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分类: Java

2008-03-05 22:44:34

   1. 若遇到的是空格则认为是分隔符,不需要进行处理;
   2. 若遇到的是数字或小数点,则直接写入到s2中,并在每个数值的最后写入一个空格;
   3. 若遇到的是左括号,则应把它压入到运算符栈中,待以它开始的括号内的表达式转换完毕后再出栈;
   4. 若遇到的是右括号,则表明括号内的中缀表达式已经扫描完毕,把从栈顶直到保存着的对应左括号之间的运算符依次退栈并写入s2串中;
   5. 若遇到的是运算符,
     5.1 当该运算符的优先级大于栈顶运算符的优先级时,表明该运算符的后一个运算对象还没有被扫描也没有被放入到s2串中,应把它暂存于运算符栈中,待它的后一个运算对象从s1串中读出并写入到s2串中后,再令其出栈并写入s2串中;
     5.2 若遇到的运算符的优先级小于或等于栈顶运算符的优先级,这表明栈顶运算符的两个运算对象已经被保存到s2串中,应将栈顶运算符退栈并写入到s2串中,对于新的栈顶运算符仍继续进行比较和处理,直到被处理的运算符的优先级大于栈顶运算符的优先级为止,然后让该运算符进栈即可。
清单 栈


public class StackChar
    private int        maxSize;    // size of stack array

    private char[]    stackArray;
    private int        top;        // top of stack

    public StackChar( int maxSize )
        this.maxSize = maxSize;// 设置数组大小

        stackArray = new char[maxSize];// 创建数组

        top = -1;// 还没有任何元素


    public void push( char ch )
    {// 入栈

        if ( isFull() )
            System.out.println( "Cannot insert item " + ch + "! The stack is full." );
        } else
            top++ ;
            stackArray[top] = ch;

    public char pop()
    {// 出栈

        if ( isEmpty() )
            System.out.println( "The stack is empty." );
            return 0;
        } else
            char ch = stackArray[top];
            stackArray[top] = 0;
            top-- ;
            return ch;

    public int size()
        return top + 1;

    public char peek()
    {// 返回栈顶元素

        return stackArray[top];

    public char peekN( int n )
    {// 返回index为n的元素

        return stackArray[n];

    public boolean isEmpty()
        return ( -1 == top );

    public boolean isFull()
        return ( maxSize - 1 == top );

    public void displayStack()
        System.out.print( " Stack: " );
        for ( int i = 0; i < size(); i++ )
            System.out.print( peekN( i ) );

     * 输入参数 ch 的优先级与栈顶元素比较,如果优先级高于栈顶元素,返回 -1 如果相等返回0,如果 ch 的优先级低于栈顶元素,返回 -1
     * @param ch
     * @return

    public int compareToPeek( char ch )
        int precedenceStack = precedence( peek() );// 栈顶元素操作符的优先级

        int precedenceIn = precedence( ch );// 传入参数的优先级

        if ( precedenceIn > precedenceStack )
            return 1;
        } else if ( precedenceIn == precedenceStack )
            return 0;
        } else
            return -1;

     * 计算传入参数的优先级
     * @param ch
     * @return

    public static int precedence( char ch )
        if ( '+' == ch || '-' == ch )
            return PrecedenceAdd;
        } else if ( '*' == ch || '/' == ch )
            return PrecedenceMultiply;
        } else if ( '(' == ch )
            return PrecedenceOpenParentheses;
        } else if ( ')' == ch )
            return PrecedenceCloseParentheses;
        } else
            return PrecedenceOthers;

    private static final int    PrecedenceAdd                = 1;
    private static final int    PrecedenceMultiply            = 2;
    private static final int    PrecedenceOpenParentheses    = 0;
    private static final int    PrecedenceCloseParentheses    = 3;
    private static final int    PrecedenceOthers            = -1;

清单 中缀表达式转换为后缀表达式


public class Infix2Postfix
    private StackChar    theStack;
    private String        input;
    private String        output    = "";

    public Infix2Postfix( String in ) // constructor

        input = in;
        int stackSize = input.length( );
        theStack = new StackChar( stackSize/2 );

