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分类: Java

2008-09-20 23:43:37




First of all, you will need to have a running Eclipse IDE v3.2+.

Nb: Unfortunately, because of a bug, Alveole Studio Eclipse plugin v0.1.0 does not work properly on Eclipse v3.2. You will need at least Eclipse 3.3. For Eclipse 3.4 Ganymede, you will need plugin version 0.2.3+.

Depending upon which distro you use, you will need to add the following plugins:

  • For eclipse-java-europa-winter (Eclipse 3.3 IDE for Java Developers):
    • WTP / Web Standard Tools WST Project,
    • WTP / J2ee Standard Tools (JST) Project,
    • EMF SDK / Eclipse Modelling Framework Codegen (org.eclipse.emf.codegen)
  • For eclipse-jee-europa-* (Eclipse 3.3 IDE for Java EE Developers): All requirements are already included (just need to install Alveole Studio MVC Web Project).
  • For eclipse-SDK-* (Eclipse Classic 3.3):
    • Web And J2EE Dev / Web Standard Tools (WST)
    • Models And Model Dev / XML Schema Infoset Model XSD (=WST dependency)
    • Graphical Editor And Fwk / Graphical Editing Framework (=WST dependency)
    • Enabling features / Eclipse Modelling Framework (EMF) * (=WST dependency)
    • Enabling features / XSD Schema Infoset Model (=WST dependency)
    • Web And J2EE Dev / J2ee Standard Tools (JST) Project,
    • Models And Model Dev / Eclipe Modelling Framework Runtime (EMF) (=JST dependency)

Installing with update site

This is the simplest way to install this plugin.

Update site URL is

There are two methods to use update-site. The simplest one, is to use the online update site. The alternative to using this update-site is to download the complete update-site archive.

Configuring Alveole Studio MVC Web Project Update Site

Then open your eclipse (with a user having sufficient privileges to update eclipse). Open Help/Software updates/Find and Install...

Opening install dialog.

Then choose "install new features":

Then add a "New remote site":

For site name, enter somthing like "Alveole Studio MVC Web Project Plugin ", and for site URL enter "".

After this step, continue to

Note: if latest version ov MVC Web Project does not appear in site update, you will need to run "eclipse -clean" and to restart installation.

Using an update-site archive

Note: this method is deprecated. We currently do not build static update sites anymore. Please use the online update site. If you need an update site to deploy plugin on a wide range of workstations, please - we may help you to install your own local update-site.

Select the newly added site and start installation (click finish):

Select Alveole Studio plugin:

Click next and accept license terms:

Select target directory (leave default):

Click "install all":

And restart eclipse:

Congratulations ! You are ready to play with Alveole Studio plugin !

Installing manually

If for any reason you want to install plugin manually, go to and download archive file "mvcwebproject-0.2.2.jar".

Note that there are two files available for download:

  • mvcwebproject-0.2.2.jar, is the plugin for manual installation - download this ,
  • is the update site archive for automatic installation.

Drop mvcwebproject-0.2.2.jar inside your plugins directory, and start:

  eclipse -clean

This should install the plugin - but not its dependencies - so it may not work. Note that this method does not resolve plugin dependencies. Prefer using the automatic installation mode.

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