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2006-06-21 17:15:40

2006-03-22 16:13:33

Crazy About Robot
Follow You
Robots may not invade anytime soon, but there's no denying that they're getting smarter. The ball-shaped ApriAlpha uses advanced voice-recognition technology to distinguish between voices coming from different locations. When ApriAlpha hears a voice, it fixes its digital-camera eye on the person speaking. The taller ApriAlpha can identify a person in a crowd by the color of his clothes and shape of his body, and then follow its target. It even bleeps when it loses track of its subject.
Cool Cat
The notion of robot as home companion is nothing new, but iCat adds something: an expressive face. Tell her to go away, and iCat will look sad. Praise her, and she will smile. Internal microphones can be used to record sounds and help with speech recognition, and 13 electric motors move her eyes, eyebrows, eyelids, mouth and head to produce the appropriate emotional response. iCat can also connect to the net and show online informtion on your TV or read it aloud.
机器人作为家庭伴侣的概念早已不是新鲜事,但机器猫“iCat” 增加了一些功能:一张富于表情的面孔。如果你叫它走开,“iCat” 脸上会露出悲伤的表情,而如果你表扬它,它会乐不可支。机器猫体内的麦克风能录音,帮助辨别语言,而13个电动马达能让机器猫的眼睛、眉毛、眼睑、嘴巴和头部活动自如,做出相应的表情。“iCat”还能上网,并把网络信息显示在电视上,或将信息大声读出来。
Turtle Race
It's small, it's cute and it walks across your desk, tail wriggling. To program Walkie Bits, simply knock its shell with your finger. It can remember and mimic up to 15 different  rhythmic patterns. In song mode, it bleep-bleeps Leopold Mozart's Toy Symphony. But the most fun you can have with these tiny turtle robots is to race them against each other. In basic walk mode, the Walkie Bits' pace is unpredictable, so you never know which one will win. Three can fit in the palm of your hand.
“Walkie Bits”小巧可爱,扭动着尾巴爬过桌子。如果想给它下指令,只需用手指轻敲其背部。它最多可记住并模仿15种节奏的敲击声。在歌曲模式下,它能嘟嘟地发出里奥波德·莫扎特(伟大的奥地利作曲家沃尔夫冈·莫扎特的父亲)谱写的《玩具交响曲》。但最好玩的是你可以让这些“小海龟”赛跑。在基本行走模式下,“Walkie Bits”的步伐是不可预测的,所以你永远想不到哪只小龟会获胜。三个“Walkie Bits”加起来才有巴掌大。
My Family Member: Nuvo
Tired of coming to an empty home each night? Try Nuvo. This 15-inch, two-legged robot can dance, talk, play music, tell time and even shake your hand. It can respond to 40 simple commands (like “Nuvo, let's go out and take a walk”) in a Japanese-accented female voice and take pictures with the Cyclops lens mounted on its head. Nuvo can perform tricks like headstands, as well as roaming freely around the house. Nuvo will even take photos and transport them to your cell phone.
Shall We Dance
With a face modeled on Marilyn Monroe's and a long, flowing skirt to hide its three wheels, the 5-feet 5-inch Partner Ballroom Dance Robot can dance the waltz very well. Available in pink or blue, it has upper-body sensors that allow it to “predict” its partner's next steps. Dancing is just one application. “By interpreting users' movements to estimate what they want, care robots will be able to provide better service for the elderly or handicapped,” says one of the creators.
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