无论是建立WIN32 Application 还是WIN32 Console Applicate 都能正常运行。
下面是建立WIN32 Console project 的例子,如果还不行,把email留给我,我把我的project file 给你。
1.VC -> new WIN32 Console Application -> 选 "Hello,World" application
#include "stdafx.h"
extern "C"
__declspec(dllexport) int test1(void)
return 100;
extern "C"
__declspec(dllexport) int test2(void)
return 200;
typedef int (* FUNC_TYPE)(void);
int call_func(const char* name)
HMODULE hDLL = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
FUNC_TYPE my_func; // Function pointer
if (hDLL != NULL)
my_func = (FUNC_TYPE)GetProcAddress(hDLL,name);
if (!my_func)
// handle the error
return NULL;
// call the function
return my_func();
return NULL;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int i = call_func("test1");
printf("call test1: %d\n",i);
i = call_func("test2");
printf("call test2: %d\n",i);
return 0;
#define N 3
typedef void (*fun_t)(void);
void fun1(void)
puts("Function 1 is called");
void fun2(void)
puts("Function 2 is called");
void fun3(void)
puts("Function 3 is called");
int main(void)
int i;
fun_t fun[N];
char fnm[256];
char *fun_nm[N]={"fun1","fun2","fun3"};
fun[0] = fun1;
fun[1] = fun2;
fun[2] = fun3;
for(i=0;i {
if( !strcmp(fnm,fun_nm[i]) )/*函数名匹配*/
return 0;
Function 1 is called
#include "stdafx.h"
#ifdef C_EXTERN
extern "C"
__declspec(dllexport) int test1(void)
return 100;
extern "C"
__declspec(dllexport) int test2(void)
return 200;
typedef int (* FUNC_TYPE)(void);
int call_func(const char* name)
HMODULE hDLL = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
FUNC_TYPE my_func; // Function pointer
if (hDLL != NULL)
my_func = (FUNC_TYPE)GetProcAddress(hDLL,name);
if (!my_func)
// handle the error
return NULL;
// call the function
return my_func();
return NULL;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int i = call_func("test1");
printf("call test1: %d\n",i);
i = call_func("test2");
printf("call test2: %d\n",i);
return 0;
typedef double (*MyType)(double) ;
class CNewtonIterative
double x, x0, x01;
double (* f)(double); // 定义函数类型变量
double (* fp)(double);
CNewtonIterative(double (* _f)(double), double _x0, double _x01)
: f(_f), x0(_x0), x01(_x01) {};
~CNewtonIterative() {};
CNewtonIterative& setF(double (* _f)(double)) { f = _f; };
MyType getF() const { return f; };
double ft(double x)
return x * x - 2;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
CNewtonIterative cni(ft, 470, 475);
MyType p=cni.getF();
double x=p(10.0);
printf("Hello World! x=%f\n",x);
return 0;
using namespace std;
// 定义函数入口结构
class ClsTest{
// 定义了两个原型不同的函数
void foo1(int n, char* a[]) { cout << "foo1" << endl; }
int foo2(int n, char* a[]) { cout << "foo2:" << n << endl; return 0; }
typedef void (ClsTest::*CLS_FUN_PTR)(int, char*[]);
// 定义函数映射表
struct cls_fun_entry
const char* fun_name; // 函数名称
CLS_FUN_PTR fun_ptr; // 函数指针,实际上这里的数据类型也可以是整型
cls_fun_entry cls_fun_entry_table[] =
{ "foo1", (CLS_FUN_PTR)(&ClsTest::foo1) },
{ "foo2", (CLS_FUN_PTR)(&ClsTest::foo2) }
CLS_FUN_PTR get_cls_proc_address(const char* fun_name)
int n = sizeof(cls_fun_entry_table)/sizeof(cls_fun_entry_table[0]);
for(int i=0; i < sizeof(cls_fun_entry_table)/sizeof(cls_fun_entry_table[0]); i++)
if(strcmp(fun_name, cls_fun_entry_table[i].fun_name) == 0)
return cls_fun_entry_table[i].fun_ptr;
return NULL;
int main()
ClsTest ct;
CLS_FUN_PTR pfoo1 = (CLS_FUN_PTR)get_cls_proc_address("foo1"); // 获得函数入口地址,并转换成函数指针
if( pfoo1 ) (ct.*pfoo1)(0, 0); // 通过函数指针调用函数
//typedef int (ClsTest::*funPtr2)(int);
CLS_FUN_PTR pfoo2 = (CLS_FUN_PTR)get_cls_proc_address("foo2");
char * sa[5];
sa[0] = new char[128];
sa[2] = new char[128];
sa[0] = "asss";
if( pfoo2 ) (ct.*pfoo2)( 5, sa );
return 0;
typedef void (*FUN_PTR)(void);
struct fun_entry
const char* fun_name; // 函数名称
FUN_PTR fun_ptr; // 函数指针,实际上这里的数据类型也可以是整型
void foo1() { cout << "foo1" << endl; }
int foo2(int i) { cout << "foo2:" << i << endl; return 0; }
fun_entry fun_entry_table[] =
{ "foo1", (FUN_PTR)foo1 },
{ "foo2", (FUN_PTR)foo2 }
FUN_PTR get_proc_address(const char* fun_name)
int n = sizeof(fun_entry_table)/sizeof(fun_entry_table[0]);
for(int i=0; i < sizeof(fun_entry_table)/sizeof(fun_entry_table[0]); i++)
if(strcmp(fun_name, fun_entry_table[i].fun_name) == 0)
return fun_entry_table[i].fun_ptr;
return NULL;
int main2()
typedef void (*foo1_ptr)(void);
typedef int (*foo2_ptr)(int);
foo1_ptr pfoo1 = (foo1_ptr)get_proc_address("foo1"); // 获得函数入口地址,并转换成函数指针
if( pfoo1 ) pfoo1(); // 通过函数指针调用函数
foo2_ptr pfoo2 = (foo2_ptr)get_proc_address("foo2");
if( pfoo2 ) pfoo2( 100 );
return 0;
//class CA
// char lcFun(int a){ return a; }
//typedef char (CA::*PTRFUN)(int);
//void tmain()
// CA ca;
// PTRFUN pFun = (PTRFUN)(&CA::lcFun);
// char c = (ca.*pFun)(2);
class A
virtual ~A(){};
class B : public A
int Fb(int a){ return a*a;}
typedef int (A::*Myfunction)(int);
int main()
B* pB = new B;
Myfunction pf = (Myfunction)(&B::Fb);
int retValue = (pB->*pf)(3);
return 1;
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