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分类: 系统运维

2010-06-21 12:11:44

     **  Program . . : CBX131
     **  Description : Retrieve system information using APIs
     **  Author  . . : Carsten Flensburg
     **  Published . : Club Tech iSeries Programming Tips Newsletter
     **  Date  . . . : February 24, 2005
     **  Program summary
     **  ---------------
     **  Work management APIs:
     **    QWCRSVAL       Retrieve system      Retrieves one or more system
     **                   value                values into the data structure
     **                                        supplied as the receiver variable
     **                                        parameter.
     **    QWCRNETA       Retrieve net         Retrieves the specified net
     **                   attribute            attribute(s) into the data
     **                                        structure supplied as the
     **                                        receiver variable parameter.
     **    QWCRSSTS       Retrieve system      Retrieves a group of statistics
     **                   status               that represents the current
     **                                        current status of the system.
     **                                        Different groups of statistics
     **                                        are available, including system,
     **                                        subsystem and pool information.
     **    QUSRJOBI       Retrieve job         Retrieves specific information
     **                   information          about a specific job, covering
     **                                        all attributes and other state
     **                                        and runtime related information.
     **  Software product APIs:
     **    QSZRTVPR       Retrieve product     Retrieves information about a
     **                   information          specific product load for a
     **                                        software product.
     **                                        The Display Software Resources
     **                                        (DSPSFWRSC) command and the
     **                                        Select Product (QSZSLTPR) API
     **                                        will obtain a list of installed
     **                                        products about which you can
     **                                        retrieve information.
     **    QpzListPTF     List program         Returns a list of PTFs for the
     **                   temporary fixes      specified product, option, load,
     **                                        and release.  The product must be
     **                                        supported or installed before the
     **                                        list of PTFs is returned.
     **  Miscellaneous APIs:
     **    QWCCVTDT       Convert date and     Converts date and time values
     **                   time format          from one format to another,
     **                                        including a system timestamp of
     **                                        type *DTS to character format.
     **  Object - User space APIs:
     **    QUSCRTUS       Create user space    Creates a user space in either
     **                                        user domain or system domain.
     **                                        Only user domain user spaces are
     **                                        accessible by the user space APIs.
     **    QUSDLTUS       Delete user space    Deletes the user space specified.
     **    QUSPTRUS       Retrieve pointer to  The address of the first byte
     **                   user space           of the storage allocated by the
     **                                        user space requested is returned.
     **  Edit function API:
     **    QECCVTEC       Convert edit code    Converts an edit code into an
     **                   mask                 edit mask, which is a set of
     **                                        instructions used by the edit
     **                                        function to format a numeric
     **                                        value into a character string.
     **  MI builtins:
     **    _LBEDIT       Late bound edit       Transforms a numeric value from
     **                                        its internal format to character
     **                                        form, using the provided edit
     **                                        mask. Late bound here refers to
     **                                        the source value location not
     **                                        having to be provided until
     **                                        runtime.
     **    _MATMATR1     Materialize machine   Retrieves a broad range of system
     **                  attributes            software and hardware related
     **                                        attributes.
     **  C library function:
     **    tstbts        Test bits             Tests the bit value of the bit
     **                                        located with the bit offset
     **                                        parameter, bit 0 being the
     **                                        leftmost and 64k the maximum.
     **  Compile options required:
     **    BndSrvPgm( QPZLSTFX ) - on V5R2 the compiler is not able to locate
     **                            the 'QpzListPTF' API itself.
     **    CrtRpgMod  Module( CBX131 )
     **               DbgView( *LIST )
     **    CrtSrvPgm  SrvPgm( CBX131 )
     **               Module( CBX131 )
     **               Export( *ALL )
     **               BndSrvPgm( QPZLSTFX )
     **               ActGrp( QSRVPGM )
     **-- Header Specifications:  --------------------------------------------**
     H NoMain  Option( *SrcStmt )  BndDir( 'QC2LE' )  DecEdit( *JobRun )
     **-- API Error Data Structure:
     D ERRC0100        Ds                  Qualified  Inz
     D  BytPrv                       10i 0 Inz( %Size( ERRC0100 ))
     D  BytAvl                       10i 0
     D  MsgId                         7a
     D                                1a
     D  MsgDta                      256a

