
- wget-1.13.4 : ok
- $ wget -V
- GNU Wget 1.13.4 built on openbsd5.1.
- ...
- ...
PORTS & SRC: - # axel -a 'ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/5.1/src.tar.gz' (下载src)
- # axel -a 'ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/5.1/sys.tar.gz' (下载sys)
- # axel -a 'ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/5.1/ports.tar.gz' (下载ports)
- # axel -a 'ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/5.1/xenocara.tar.gz' (里面包含显卡驱动)
- # cd /usr/src
- # tar -zxvpf ~/src.tar.gz (Installing the Source Code)
- # tar -zxvpf ~/sys.tar.gz (Installing the Sys Code)
- # cd /usr
- # tar -zxvpf ~/ports.tar.gz (Installing the Ports Collection)
- # tar -zxvpf ~/xenocara.tar.gz (Installing the Drivers Collection)
Customizing Download Sources:- # cd /usr/ports/infrastructure/templates
- # cp network.conf.template ../db/network.conf
- # vi ../db/network.conf (其实默认的就不错,哥们你看着办吧^_^)
- # vim /etc/mk.conf
- WRKOBJDIR=/usr/obj/ports
- DISTDIR=/usr/distfiles
- PACKAGE_REPOSITORY=/usr/packages
- FETCH_CMD=/usr/local/bin/axel -a -S4
- ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/distfiles/${DIST_SUBDIR}/\
- ftp://ftp.jaist.ac.jp/pub/OpenBSD/distfiles/${DIST_SUBDIR}/
- :wq
- #
- The working directory of ports. This is controlled by the WRKOBJDIR variable, which specifies the directory which will contain the working directories.
- The directory containing distribution files. This is controlled by the DISTDIR variable.
- The directory containing newly built binary packages. This is controlled by the PACKAGE_REPOSITORY variable.
ports安装 VIM:
- # cd /usr/ports
- # make print-index
- # grep -i ^vim INDEX (Finding Software by Name)
- # make search key=vim (Finding by Keyword)
- ...
- ...
- Port: vim-7.3.154p2-no_x11
- Path: editors/vim,-main,no_x11
- Info: vi clone, many additional features
- Maint: Chris Kuethe
- Index: editors
- L-deps: STEM->=0.10.38:devel/gettext converters/libiconv
- B-deps: STEM->=0.10.38:devel/gettext STEM->=1.21:textproc/groff archivers/bzip2
- R-deps: STEM->=0.10.38:devel/gettext
- Archs: any
- ...
- ...
- (L-deps->:libraries used by this port B-deps->:lists software that is required to build this port
- R-deps->:non-library software that must be present to actually run this port)
- # cd editors/vim && make install clean
package安装 VIM:
- # man pkg_add
- pkg_add can be used to install new packages, to replace existing packages with other flavors
- (option -r) or to update packages to newer versions (option -u) [PS:这个跟FreeBSD可不同哦!]
- # vi ~/.profile (注意这里是root,也需要配置!)
- export PKG_PATH=ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/5.1/packages/`machine -a`/
- export FETCH_PACKAGES=yes
- :wq
- # exit (注销生效)
- # pkg_add -v vim (安装VIM)
- Ambiguous: vim could be vim-7.3.154p2-no_x11 vim-7.3.154p2-gtk2
- (很人性化吧,还有提示的哟!你会发现ports里面抓,和现在都有这么多不同的vim?
- OpenBSD称之为Flavors! 其实就是不同的Option罢了^_^, 闲言少叙,书归正转!)
- # pkg_add -v vim-7.3.154p2-no_x11
- vim-7.3.154p2-no_x11: ok
- # vim --version
- VIM - Vi IMproved 7.3 (2010 Aug 15, compiled Feb 13 2012 07:40:51)
- Included patches: 1-8, 11-20, 22-26, 28-34, 38-50, 52-62, 65-78, 80-84, 86, 88-94
- ...
- ...
- # vim ~/.vimrc
- set nomodeline (这个一定要写,目前有这个安全漏洞)
- set nocp
- set hls is
- set ic
- set autoindent
- set backspace=2
- syntax on
- "set bg=dark (更改背景色调/默认为light, " 为注释!)
