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2010-06-21 12:14:16

A Test Program
     **  Program . . : CBX131T
     **  Description : Retrieve system information - test
     **  Author  . . : Carsten Flensburg
     **  Published . : Club Tech iSeries Programming Tips Newsletter
     **  Date  . . . : February 24, 2005
     **  Program summary
     **  ---------------
     **  User interface manager APIs:
     **    QUILNGTX       Display long text    Displays the text string passed
     **                                        to the API in a pop-up window.
     **                                        Optionally a panel title can be
     **                                        retrieved from a message file.
     **                                        Maximum string length is 15360k.
     **  Message handling API:
     **    QMHSNDPM      Send program message  Sends a message to a program stack
     **                                        entry (current, previous, etc.) or
     **                                        an external message queue.
     **                                        Both messages defined in a message
     **                                        file and immediate messages can be
     **                                        used. For specific message types
     **                                        only one or the other is allowed.
     **    QMHRCVPM      Receive program       Returns information describing
     **                  message               the selected message in a call
     **                                        message queue or, as in this
     **                                        case, an external message queue.
     **  Programmer's notes:
     **    To run this API Example program issue the following command from
     **    a command line:
     **    Call  Pgm( CBX131T )
     **  Compile options required:
     **    CrtRpgMod   Module( CBX131T )
     **                DbgView( *LIST )
     **    CrtPgm      Pgm( CBX131T )
     **                Module( CBX131T )
     **                BndSrvPgm( CBX131 )
     **                ActGrp( QILE )
     **-- Control spec:  -----------------------------------------------------**
     H Option( *SrcStmt )  BndDir( 'QC2LE' )
     **-- API error data structure:  -----------------------------------------**
     D ERRC0100        Ds                  Qualified
     D  BytPrv                       10i 0 Inz( %Size( ERRC0100 ))
     D  BytAvl                       10i 0
     D  MsgId                         7a
     D                                1a
     D  MsgDta                      128a
     **-- Global variables:
     D SysCcsId        s             10i 0
     D NetVrtAutDev    s             10i 0
     D SysVal          s            128a   Varying
     **-- Global constants:
     D NULL            c                   ''

     **-- Get system release level:
     D GetRlsLvl       Pr             6a
     **-- Get system state:
     D GetSysStt       Pr             1a   Varying
     **-- Get system value:
     D GetSysVal       Pr          4096a   Varying
     D  PxSysVal                     10a   Const
     **-- Get network attribute:
     D GetNetAtr       Pr          4096a   Varying
     D  PxNetAtr                     10a   Const
     **-- Get IPL timestamp:
     D GetIplDts       Pr              z
     **-- Get cumulative PTF package level:
     D GetCumLvl       Pr             5s 0
     **-- Get processor group:
     D GetPrcGrp       Pr             4a
     **-- Get processor type:
     D GetPrcTyp       Pr             4a
     **-- Get key position:
     D GetKeyPos       Pr             6a
     **-- Get IPL type:
     D GetIplTyp       Pr             1a

     **-- Display long text:
     D DspLngTxt       Pr                  ExtPgm( 'QUILNGTX' )
     D  DtLngTxt                  32767a   Const  Options( *VarSize )
     D  DtLngTxtLen                  10i 0 Const
     D  DtMsgId                       7a   Const
     D  DtMsgF                       20a   Const
     D  DtError                   32767a   Const  Options( *VarSize )
     **-- Send program message:
     D SndPgmMsg       Pr                  ExtPgm( 'QMHSNDPM' )
     D  SpMsgId                       7a   Const
     D  SpMsgFq                      20a   Const
     D  SpMsgDta                    512a   Const  Options( *VarSize )
     D  SpMsgDtaLen                  10i 0 Const
     D  SpMsgTyp                     10a   Const
     D  SpCalStkE                    10a   Const  Options( *VarSize )
     D  SpCalStkCtr                  10i 0 Const
     D  SpMsgKey                      4a
     D  SpError                     512a          Options( *VarSize )
     D  SpCalStkElen                 10i 0 Const  Options( *NoPass )
     D  SpCalStkEq                   20a   Const  Options( *NoPass )
     D  SpDspWait                    10i 0 Const  Options( *NoPass )
     D  SpCalStkEtyp                 20a   Const  Options( *NoPass )
     D  SpCcsId                      10i 0 Const  Options( *NoPass )
     **-- Receive program message:
     D RcvPgmMsg       Pr                  ExtPgm( 'QMHRCVPM' )
     D  RpRcvVar                  32767a          Options( *VarSize )
     D  RpRcvVarLen                  10i 0 Const
     D  RpFmtNam                     10a   Const
     D  RpCalStkE                   256a   Const  Options( *VarSize )
     D  RpCalStkCtr                  10i 0 Const
     D  RpMsgTyp                     10a   Const
     D  RpMsgKey                      4a   Const
     D  RpWait                       10i 0 Const
     D  RpMsgAct                     10a   Const
     D  RpError                   32767a          Options( *VarSize )
     D  RpCalStkElen                 10i 0 Const  Options( *NoPass )            call stack counter
     D  RpCalStkEq                   20a   Const  Options( *NoPass )            call stack counter
     D  RpCalStkEtyp                 20a   Const  Options( *NoPass )            call stack counter
     D  RpCcsId                      10i 0 Const  Options( *NoPass )            call stack counter
     **-- Prototype atoi:
     D Int             Pr            10i 0 ExtProc( 'atoi' )
     D  Num                            *   Value  Options( *String )
     **-- Prototype atoll:
     D Long            Pr            20i 0 ExtProc( 'atoll' )
     D  Num                            *   Value  Options( *String )

