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分类: 系统运维

2008-04-14 14:36:10

Visual SlickEdit


How to fix a problem


Almost all configurations of Visual SlickEdit are saved in the next directory.
%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\My Visual SlickEdit Config
(Ex. C:\Documents and Settings\\My Documents\My Visual SlickEdit Config)
is "User name" which is used by "Log On to Windows".

The procedures to use the default configuration is as follows.

  1. Exit Visual SlickEdit.
  2. Delete "My Visual SlickEdit Config" directory.
  3. Run Visual SlickEdit.

BTW, it is a bit difficult to modify manually the configuration saved in "My Visual SlickEdit Config" directory.

  1. From the Tools menu, select Options.
  2. Select Emulations. The emulations dialog box appears.
  3. Select GNU Emacs.
  4. Click OK.

# CUA: Common User Access

To bind foo command to C-a key:

  1. From the Tools main menu, select Options, then Key Bindings. The Bind Command to Key box appears.
  2. Choose foo command from the Command scroll down box.
  3. Click Add Key or Mouse Click.
  4. Press Ctrl key and A key to bound the command to.
  5. Click Bind.

  1. Bind emacs-select-char instead of codehelp-complete to C-SPC using examples from .

  1. Bind linewrap-rubout instead of gnu-help to C-h using examples from .

  1. Bind split-insert-line instead of wh to C-m using examples from .

  1. Bind quit instead of lowcase-selection to C-f4 using examples from .

  1. Bind next-buff-tab instead of next-window to C-tab using examples from .
  2. Bind prev-buff-tab instead of prev-buff-tab to C-S-tab using examples from .

  1. From the Tools menu, select Options, then Font. The Font Configuration box appears.
  2. From the Font scroll down box, select the desired font.

  1. From the Tools menu, select Options, then Color. The Color Settings box appears.
  2. Change style of Comment from Italic to Normal.
  3. Change style of Keyword, Preprocessor, Library Symbol, Function and Attribute from Bold to Normal.

  1. From the View menu, select Tab Chars.

  1. From the Tools menu, select Options, then General. Select the Search tab.
  2. Check Expand dialog to display the Find and Replace text boxes as expanded.

  1. From the Tools menu, select Options, then General. Select the Search tab.
  2. Check Selected text (if exists).

  1. From the View menu, select Line Numbers.

# I have no use for this because the current line number is shown in status bar.
# But it will be needed when you work with a big fan of line numbers.

  1. From the Tools menu, select Options, then File Extension Setup. Select the Indent tab.
  2. Uncheck Indent with tabs text box.

# I think that tab characters should be used for leading indent of lines.
# So I do NOT recommend this configuration.
# But this will be useful when you join the project which adopts this coding style.

  1. From the Tools menu, select Options, then File Extension Setup
  2. Click New button on Extention Options
  3. Input foo in Extentions edit box

How to fix a problem

When you try to run Visual SlickEdit, the next dialog box pops up infrequently.

|Visual SlickEdit                                                                                       [X]|
|   Run the vsupdatw program as shown below (Start, Run) to transfer serial number and license information.|
|                                                                                                          |
|   Usage:                                                                                                 |
|             vsupdatw old-exe-name new-exe-name                                                           |
|                                                                                                          |
|             old-exe-name       Name of original executable to take license info from.                    |
|             new-exe-name       Name of new executable to transfer license info to.                       |
|                                                                                                          |
|                                        [      OK       ]                                                 |
Of course, Visual SlickEdit does not run because you click OK and close it.
You can fix this problem by the following procedures.
  1. From Start menu, select Programs, then Visual SlickEdit.
  2. Select Set License. The Set License dialog box appears.
  3. Input Key code.
  4. Click OK.

In some cases, Project Toolbar (or other toolbar) is hidden. It was moved at out of range of your display in fact. You can put it in place by the following procedures.

  1. Right click an edge of a toolbar. The next pop up menu appears.
    |  Close             |
    |  Toolbars...       |
    | -Standard          |
    |  Tools             |
    |  Edit              |
    |  Selective Display |
    |  Tag Properties    |
    |  Slick-C Stack     |
    |  FTP Client        |
    | -Project           |
    | -Output            |
    |  HTML              |
    |  Tagging           |
    |  Current Context   |
    | -Buffer List       |
    |  Debug             |
    |  Breakpoints       |
  2. If Project is checked, select Project and right click the edge of the toolbar again.
  3. Confirm that Project on the pop up menu has no check and select Project. Visual SlickEdit window loses keyboard focus.
  4. Press Alt key and Space key. A familiar pop up menu appears.
    |[] Restore   |
    |   Move      |
    |   Size      |
    |__ Minimize  |
    |[] Maximize  |
  5. Select Move.
  6. Move Project Toolbar into the range of your display by cursor key.
  7. Attach to an edge of a window by dragging Project Toolbar if needed.
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