- :wq (详情:vimtutor)
- # cp .vimrc ~ko/.vimrc (给普通用户也送一份)
- # chown -R ko:ko ~ko/ (更改为合适的权限)
Customizing Alias:
- $ vim ~/.profile
- #
- # sh/ksh initialization
- set autolist
- alias cl='clear'
- alias df='df -h'
- alias la='ls -la'
- alias lh='ls -lh'
- alias lf='ls -FA'
- alias ll='ls -l'
- :wq
- $ exit (注销生效)
8> 安装 Xfce4
- # pkg_add -v xfce4-session xfce-utils xfdesktop xfconf xfce4-mixer xfce4-settings xfce4-panel xfce4-terminal xfce4-places xfwm4 xfwm4-themes gamin
- # cat >>/etc/rc.conf.local<
- rc_scripts="dbus_daemon"
- $ echo >~/.xinitrc startxfce4
- $ startx
- # echo >>/etc/rc.conf.local xdm_flags=""
- # exit
- $ echo >~/.xsession startxfce4 (如果使用xdm)
- # reboot
- OR: use gdm as login manager instead of xdm
- # pkg_add -v gdm
- # vim /etc/rc.conf.local
- xdm_flags=NO
- rc_scripts="dbus_daemon gdm"
- aucat_flags="" (enable the aucat sound daemon at boot time)
- :wq
- # aucat -l
9> 常用 APP
Chromium/Thunderbird/FileZilla/Empathy(IM Client)/Xchat(IRC Only)/Mplayer/VLC/Audacious
- # pkg_add -v chromium (chrome的表哥)
- There are some things to do for Chromium to be a bit functional :
- # echo >>/etc/sysctl.conf kern.shminfo.shmall=32768
- # vim /etc/login.conf
- in the default section:
- add
- penfiles-max=400:\ (重启生效)
- # vim /usr/local/share/application/chromium.desktop
- [Desktop Entry]
- Version=1.0
- Type=Application
- Categories=Application;Network
- Name=Chromium
- Comment=Chromium Web browser
- Icon=/usr/local/chrome/product_logo_48.png
- Exec=chrome %u
- Path=
- Terminal=false
- StartupNotify=false
- :wq
- ---------------------------------
- 鸟儿:
- 一些我的小碎碎念;
- 浏览器这块,如果装firefox的话,要先把locale设置好,不然firefox启动异常,有进程,无界面。
- chromium 的话,root用户会报错,必须用下面的命令启动:
- chromium --user-data-dir=/yourpath
- 如果你有4核或者主频高的cpu可以在/etc/rc.conf.local(没有建立一个)加入:
- apmd="-C" ## Or "-A"
- 深度节能或者让OpenBSD自己管理。man apmd 讲的已经很好懂了。
- ---------------------------------
- # pkg_add -v mozilla-thunderbird (Email Client)
- # pkg_add -v filezilla (FTP Client)
- # pkg_add -v empathy (IM Client)
- # pkg_add -v xchat (IRC Only)
- # pkg_add -v mplayer (建议安装)
- # pkg_add -v vlc (VLC media player)
- # pkg_add -v audacious-plugins (Audio Player)
- PS: To have sound output in Audacious, be sure to select “Sndio output plugin” in preferences/audio.
- # pkg_add -v mousepad (Text Editor)
- # pkg_add -v epdfview (PDF Viewer)
- # pkg_add -v gimp (Image Processing)
- # pkg_add -v ristretto (Image Displayer)
- # pkg_add -v thunar-archive (Archive Manager)
- # pkg_add -v galculator (Calculator)
- # pkg_add -v libreoffice-i18n-cn libreoffice-java (Openoffice的表弟)
- Add support for .rar archives rar/unrar
- # cd /usr/ports/archives/unrar && make install clean (没有binary)
InputMethod : Scim / fcitx
- # pkg_add -v scim-pinyin
- # wget ''
- # wget '' (带词库方便没有网络连接的机器!)
- 由于OpenBSD默认安装比较干净,所以来安装一下xz ^_^
- # pkg_add -v xz
- xz-5.0.3p1 : ok
- # xz -dk fcitx-4.2.3.tar.xz
- # tar -xvf fcitx-4.2.3.tar
- OR:
- # xzcat fcitx-4.2.3.tar.xz |tar -xvf -
- # more fcitx-4.2.3/INSTALL
- Basic Install
- ...
