发布时间:2014-11-28 17:44:48
#ifdef CONFIG_CFS_BANDWIDTH/* * Amount of runtime to allocate from global (tg) to local (per-cfs_rq) pool * each time a cfs_rq requests quota. * * Note: in the case that the slice exceeds the runtime remaining (either d.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2014-11-20 11:09:05
点击(此处)折叠或打开/* * Iterate task_group tree rooted at *from, calling @down when first entering a * node and @up when leaving it for the final time. * * Caller must hold rcu_lock or sufficient e.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2012-12-16 18:11:07
TiddlyWiki Browser Compatibility ericshulman, 16 September 2012 (created 4 October 2011) tags: browsersissues Recent updates to Firefox and Chrome include tighter default security settings that can interfere with the operation of TiddlyWiki. The main cause is restrictions on the ability of Tidd......【阅读全文】
qq5116190212012-05-31 08:38
# chmod 555 androidvncserver把权限改为只读和可执行。此步骤可以用Root Explorer直接操作。4)运行androidvncserver,在手机的“终端”执行以下代码:# /data/local/androidvncserver &这样androidvncserver就启动服务了。】第三步直接用RE改为只读和执行权限就可以了吧?第四部怎么做?怎么运行Androidvnc?以及执行代码?急需解答,谢谢!
huayilife02011-02-27 13:46
gliethttp ,你好,讨教一个非技术问题。我是某企业(一家小央企)下子公司某研发部负责人,因业务需要,急需招纳有才之士。通过朋友途径得知阁下在嵌入式软件开发上有很强的能力,因此诚邀加盟!我的联系方式:huayi@tdmarco.com。