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分类: C/C++

2012-07-18 14:03:13

C++ Standard Template Library
The C++ STL (Standard Template Library) is a generic collection of class templates and algorithms that allow programmers to easily implement standard data structures like queues, lists, and stacks.
The C++ STL provides programmers with the following constructs, grouped into three categories:
C++ Vectors 
C++ Lists 
C++ Double-Ended Queues 
C++ Stacks 
C++ Queues 
C++ Priority Queues 
C++ Maps 
C++ Multimaps 
C++ Sets 
C++ Multisets 

C++ Vectors

Vectors contain contiguous elements stored as an array. Accessing members of a vector or appending elements can be done in constant time, whereas locating a specific value or inserting elements into the vector takes linear time. 
Constructors methods to create vectors 
Operators assign and compare vectors 
assign() assign elements to the vector 
at() returns an element at a specific location 
back() returns the last element 
begin() returns an iterator to the first element 
capacity() the number of elements the vector can hold 
clear() removes all elements 
empty() true if the vector is empty 
end() returns an iterator to the last element 
erase() removes elements 
front() returns the first element 
get_allocator() returns the vector';s allocator 
insert() insert elements into the vector 
max_size() returns the maximum number of elements that the vector can hold 
pop_back() removes the last element 
push_back() adds an element to the end of the vector 
rbegin() returns a reverse iterator to the end of the vector 
rend() returns a reverse iterator to the beginning of the vector 
reserve() sets the minimum capacity of the vector 
resize() change the size of the vector 
size() returns the size of the vector 
swap() exchange two vectors 

C++ Bitsets give the programmer a set of bits as a data structure. Bitsets can be manipulated by various binary operators such as logical AND, OR, and so on. 
Constructors create new bitsets 
Operators compare and assign bitsets 
any() true if any bits are set 
count() how many bits are set 
flip() reverses the bitset 
none() true if no bits are set 
reset() clears bits 
set() sets bits 
size() number of bits that the bitset can hold 
test() state of a given bit 
to_string() string representation of the bitset 
to_ulong() integer representation of the bitset 

Double-ended queues are like vectors, except that they allow fast insertions and deletions at the beginning (as well as the end) of the container. 
Constructors create new deques 
Operators compare and assign deques 
assign() set the values of the deque 
at() returns a specific element 
back() returns the last element 
begin() returns an iterator to the first element 
clear() remove all elements 
empty() true if the deque is empty 
end() returns an iterator to the end of the queue 
erase() removes an element 
front() returns the first element 
get_allocator() returns the deque';s allocator 
insert() insert elements into the deque 
max_size() returns the maximum elements that the deque can hold 
pop_back() removes the last element 
pop_front() removes the first element 
push_back() add an element to the end of the deque 
push_front() add an element to the front of the deque 
rbegin() returns a reverse iterator to the end of the deque 
rend() returns a reverse iterator to the beginning of the deque 
resize() change the size of the deque 
size() return the number of elements in the deque 
swap() swap one deque with another 

Lists are sequences of elements stored in a linked list. Compared to vectors, they allow fast insertions and deletions, but slower random access. 
assign() assign a sequence to the list 
back() returns the last element 
begin() returns an iterator to the beginning 
clear() removes all elements 
empty() true if the list is empty 
end() returns an iterator to the end 
erase() erase an element 
front() returns the first element 
get_allocator() returns the list';s allocator 
insert() insert elements into the list 
max_size() returns the maximum number of elements the list can hold 
merge() merge two lists 
pop_back() removes the last element 
pop_front() removes the first element 
push_back() add an element to the end of the list 
push_front() add an element to the front of the list 
rbegin() returns a reverse iterator to the beginning of the list 
remove() removes elements from the list 
remove_if() removes elements conditionally 
rend() returns a reverse iterator to the start of the list 
resize() change the size of the list 
reverse() reverse the list 
size() the number the elements in the list 
sort() sorts the list 
splice() merge two lists 
swap() exchange two lists 
unique() removes duplicate elements 

