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2006-06-21 17:14:19

2006-03-22 16:19:50

Colorful Whirlwind—Se7en
Real Name: Choi Dong Wook(崔东旭)
Date of Birth: 1984.11.9
Blood Type: B
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 64kg
Nickname: Seven Eleven
Favorite Sports: basketball, snowboarding, swimming
Favorite Musicians: Usher, Justin Timberlake, Alicia Keys
Ideal Girlfriend: More than looks, he likes personality, a girl who respects others and is caring.
With sweeping successes in South Korea, Japan and Thai-land, South Korean superstar Se7en has come to dazzle Chinese music fans. The 21-year-old singer last year signed a contract with China's 21-East Record Co., and released “Must Listen,” his first album in China.
Se7en is nicknamed “colorful whirlwind,” describing his strong influence and quick success. He released his first album, “Just Listen,” in South Korea in 2003 and within a month the album was No. 1 on the music billboards in his country. His second album in 2004, “Must Listen,” sold more than 300,000 copies in South Korea, an amazing number for a new star.
Long before Se7en paid his first formal visit to China at the end of 2005, the singer had won a huge number of fans among Chinese youngsters who have climbed on the “Korean wave.” Many compare Se7en with Rain, another South Korean singer who won tremendous success in China in 2005. Se7en definitely provides hot competition for Rain with his musical and performance talent. Many believe he will be a hit in China's music circles and could become the most brilliant Korean star in China in 2006.
Se7en says that “Must Listen” expresses everything on his mind through music. The album is mostly R&B combined with many other elements, including hip-hop and rock. “I never restrict my music to any single style,” said Se7en. The singer is recognized for his unique singing. He can be enthusiastic, thoughtful, affectionate and slightly sad, all at the same time. This makes him good at expressing a rich variety of emotions in his songs, which easily captures the listeners' hearts.
To win more fans in China, Se7en added two Chinese songs to his new album. One, “Snowy Diary,” has been widely promoted by various radio stations and Web sites.
As for his success, Se7en admitted that he has been very lucky. But good luck is not the only thing needed for success, Se7en said. “I've tried so hard. I had a lot of difficulties at first, but I gradually built up my confidence and showed my best side to the audience. I feel good that I have not disappointed my fans.”
The singer is quite confident about his future in China. “I'll continue trying my best, making friends with my music. I believe the efforts will finally be rewarded, sooner or later,” he said.
Se7en昵称“七彩旋风”,因其强大的影响力和迅猛的走红速度而得名。2003年,他在韩国发行了首张专辑《Just Listen》,一个月内就雄踞韩国歌曲排行榜榜首。2004年发行了第二张专辑《不得不听》,韩国本土销量达30多万张。这对一个新人来说实属不易。
Se7en称《不得不听》用音乐表达了他全部所想。专辑大部分歌曲是节奏蓝调,还搀和了嘻哈、摇滚等其它元素。他说:“我从不把自己的音乐限制在一种风格上。” Se7en以独特的唱功而著称。他可以同时把激情、深沉、深情和忧郁集于一身。他善于在歌中表达丰富的感情,轻易地就把听众的心给虏获了。
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