     * A*(B+C)-D/(E+F) The opThis operator has just been read from the infix
     * input, while the opTop operator has just been popped off the stack.
     * 加减运算符的优先级设定为1,乘除运算符的优先级设定为2,在栈中保存的运算符’(’的优先级设定为0
     * 把中缀表达式转换为后缀表达式算法的基本思路是从头到尾地扫描中缀表达式中的每个字符,对于不同类型的字符按不情况进行处理。
     * 处理方法步骤:
     * 1. 若遇到的是操作数,则直接写入到s2中,并在每个数值的最后写入一个空格;
     * 2. 若遇到的是左括号,则应把它压入到运算符栈中,待以它开始的括号内的表达式转换完毕后再出栈;
     * 3. 若遇到的是右括号,则表明括号内的中缀表达式已经扫描完毕,把从栈顶直到保存着的对应左括号之间的运算符依次退栈并写入s2串中;
     * 4. 若遇到的是运算符,
     *     4.1 当该运算符的优先级大于栈顶运算符的优先级时,表明该运算符的后一个运算对象还没有被扫描也没有被放入到s2串中,
     *         应把它暂存于运算符栈中,待它的后一个运算对象从s1串中读出并写入到s2串中后,再令其出栈并写入s2串中;
     *     4.2 若遇到的运算符的优先级小于或等于栈顶运算符的优先级,这表明栈顶运算符的两个运算对象已经被保存到s2串中,
     *         应将栈顶运算符退栈并写入到s2串中,对于新的栈顶运算符仍继续进行比较和处理,
     *         直到被处理的运算符的优先级大于栈顶运算符的优先级或者栈为空时为止,然后让该运算符进栈即可。

    public String doTrans()
        char ch;
        int len = input.length( );
        for ( int index = 0; index < len; index++ )
            ch = input.charAt( index );
            System.out.print( "For " + ch + " :" );
            theStack.displayStack( );
            dispose( ch );
            System.out.println( " " + output );
        }// end for

         * 将栈内剩余的操作符继续打印出来

        while ( !theStack.isEmpty( ) )
            output = output + theStack.pop( );
        return output;

    private void dispose( char ch )
        switch ( ch )
            case '+' :
            case '-' :
            case '*' :
            case '/' :
                 * 是基本运算符
                 * 该运算符的优先级大于栈顶运算符的优先级,表明该运算符的后一个运算对象还没有被扫描,把它暂存于运算符栈中
                 * 如果栈为空,直接入栈

                if ( theStack.isEmpty( ) )//栈为空,直接入栈

                    theStack.push( ch );
                } else if ( StackChar.precedence( ch ) > StackChar.precedence( theStack.peek( ) ) )
                    theStack.push( ch );
                } else
                     * 该运算符的优先级小于或等于栈顶运算符的优先级,应将栈顶运算符退栈并写入到输出字符串中,
                     * 对于新的栈顶运算符仍继续进行比较和处理,直到被处理的运算符的优先级大于栈顶运算符的优先级或者栈为空时为止,
                     * 然后让该运算符进栈即可。

                    while ( !theStack.isEmpty( ) )
                        if ( StackChar.precedence( ch ) > StackChar.precedence( theStack.peek( ) ) )
                        } else
                            output = output + theStack.pop( );
                    theStack.push( ch );
            case '(' :// 当其他运算符与之比较时优先级为0。当'('与其它运算符比较时优先级最高,直接入栈

                theStack.push( ch );
            case ')' :// 优先级为3,为最高优先级,遇到后,对栈进行出栈操作

                while ( !theStack.isEmpty( ) )
                    if ( '(' != theStack.peek( ))
                        output = output + theStack.pop( );
                    } else
                        theStack.pop( );
            case ' ':
            default : // not an operator, must be an operand

                output = output + ch;// write it into output

        }// end switch


清单 计算后缀表示式的值


public class Postfix
    private String        inPostfix;
    private StackX    theStack;
    private int            size;

    public Postfix( String a )
        inPostfix = a;
        size = inPostfix.length( );
        theStack = new StackX(size);
     * 计算数据成员 inPostfix(为后缀表达式) 的值,
     * 方法:
     * 从左至右扫描后缀表达式,遇到运算数就将其压入栈内;
     * 遇到运算符就做2次出栈操作,将操作数用这个运算符进行运算,将结果压入栈中。
     * 知道扫描完,最后出栈操作就是表达式的最终计算结果。
     * @return