- ...
- # vim ~/.profile
- export XIM_PROGRAM=fcitx
- export XIM=fcitx
- export XMODIFIERS="@im=fcitx"
- # vim ~/.xinitrc
- exec fcitx & (注意放到第一位优先执行)
- # reboot
NOTE : the OpenBSD developers strongly suggest to use binary packages whenever possible.
10> TIPS
- # man afterboot
- # man intro
- # man 8 intro
- # man hier
- Manually update the files database so we can use the locate command to look for a file
- # /usr/libexec/locate.updatedb
- # locate
- List installed packages
- # pkg_info |more
- Search for packages in repository (provided by PKG_PATH)
- # pkg_info -Q
- Update all packages on the system
- # pkg_add -v -u
- # vim /etc/fstab
- :wq
- (FFS records the last time a file was accessed, meaning the last time it was executed or
- read by any means. These updates consume a small but measurable amount of time and disk performance.
- "noatime" is very useful the hard disk and the screen are the two most power-hungry devices on a laptop
- and if you can reduce the amount of time your laptop's hard drive spins you will extend battery life.)
- (Soft update, or "softdep," mounts organize and arrange disk writes so that the file system metadata
- on the disk remains consistent, and it comes close to giving the performance of an "async"
- mount with the reliability of a "sync" mount.)
11> Systrace
- One of the more exciting features in OpenBSD is systrace(1), a system call access manager.
- With systrace, a system administrator can say which system calls can be made by which programs,
- and how those calls can be made.
- Proper use of systrace can greatly reduce the risks inherent in running poorly written
- or exploitable programs.
12> Insecure Console (Single-user mode)
- When you boot FreeBSD in single-user mode, you get a root command
- prompt. This is fine for your laptop and works nicely for servers in your
- corporate datacenter, but what about machines in untrusted facilities?
- # man /etc/ttys
- /secure
- secure If on is also specified, allows users with a UID of 0 to log in
- on this line. If set for the console entry, then init(8) will
- start a single-user shell without asking for the superuser password.
- To make the console require a root login when booted into single-usermode,
- change the secure to insecure.
- # vim /etc/ttys
- #
- # $OpenBSD: ttys,v 1.2 2008/01/09 17:39:42 miod Exp $
- #
- # name getty type status comments
- #
- console "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600" vt220 off insecure
- :wq
- # reboot
- >boot -s
13> PF Basic Setup
14> Basic FreeBSD Setup
15> OpenBSD 下显示CPU 硬盘 主板温度 CPU风扇转速脚本
FROM: (wosl2001)- #!/bin/sh
- typeset -i10 HDDCUR
- typeset -i10 HDDMAX
- typeset -i10 HDDMIN
- typeset -i10 CPU
- typeset -i10 MainBOARD
- typeset -i10 FAN
- RAWTEMP=`atactl /dev/sd0c readattr | grep Temperature | cut -f 5`
- HDDCUR=`echo $RAWTEMP | sed -e 's/0x.\{10\}/0x/'`
- HDDMAX=`echo $RAWTEMP | sed -e 's/0x.\{2\}/0x/' | sed -e 's/.\{8\}$//'`
- HDDMIN=`echo $RAWTEMP | sed -e 's/0x.\{6\}/0x/' | sed -e 's/.\{4\}$//'`
- CPU=`sysctl hw.sensors.it0.temp0 | cut -d '=' -f2 | cut -c1-2 `
- MainBOARD=`sysctl hw.sensors.it0.temp1 | cut -d '=' -f2 | cut -c1-2 `
- FAN=`sysctl hw.sensors.it0.fan0 | cut -d '=' -f2 | cut -c1-4 `
- echo "Current HDD Temp $HDDCUR degC (Min/Max $HDDMIN/$HDDMAX)"
- echo "Current CPU Temp $CPU degC"
- echo "Current MainBOARD Temp $MainBOARD degC"
- echo "Current CPU FAN $FAN rpm"
16> pcidump /dmesg
17> Reserved for future use....
18> Reserved for future use....
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