The C++ Stack is a container adapter that gives the programmer the functionality of a stack -- specifically, a FILO (first-in, last-out) data structure. 
Operators compare and assign stacks 
empty() true if the stack is empty 
pop() removes the top element 
push() adds an element to the top 
size() returns the number of elements in the stack 
top() returns the top element of the stack  
The C++ Queue is a container adapter that gives the programmer a FIFO (first-in, first-out) data structure. 
back() returns the last element 
empty() true if the queue is empty 
front() returns the first element 
pop() removes the first element 
push() adds an element to the end of the queue 
size() returns the number of elements in the queue 

C++ Priority Queues are like queues, but the elements inside the the data structure are ordered by some predicate. 
empty() true if the priority queue is empty 
pop() removes the first element 
push() adds an element 
size() returns the number of elements in the priority queue 
top() returns the value of the element with highest priority 

C++ Maps are associative containers that contain key/value pairs. 
begin() returns an iterator to the beginning of the map 
clear() removes all elements 
count() returns the number of times an element occurs 
empty() true if the map is empty 
end() returns an iterator to the end of the map 
equal_range() returns iterators to specific items 
erase() removes an element 
find() finds an element 
get_allocator() returns the map';s allocator 
insert() inserts elements 
key_comp() returns the function that compares elements 
lower_bound() returns the first element greater than a certian value 
max_size() returns the maximum number of elements 
rbegin() returns a reverse iterator to the end of the map 
rend() returns a reverse iterator to the beginning of the map 
size() returns the number of elements in the map 
swap() swap two maps 
upper_bound() returns the first element greater than a certian value 
value_comp() returns the function that compares elements 

C++ Multimaps are like maps, but they allow duplicate keys. 
begin() returns an iterator to the first element 
clear() removes all elements 
count() number of times an element occurs 
empty() true if the multimap is empty 
end() returns an iterator to the last element 
equal_range() returns iterators to first and last occurances of elements 
erase() removes elements 
find() returns an iterator to an element 
get_allocator() returns the multimap';s allocator 
insert() inserts elements 
key_comp() returns the function that compares keys 
lower_bound() returns an iterator to the first element greater than a certian value 
max_size() the maximum number of elements the multimap can hold 
rbegin() returns a reverse iterator to the end of the multimap 
rend() returns a reverse iterator to the beginning of the multimap 
size() the number of elements in the multimap 
swap() swaps two multimaps 
upper_bound() returns an iterator to the first element greater than a certian value 
value_comp() returns the function that compares elements 

The C++ Set is an associative container that contains an ordered set of objects. 
begin() returns an iterator to the first element 
clear() removes all elements 
count() returns the number of elements 
empty() true if the set is empty 
end() returns an iterator to the last element 
equal_range() returns iterators to the first and last elements that match a certain key 
erase() removes elements 
find() finds a given element 
get_allocator() returns the set';s allocator 
insert() inserts elements into the set 
lower_bound() returns an iterator to the first element greater than a certain value 
key_comp() returns the function that compares keys 
max_size() the maximum number of elements that the set can hold 
rbegin() returns a reverse iterator to the end of the set 
rend() returns a reverse iterator to the beginning of the set 
size() the number of elements in the set 
swap() exchanges two sets 
upper_bound() returns an iterator to the first element greater than a certain value 
value_comp() returns the function that compares values 

C++ Multisets are like sets, but they allow duplicate objects. 
begin() returns an iterator to the first element 
clear() removes all elements 
count() returns the number of elements 
empty() true if the multiset is empty 
end() returns an iterator to the last element 
equal_range() returns iterators to the first and last elements matching a specific key 
erase() removes elements 
find() returns an iterator to specific elements 
get_allocator() returns the multiset';s allocator 
insert() inserts elements into the multiset 
key_comp() returns the function that compares elements 
lower_bound() returns an iterator to the first element greater than a certian value 
max_size() returns the maximum number of elements 
rbegin() returns a reverse iterator to the end of the multiset 
rend() returns a reverse iterator to the beginning of the multiset 
size() number of elements in the multiset 
swap() swaps two multisets 
upper_bound() returns an iterator to the first element greater than a certain value 
value_comp() returns the function that compares elements 
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