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2009-10-08 13:14:33

How to Use the ADV202.pdf

SAV - -Start of Active Video
EAV -- End of Active Video

When the ADV202 is in Decode mode, a typical application is having
the compressed JPEG2000 video input on the HDATA bus by a Host
processer and the VDATA bus drives a video encoder. This video
encoder (i.e. ADV7301A) converts the digital video back into an analog

The ADV202 uses big endian word alignment for 16 and 32-bit transfers.
All data is left justified. Meaning, in a 32 bit system, bit 31 is the most sig-
nificant bit.

Since no timing codes or sync signals are associated with the
input data on the host interface, dimension registers and internal counters
are used and must be programmed to indicate start and end of frame.

HOST Bus Configuration
  To provide maximum flexibility, the Host interface provides several con-
  figurations to meet specific system requirements. The default bus mode
  uses the same HDATA pins to read and write control/status and/or data to
  and from the ADV202.
  The ADV202 can support 16 or 32-bit control transfers and 8/16/32-bit
  data transfers. The size of the control/status and data buses can be
  selected independently by writing to the direct and indirect registers
  that configure bus size. This allows a 16-bit micro controller to config-
  ure and control the ADV202 while still providing 32-bit data transfers
  to an ASIC or external memory system.

Direct and indirect registers and internal memory are used to program the
ADV202 as well as receive or send compressed video data.

External DMA Interface
  The External DMA Interface is provided to enable high-bandwidth data
  I/O between an external DMA controller and the ADV202 data FIFOs.
  There are two independent DMA channels which can each be assigned to
  any one of the data stream FIFOs [Pixel/Code/Attribute].
  The controller supports asynchronous DMA using a DREQ/DACK
  (Data-Request/Data-Acknowledge) protocol in either single or burst access
  modes. Additional functionality is provided by Fly-By mode and Dedi-
  cated Chip Select (DCS) modes.

A single ADV202 can be in either Encode or Decode mode depending
on what firmware the user has loaded into the device. An ADV202 can
not change from Encode mode to Decode mode unless new firmware is
loaded into the chip and the chip has gone through a reset and configu-
ration process again.

Decode - multichip master/slave application
  In a master/slave configuration it is expected that the master HVF out-
  puts are connected to the slave HVF inputs and that each SCOMM[5]
  pin is connected to the same GPIO on the host.
  In a slave/slave configuration the common HVF for both ADV202s is
  generated by an external host sync and each SCOMM[5] is connected
  to the same GPIO output on the host.
  SWIRQ1, Software Interrupt 1 in the EIRQIE register must be
  unmasked on both devices to enable multi-chip mode in order to syn-
  chronize video data at the VDATA outputs.

Figure 3-2. Decode - Master/Slave - Multi-chip application

HIPI (Host Interface Pixel Interface) Application

This section provides a functional description of the direct and indirect
registers of the ADV202.
    • There are 16 direct registers with a direct address range from
       0x0 to 0xF. The registers are accessed using the ADDR [3..0]
       pins for address and the HDATA bus for data. These registers
       are 16 or 32 bits wide and aligned on word (4-byte) boundaries.
       See Table 4-1, “Direct Register Memory Map,” on page 4-4
    • The Indirect register address range is from indirect addresses
       0xFFFF0400 to 0xFFFF14FC. These registers are 16 bits wide
       and aligned on word (4-byte) boundaries. See Table 4-5, “Inter-
       nal Hardware Registers,” on page 4-24. Indirect address and data
       registers can be accessed by properly setting the IADDR and
       IDATA direct registers.
    • The indirect memory locations are used for the storage of the
       firmware and firmware parameters. The 32KB encode or decode
       firmware is stored at starting address 0x00050000. The firmware
       parameters are stored at starting address 0x00057F00. These
       memory locations are 32 bits wide and aligned on 4-byte bound-aries.      
       Indirect memory address and data registers can be
       accessed by properly setting the IADDR and IDATA direct registers.

Figure 4-2. Indirect Registers and Firmware memory map

Table 4-1. Direct Register Memory Map
 ADDRESS   NAME      DESCRIPTION                            R/W LENGTH
 0x00      PIXEL     Pixel FIFO Access Register             R/W [31..0]
 0x01      CODE      Compressed Code Stream Access Register R/W [31..0]
 0x02      ATTR      Attribute FIFO Access Register         R/W [31..0]
 0x03      Reserved  Reserved                               R/W [31..0]
 0x04      Reserved  Reserved                               R/W [31..0]
 0x05      EIRQIE    External Interrupt Enabled             R/W [15..0]
 0x06      EIRQFLG   External interrupt Flags               R/W [15..0]
 0x07      SWFLAG    Software Flag Register                  R  [15..0]
 0x08      BMODE     Bus Mode Configuration Register        R/W [15..0]
 0x09      MMODE     Miscellaneous Mode Register            R/W [15..0]
 0x0A      STAGE     Staging Register                       R/W [15..0]
 0x0B      IADDR     Indirect Address Register              R/W [31..0]
 0x0C      IDATA     Indirect Data Register                 R/W [31..0]
 0x0D      BOOT      Boot Mode Register                     R/W [15..0]
 0x0E      PLL_HI    PLL Control Register - High Byte       R/W [15..0]
 0x0F      PLL_LO    PLL Control Register - Low Byte        R/W [15..0]