    public double calculatePostfix()
        char chRead;
        for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
            chRead = inPostfix.charAt( i );
            switch ( chRead )
                case '+' :
                case '-' :
                case '*' :
                case '/' :
                    disposeOperator( chRead );
                default :
                    if ( chRead>='0'&&chRead<='9' )
                        theStack.push( (int)(chRead-'0') );
        return theStack.pop( );

    private void disposeOperator( char chRead )
        double num1;
        double num2;
        double interAns = 0;
        num2 = theStack.pop( );
        num1 = theStack.pop( );
        switch ( chRead )
            case '+' :
                interAns = num1 + num2;
            case '-' :
                interAns = num1 - num2;
            case '*' :
                interAns = num1 * num2;
            case '/' :
                interAns = num1 / num2;
            default :
        theStack.push( interAns );


清单 测试程序main


public class InfixCalcApp

     * @param args

    public static void main( String[] args )
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        String input = "5-(8+9-5*6)/3*(5+8-9)+6/(3+5-9-8+1)";
        String output;
        Infix2Postfix in2post = new Infix2Postfix( input );
        Postfix postfix;
        output = in2post.doTrans( );
        postfix = new Postfix( output );
        double ans = postfix.calculatePostfix( );
        System.out.println( "Postfix is : " + output );
        System.out.println( "The answer is : " + ans );




For 5 :    Stack:      5
For - :    Stack:      5
For ( :    Stack: -     5
For 8 :    Stack: -(     58
For + :    Stack: -(     58
For 9 :    Stack: -(+     589
For - :    Stack: -(+     589+
For 5 :    Stack: -(-     589+5
For * :    Stack: -(-     589+5
For 6 :    Stack: -(-*     589+56
For ) :    Stack: -(-*     589+56*-
For / :    Stack: -     589+56*-
For 3 :    Stack: -/     589+56*-3
For * :    Stack: -/     589+56*-3/
For ( :    Stack: -*     589+56*-3/
For 5 :    Stack: -*(     589+56*-3/5
For + :    Stack: -*(     589+56*-3/5
For 8 :    Stack: -*(+     589+56*-3/58
For - :    Stack: -*(+     589+56*-3/58+
For 9 :    Stack: -*(-     589+56*-3/58+9
For ) :    Stack: -*(-     589+56*-3/58+9-
For + :    Stack: -*     589+56*-3/58+9-*-
For 6 :    Stack: +     589+56*-3/58+9-*-6
For / :    Stack: +     589+56*-3/58+9-*-6
For ( :    Stack: +/     589+56*-3/58+9-*-6
For 3 :    Stack: +/(     589+56*-3/58+9-*-63
For + :    Stack: +/(     589+56*-3/58+9-*-63
For 5 :    Stack: +/(+     589+56*-3/58+9-*-635
For - :    Stack: +/(+     589+56*-3/58+9-*-635+
For 9 :    Stack: +/(-     589+56*-3/58+9-*-635+9
For - :    Stack: +/(-     589+56*-3/58+9-*-635+9-
For 8 :    Stack: +/(-     589+56*-3/58+9-*-635+9-8
For + :    Stack: +/(-     589+56*-3/58+9-*-635+9-8-
For 1 :    Stack: +/(+     589+56*-3/58+9-*-635+9-8-1
For ) :    Stack: +/(+     589+56*-3/58+9-*-635+9-8-1+
Postfix is : 589+56*-3/58+9-*-635+9-8-1+/+
The answer is : 21.583333333333332

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chinaunix网友2009-05-21 11:53:26

结果就是错误的!根本得不到正确结果 自己修改下吧!呵呵

chinaunix网友2009-04-27 13:48:34


chinaunix网友2008-05-29 23:09:28


chinaunix网友2008-05-29 23:03:50

calculatePostfix()方法中的push()为int 和double类型,而StackChar类中的push()提供的是char类型的参数,编译不过去啊!

zieckey2008-05-28 23:57:17
