void initClockmodes(void) { DISABLE_ALL_INTERRUPTS(); P1SEL &= ~0x01; INIT_GLED(); } void blinkLeds(void) { UINT16 timeOut = 0xffff; while(timeOut--); GLED ^=1; }
void main(void) { unsigned char i; initClockmodes(); while(1) { Set_Main_Clock_Source(RC); for(i=0;i<20;i++) { blinkLeds(); } Set_Main_Clock_Source(CRYSTAL); for(i=0;i<20;i++) { blinkLeds(); } } }
// Macro for setting the main clock oscillator source,
//turns off the clock source not used
//changing to XOSC will take approx 150 us
#define SET_MAIN_CLOCK_SOURCE(source) \ do { \ if(source) { \ CLKCON |= 0x40; \ while(!HIGH_FREQUENCY_RC_OSC_STABLE); \ if(TICKSPD == 0){ \ CLKCON |= 0x08; \ } \ SLEEP |= 0x04; \ } \ else { \ SLEEP &= ~0x04; \ while(!XOSC_STABLE); \ asm("NOP"); \ CLKCON &= ~0x47; \ SLEEP |= 0x04; \ } \ }while (0)
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