Table 4-5. Internal Hardware Registers
 INDIRECT        NAME                  DESCRIPTION
 0xFFFF0400      PMODE1                Pixel/Video Format
 0xFFFF0404      COMP_CNT_STATUS       Component count
 0xFFFF0408      LINE_CNT_STATUS       Line count
 0xFFFF040C      XTOT                  Total Samples per line
 0xFFFF0410      YTOT                  Total Lines per frame
 0xFFFF0414      F0_START              Start Line of Field 0 [F0]
 0xFFFF0418      F1_START              Start Line of Field 1 [F1]
 0xFFFF041C      V0_START              Start of active video Field 0 [F0]
 0xFFFF0420      V1_START              Start of active video Field 1 [F1]
 0xFFFF0424      V0_END                End of active video Field 0 [F0]
 0xFFFF0428      V1_END                End of active video Field 1 [F1]
 0xFFFF042C      PIXEL_START           Horizontal start of active video
 0xFFFF0430      PIXEL_END             Horizontal end of active video
 0xFFFF0440      MS_CNT_DEL            Master/Slave Delay
 0xFFFF0444      Reserved              Reserved
 0xFFFF0448      PMODE2                Pixel Mode 2
 0xFFFF044C      VMODE                 Video Mode
 0xFFFF1408      EDMOD0                External DMA mode register 0
 0xFFFF140C      EDMOD1                External DMA mode register 1
 0xFFFF1410      FFTHRP                FIFO Threshold for Pixel FIFO
 0xFFFF1414      Reserved              Reserved
 0xFFFF1418      Reserved              Reserved
 0xFFFF141C      FFTHRC                FIFO Threshold for Code FIFO
 0xFFFF1420      FFTHRA                FIFO Threshold for ATTR FIFO
 0xFFFF1424      Reserved              Reserved
 0xFFFF1428      Reserved              Reserved
 0xFFFF142C      Reserved              Reserved
 0xFFFF1430      Reserved              Reserved
 0xFFFF1434-     Reserved              Reserved
 0xFFFF14F4      HWREV                 Hardware Revision Register

Indirect Registers: External DMA
  This Section describes the ADV202’s interface to DMA. These registers
  are required to be programmed by the external host processor, when used
  for compressed data transfers or for pixel data/ compressed data transfers
  in HIPI mode. Alternatively Normal Host mode accesses in conjunction
  with the Threshold registers can be used for compressed data transfers
  which does not require programming of the EDMOD registers.
EDMOD Register Descriptions
  EDMOD0 and EDMOD1 registers configure the ADV202 for external
  DMA operation. DMA allows transfers to and from memory without the
  on-board processor being required to perform the transactions, as it is the
  case in Normal Host mode.
  The external DMA registers include settings for Single/Burst DMA,
  Fly-By Mode DMA, and Dedicated Chip Select (DCS) DMA. These
  registers are used in conjunction with the Bus Mode (BUSMODE) and
  MMODE registers.