     **-- Global constants:
     D NULL            c                   ''

     **-- Product information:
     D PRDR0100        Ds                  Qualified
     D  BytPrv                       10i 0
     D  BytRtn                       10i 0
     D                               10i 0
     D  PrdId                         7a
     D  Release                       6a
     D  PrdOpt                        4a
     D  LodId                         4a
     D  LodTyp                       10a
     D  SymLodStt                    10a
     D  LodErrInd                    10a
     D  LodStt                        2a
     D  SupFlg                        1a
     D  RegTyp                        2a
     D  RegVal                       14a
     D                                2a
     D  OfsAddInf                    10i 0
     D  PriLodId                      4a
     D  MinTrgRel                     6a
     D  MinVrmBas                     6a
     D  RqmBasOpt                     1a
     D  Level                         3a
     **-- System status information:
     D SSTS0200        Ds                  Qualified
     D  BytAvl                       10i 0
     D  BytRtn                       10i 0
     D  RstStt                        1a   Overlay( SSTS0200: 31 )
     **-- Edit template:
     D DPA_Template_T  Ds                  Qualified
     D  SclTyp                        1a
     D  SclLen                        5i 0
     D   DecPos                       3i 0 Overlay( SclLen: 1 )
     D   DecLen                       3i 0 Overlay( SclLen: 2 )
     D  Rsv                          10i 0 Inz
     **-- Inz status record:
     D MatInzSts       Ds                  Qualified
     D  BytPrv                       10i 0 Inz( %Size( MatInzSts ))
     D  BytAvl                       10i 0
     D  StrIpl                        8a   Overlay( MatInzSts: 441 )