     **-- Display message window:
     D DspMsgWdw       Pr
     D  PxMsgStr                    512a   Const  Varying
     **-- Get inquiry message reply:
     D GetInqRpy       Pr            10a   Varying
     D  PxMsgDta                    512a   Const  Varying


        DspMsgWdw ( 'Last system IPL date and time:  ' + %Char( GetIplDts()));

        DspMsgWdw ( 'Current system CUM level:  ' + %Char( GetCumLvl()));

        DspMsgWdw ( 'Current system state:  ''' + GetSysStt() +
                    '''   0=Non-restricted, 1=Restricted' );

        DspMsgWdw ( 'Current system release level:  '  + GetRlsLvl());

        DspMsgWdw ( 'System processor group:  '  + GetPrcGrp());

        DspMsgWdw ( 'System processor type:  '  + GetPrcTyp());

        DspMsgWdw ( 'System panel key lock position:  '  + GetKeyPos());

        DspMsgWdw ( 'System panel current IPL type:  ''' + GetIplTyp() + '''' );

        DspMsgWdw ( 'System value ''QUSRLIBL'':  '  +
                     GetSysVal( 'QUSRLIBL' ));

        DspMsgWdw ( 'System value ''QCCSID'':  '  +
                     GetSysVal( 'QCCSID' ));

        SysCcsId   = Int( GetSysVal( 'QCCSID' ));

        DspMsgWdw ( 'System value ''QSRLNBR'':  '  +
                     GetSysVal( 'QSRLNBR' ));

        DspMsgWdw ( 'Net attribute ''DDMACC'':  '  +
                     GetNetAtr( 'DDMACC' ));

        DspMsgWdw ( 'Net attribute ''VRTAUTODEV'':  '  +
                     GetNetAtr( 'VRTAUTODEV' ));

        NetVrtAutDev = Int( GetNetAtr( 'VRTAUTODEV' ));

        DspMsgWdw ( 'Net attribute ''SYSNAME'':  '  +
                     GetNetAtr( 'SYSNAME' ));

        SysVal = GetInqRpy( 'Please enter a system value to retrieve:' );

        DspMsgWdw ( 'System value ''' + SysVal + ''':  '  +
                     GetSysVal( SysVal ));



     **-- Display message window:  -------------------------------------------**
     P DspMsgWdw       B
     D                 Pi
     D  PxMsgStr                    512a   Const  Varying


        DspLngTxt( PxMsgStr: %Len( PxMsgStr ): *Blanks: *Blanks: ERRC0100 );


     P DspMsgWdw       E
     **-- Get inquiry message reply:  ----------------------------------------**
     P GetInqRpy       B
     D                 Pi            10a   Varying
     D  PxMsgDta                    512a   Const  Varying
     D MsgKey          s              4a
     **-- Message information structure:
     D RCVM0100        Ds                  Qualified
     D  BytPrv                       10i 0
     D  BytAvl                       10i 0
     D  MsgSev                       10i 0
     D  MsgId                         7a
     D  MsgTyp                        2a
     D  MsgKey                        4a
     D                                7a
     D  CcsIdCnvSts                  10i 0
     D  CcsIdDta                     10i 0
     D  MsgLenRtn                    10i 0
     D  MsgLenAvl                    10i 0
     D  MsgRpy                       32a


        SndPgmMsg( *Blanks
                 : *Blanks
                 : PxMsgDta
                 : %Len( PxMsgDta )
                 : '*INQ'
                 : '*EXT'
                 : *Zero
                 : MsgKey
                 : ERRC0100

        RcvPgmMsg( RCVM0100
                 : %Size( RCVM0100 )
                 : 'RCVM0100'
                 : '*'
                 : *Zero
                 : '*RPY'
                 : MsgKey
                 : -1
                 : '*OLD'
                 : ERRC0100

        If  RCVM0100.MsgLenRtn > 10;
          RCVM0100.MsgLenRtn = 10;

        Return  %Subst( RCVM0100.MsgRpy: 1: RCVM0100.MsgLenRtn );


     P GetInqRpy       E

Thanks to Carsten Flensburg writing for
Club Tech iSeries Programming Tips Newsletter

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