"在Janeway和Picard之前, 在Sisko, Spock和Kirk之前,还有第一组探索宇宙的船员,他们为后人铺平了道路。最后的边疆... 有了一个新的开始-Enterprise进取号."-- 摘自UPN(派拉蒙联合电视网)2001年夏季的宣传材料
星际旅行: 进取号时间设定在星际联邦成立几年以前,描写了Jonathan Archer舰长和进取号Enterprise (NX-01)的船员一起历险的故事。进取号是第一艘能以曲速5的速度航行的地球星舰, 使得它的船员们能和很多外太空的外星种族进行第一次接触。他们遇到了一些我们熟悉的种族如Tellarites和Andorians, 还有一个非常着名的叫Shran的Andorian人。这个系列在2154年行星联合成立时结束, 行星联合的建立引发了星际联邦(the United Federation of Planets,简写UFP)在2161年最终成立!!
Star Trek: Enterprise(星际旅行:进取号) 是Star Trek 星际旅行系列的第5部电视连续剧. 由Rick Berman 和 Brannon Braga创作, 2001年开播。设定在22世纪, 剧情随着 Enterprise进取号的航程而展开, 第一艘能达到曲速5的地球星舰。这部电视剧在很多地方打破了常规,它是唯一一部以正常的角色分派贯穿整部剧而且未作过任何更改的"星际旅行"系列电视剧,也是第一部以HDTV格式拍摄替代传统的4:3格式的"星际旅行"系列电视剧,也是第一个从整个系列的开始到结束全部采用电脑成像技术来表现飞船,也是唯一一部有带歌词的片头主题曲的"星际旅行"系列电视剧。这部电视剧原先的标题只有Enterprise进取号; "Star Trek"星际旅行是在第3季"Extinction"这一集才被加上去的。拍了四季以后, 这个系列被UPN 在2005年2月2日终止了, 最后一集在5月13日播放结束。自从the original series系列以后这也是首部被提前终止的"星际旅行"系列电视剧,也是第一个少于7季的系列, 但还有一点比TOS系列长一些,就是总算拍了98集。 网络上说进取号被终止的原因是因为收视率不高,第3季和第4季的集数都被减少了,更严重点说,很多爱好者认为整个系列并不连贯, 特别要归咎于它的黑暗风格, 而且在第3和第4季更加黑暗。
“UPN对『星际旅行:进取号』的演员、制作,以及全体的成绩感到非常骄傲,但不会再有剧集了,我们相信这出戏仍然是充满活力的,从影迷对书籍、影碟以及其它相关产品的需求就可以看得出来。我们很感谢影迷们长久对星际旅行系列相关的东西表现出热情,我们也希望他们能和我们一起期待未来这个系列的下一章。”“我们将合上Star Trek: Enterprise这一页并且继续前进...”
Launched in the year 2151, the starship Enterprise, NX-01 (the first of Earth's advanced NX Class warp five vessels) was first on temporary assignment. Though years of preparation still lay ahead, the ship was unexpectedly put into service by Earth Starfleet when a Klingon national crash landed on Earth, putting the entire planet at stake, should he not make it back to his people. Under the command of Jonathan Archer, son of the famed warp five scientist Henry Archer, the crew of Enterprise succeeded in their mission, but found themselves surrounded by deeper mysteries, warranting the extension of their assignment into a full blown mission of deep space exploration, taking with them a Vulcan science officer (or chaperone) named T'Pol.
Enterprise's first years were rocky; while the ship made contact with such species as the Suliban and the previously mentioned Klingons, such contact was not peaceful. In its first year alone, the ship's crew found themseves in armed conflict with more than a dozen species, and things only got worse. By its third year in space, an alien species known as the Xindi brutally attacked Earth, killing millions.
NX-01 was dispatched into a previously uncharted area of space known as the Delphic Expanse to stop the Xindi from completing their ultimate goal of destroying humanity. While the ship was successful, after nearly a year in the Expanse, the ship suffered severe damage and many losses.
In its fourth year, Enterprise found it serving a more diplomatic role in the service of Earth, easing relations between the Vulcans and the Andorians and the Andorians and the Tellarites. Such efforts were instrumental in pushing Earth toward joining a Coalition of Planets, a government that would eventually lead to the founding of The United Federation of Planets.
The Movies
The Original Series
Star Trek: The Motion Picture
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
The Next Generation
Star Trek: Generations
Star Trek: First Contact
Star Trek: Insurrection
Star Trek: Nemesis
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