     **-- Convert edit code to mask:
     D CvtCdeMsk       Pr                  ExtPgm( 'QECCVTEC' )
     D  CcEdtMsk                    256a
     D  CcEdtMskLen                  10i 0
     D  CcRcvVarLen                  10i 0
     D  CcZroFilChr                   1a
     D  CcEdtCde                      1a   Const
     D  CcCcyInd                      1a   Const
     D  CcSrcVarPrc                  10i 0 Const
     D  CcSrcVarDec                  10i 0 Const
     D  CcError                   32767a          Options( *VarSize )
     **-- Retrieve system status:
     D RtvSysSts       Pr                  ExtPgm( 'QWCRSSTS' )
     D  RsRcvVar                  32767a          Options( *VarSize )
     D  RsRcvVarLen                  10i 0 Const
     D  RsFmtNam                     10a   Const
     D  RsRstStc                     10a   Const
     D  RsError                   32767a          Options( *VarSize )
     D  RsPoolSltInf                 24a   Const  Options( *VarSize: *NoPass )
     D  RsPoolSltSiz                 10i 0 Const  Options( *NoPass )
     **-- Retrieve system value:
     D RtvSysVal       Pr                  ExtPgm( 'QWCRSVAL' )
     D  GsRcvVar                  32767a          Options( *VarSize )
     D  GsRcvVarLen                  10i 0 Const
     D  GsNbrSysVal                  10i 0 Const
     D  GsSysVal                     10a   Const  Dim( 256 )
     D                                            Options( *VarSize )
     D  GsError                   32767a          Options( *VarSize )
     **-- Retrieve net attribute:
     D RtvNetAtr       Pr                  ExtPgm( 'QWCRNETA' )
     D  RnRcvVar                  32767a          Options( *VarSize )
     D  RnRcvVarLen                  10i 0 Const
     D  RnNbrNetAtr                  10i 0 Const
     D  RnNetAtr                     10a   Const  Dim( 256 )
     D                                            Options( *VarSize )
     D  RnError                   32767a          Options( *VarSize )
     **-- Retrieve product information:
     D RtvPrdInf       Pr                  ExtPgm( 'QSZRTVPR' )
     D  PiDta                              Like( PRDR0100 )
     D  PiDtaLen                     10i 0 Const
     D  PiFmtNam                      8a   Const
     D  PiPrdInf                     27a   Const
     D  PiError                    1024a         Options( *VarSize )
     **-- Retrieve job information:
     D RtvJobInf       Pr                  ExtPgm( 'QUSRJOBI' )
     D  RiRcvVar                  32767a          Options( *VarSize )
     D  RiRcvVarLen                  10i 0 Const
     D  RiFmtNam                      8a   Const
     D  RiJobNamQ                    26a   Const
     D  RiJobIntId                   16a   Const
     D  RiError                   32767a          Options( *NoPass: *VarSize )
     D  RiRstStc                      1a          Options( *NoPass )
     **-- Convert date & time:
     D CvtDtf          Pr                  ExtPgm( 'QWCCVTDT' )
     D  CdInpFmt                     10a   Const
     D  CdInpVar                     17a   Const  Options( *VarSize )
     D  CdOutFmt                     10a   Const  Options( *VarSize )
     D  CdOutVar                     17a   Const  Options( *VarSize )
     D  CdError                   32767a          Options( *VarSize )
     **-- Create user space:
     D CrtUsrSpc       Pr                  ExtPgm( 'QUSCRTUS' )
     D  CsSpcNamQ                    20a   Const
     D  C***tAtr                     10a   Const
     D  CsInzSiz                     10i 0 Const
     D  CsInzVal                      1a   Const
     D  CsPubAut                     10a   Const
     D  CsText                       50a   Const
     D  CsReplace                    10a   Const Options( *NoPass )
     D  CsError                   32767a         Options( *NoPass: *VarSize )
     D  CsDomain                     10a   Const Options( *NoPass )
     **-- Delete user space:
     D DltUsrSpc       Pr                  ExtPgm( 'QUSDLTUS' )
     D  DsSpcNamQ                    20a   Const
     D  DsError                   32767a         Options( *VarSize )
     **-- Retrieve pointer to user space:
     D RtvPtrSpc       Pr                  ExtPgm( 'QUSPTRUS' )
     D  RpSpcNamQ                    20a   Const
     D  RpPointer                      *
     D  RpError                   32767a         Options( *NoPass: *VarSize )
     **-- List PTFs:
     D LstPtfs         Pr                  ExtProc( 'QpzListPTF' )
     D  LpSpcNamQ                    20a   Const
     D  LpPrdId                      50a   Const
     D  LpFmtNam                      8a   Const
     D  LpError                   32767a         Options( *VarSize )
     **-- Edit function:
     D Edit            Pr                  ExtProc( '_LBEDIT' )
     D  RcvVar                         *   Value
     D  RcvVarLen                    10u 0 Const
     D  SrcVar                         *   Value
     D  SrcVarAtr                          Const  Like( DPA_Template_T )
     D  EdtMsk                      256a   Const
     D  EdtMskLen                    10u 0 Const
     **-- Materialize machine attributes:
     D MatMatr         Pr                  ExtProc('_MATMATR1')
     D  Atr                       32767a          Options( *VarSize )
     D  Opt                           2a   Const
     **-- Test bit in string:
     D tstbts          Pr            10i 0 ExtProc( 'tstbts' )
     D  string                         *   Value
     D  bitofs                       10u 0 Value

     **-- Get system state:
     D GetSysStt       Pr             1a   Varying
     **-- Get system value:
     D GetSysVal       Pr          4096a   Varying
     D  PxSysVal                     10a   Const
     **-- Get network attribute
     D GetNetAtr       Pr          4096a   Varying
     D  PxNetAtr                     10a   Const
     **-- Get system release level:
     D GetRlsLvl       Pr             6a
     **-- Get IPL timestamp:
     D GetIplDts       Pr              z
     **-- Get cumulative PTF package level:
     D GetCumLvl       Pr             5s 0
     **-- Get processor group:
     D GetPrcGrp       Pr             4a
     **-- Get processor type:
     D GetPrcTyp       Pr             4a
     **-- Get key position:
     D GetKeyPos       Pr             6a
     **-- Get IPL type:
     D GetIplTyp       Pr             1a