   ADDR        REGISTER NAME REGISTER                          R/W RESET VALUE
   0xFFFF1408  EDMOD0               External DMA Mode          R/W See bit Field
  The 16 bit EDMOD0 register is used to assign a data FIFO to Channel 0
  and to select transfer modes.
                                   EDMOD0 Bit Field
   Bit   Name            Description                                         Reset
                         Enable external DMA channel 0
   0     DMEN0                                                                  0
                         DMA Channel 0 Assignment
   2..1  DMSEL0                                                               ‘00’
                             00 = Pixel Data
                             01 = Compressed Data
                             10 = Attribute Data
                             11 = Reserved
   5..3  DMMOD0          DMA Channel 0 mode                                  ‘000’
                             000 - Dedicated Chip Select DMA mode
                             001 - Single transfer DREQ/DACK DMA mode
                             010 - Burst transfer DREQ/DACK DMA mode
                             011 - JDATA mode
                             100 - reserved
                             101 - Single transfer Fly-by DMA mode
                             110 - Burst transfer Fly-by DMA mode
                             111 - reserved
8..6   DMBL0     DMA Channel 0 burst length [in number of accesses]  ‘000’
                 000 = 8 - not available for DWIDTH of 8-bit
                 001 = 16 - for DWIDTH of 8/16 or 32-bits
                 010 = 32 - for DWIDTH of 8/16 or 32-bits
                 011 = 64 - for DWIDTH of 8/16 or 32-bits
                 100 = 128 - for DWIDTH of 8/16 or 32-bits
                 110 = 512 - for DWIDTH of 8/16-bit, for 32-bits,
                              not recommended
                 111 - 1024 - for DWIDTH of 8-bit;
                              not recommended for 16 bit host,
                             not available for 32 bit hostslable.
9      DR0POL
                     FSRQ0 / VALID polarity
                     0 = Active Low
                     1 = Active High
10     DA0POL
                     FCS0 / HOLD polarity
                     0 = Active Low
                     1 = Active High
14..11 DR0PULS  DREQ0 pulse width [in Jclkcycles]                   ‘0001’
                If DR0PULS==0, then DREQ0 will remain asserted
                until DACK0 and RD/ in read mode or WR/ in write
                mode are asserted.
15     Reserved Reserved for future use. Always write 0.               0

32 bit Host Interface Settings
16-bit   0xFFFF0000 - DWIDTH = IWIDTH =  Example: Write 0x0802 to the // 写入间接寄存器的数据16位为0x0802
Indirect 0xFFFF14C0   32 bits  32 bits   EDMOD0 register
Register              HWIDTH = IAUTOSTP  (0xFFFF1408)
                      32 bits  = 32 bits
                                         1) Write 0xFFFF1408 to the
                                         IADDR register
                                         2) Write 0x08020000 to the   // 需要将数据放入有效的高16位传递给adv202控制器.
                                         IDATA register
                                         Example: Read the EDMOD0
                                         register (0xFFFF1408)
                                         1) Write 0xFFFF1408 to the
                                         IADDR register
                                         2) Read the IDATA register
                                         (value should be 08020000
                                         from previous write)
                                         Note: (HDATA[15..0]) bits
                                         are ignored on Indirect writes.
                                         Indirect Registers are 16-bits
                                         aligned on 32-bit boundaries
                                         utilizing the [31.15] byte

Decode Slave Mode
  In decode slave mode video output is synchronized to the incoming HVF
  signals. In both cases, XTOT, YTOT, V0_START, V1_START, V0_END,
  V1_END, PIXEL_START, PIXEL_END must reflect the video standard of
  the input. The part synchronizes itself to the incoming sync signals. Fields
  are identified by the incoming FIELD signal.
Decode Master
  VSYNC, HSYNC, FIELD, or alternatively EAV/SAV codes, are generated
  according to the register settings of: XTOT, YTOT, F0_START,
  PIXEL_START, PIXEL_END. To enable the generation of these timing
  signals in decode mode, VMODE register must be programmed to decode
  master mode and MP_656 must be set to 1 for HVF generation or 0 for
  EAV/SAV insertion into the video output stream .

EAV/SAV mode
  The ADV202 can accept video with embedded EAV/SAV codes where the
  YCbCr data is interleaved onto a single bus. This is setup by the user in the
  firmware parameters.

DMA Mode - Dedicated Chip Select DMA Mode
  This mode is available for devices which use the level-sensitive logic to
  monitor the FSRQx signals (as opposed to edge-triggered logic). The
  FSRQx (DREQx) pins will be asserted when data/space is available in the
  selected FIFO and will be de-asserted when the FIFO is empty/full. The
  FCSx (DACKx) pins are used as FIFO Chip Select signals and should be
  asserted in conjunction with the RD/WE pins. This mode is enabled via the
  EDMOD0/EDMOD1 registers. The FSRQx/ polarities can be programmed
  via the EDMOD0/EDMOD1 registers.
  A programming example for DCS mode can be found in the “Getting
  Started with the ADV202” programming guide.
Burst Transfer - DREQ/DACK DMA
   In this mode, the ADV202 will assert DREQx when there is at least one
   burst data transfer available for the assigned FIFO. In encode mode, the
   DREQx assertion indicates that output data is present in the FIFO. In
   decode mode, this indicates that space is available in the FIFO for at least
   one burst data transfer. The external device must respond with DACKx, in
   conjunction with RD/WE/HDATA activity.
   In Burst Transfer Fly-By Mode, the functionality of the RD and WE
   pins is reversed.

• DREQ/ is asserted by the ADV202 whenever data is ready
• No FIFO threshold programming required
• Maximum data throughput = 200 Mbps (burst)
• Hardwired directly from the FIFOs
• FIFO thresholds must be programmed by the user
• Maximum data throughput = 200 Mbps

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