     **-- Edit code:
     D EditC           Pr           256a   Varying
     D  PxDecVar                       *   Value
     D  PxDecTyp                      1a   Const
     D  PxDecDig                      5u 0 Const
     D  PxDecPos                      5u 0 Const
     D  PxEdtCde                      1a   Const
     **-- Apply decimal format:
     D ApyDecFmt       Pr            64a   Varying
     D  PxInpStr                     64a   Value  Varying
     D  PxDecPos                      5u 0 Const

     **-- Get system state:
     P GetSysStt       B                   Export
     D                 Pi             1a   Varying


        RtvSysSts( SSTS0200
                 : %Size( SSTS0200 )
                 : 'SSTS0200'
                 : '*NO'
                 : ERRC0100

        If  ERRC0100.BytAvl > *Zero;
          Return  NULL;
          Return  SSTS0200.RstStt;


     P GetSysStt       E
     **-- Get system value:
     P GetSysVal       B                   Export
     D                 Pi          4096a   Varying
     D  PxSysVal                     10a   Const
     **-- Local variables:
     D Idx             s             10i 0
     D SysVal          s           4096a   Varying
     D RsRtnVarLen     s             10i 0
     D RsSysValNbr     s             10i 0 Inz( %Elem( RsSysVal ))
     D RsSysVal        s             10a   Dim( 1 )
     D RsRtnVar        Ds
     D  RsRtnVarNbr                  10i 0
     D  RsRtnVarOfs                  10i 0 Dim( %Elem( RsSysVal ))
     D  RsRtnVarDta                4096a
     D RsSysValInf     Ds                  Based( pSysVal )
     D  RsSysValKwd                  10a
     D  RsDtaTyp                      1a
     D  RsInfSts                      1a
     D  RsDtaLen                     10i 0
     D  RsDta                      4096a


        RsRtnVarLen = %Elem( RsSysVal ) * 24 + %Size( SysVal ) + 4;
        RsSysVal(1) = PxSysVal;

        RtvSysVal( RsRtnVar
                 : RsRtnVarLen
                 : RsSysValNbr
                 : RsSysVal
                 : ERRC0100

        If  ERRC0100.BytAvl > *Zero;
          SysVal = NULL;

          For  Idx = 1  to RsRtnVarNbr;

            pSysVal = %Addr( RsRtnVar ) + RsRtnVarOfs(Idx);

            If  RsSysValKwd = PxSysVal;

              When  RsDtaTyp = 'C';
                SysVal = %Subst( RsDta: 1: RsDtaLen );

              When  RsDtaTyp = 'B';
                SysVal = EditC( %Addr( RsDta ): RsDtaTyp: 10: 0: 'P' );

                SysVal = NULL;


        Return  SysVal;


     P GetSysVal       E
     **-- Get network attribute:  --------------------------------------------**
     P GetNetAtr       B                   Export
     D                 Pi          4096a   Varying
     D  PxNetAtr                     10a   Const
     **-- Local variables:
     D Idx             s             10i 0
     D NetAtr          s           4096a   Varying
     D RnRtnAtrLen     s             10i 0
     D RnNetAtrNbr     s             10i 0 Inz( %Elem( RnNetAtr ))
     D RnNetAtr        s             10a   Dim( 1 )
     D RnRtnVar        Ds
     D  RnRtnVarNbr                  10i 0
     D  RnRtnVarOfs                  10i 0 Dim( %Elem( RnNetAtr ))
     D  RnRtnVarDta                4096a
     D RnRtnAtr        Ds                  Based( RtnValPtr )
     D  RnAtrNam                     10a
     D  RnDtaTyp                      1a
     D  RnInfSts                      1a
     D  RnDtaLen                     10i 0
     D  RnDta                      4096a


        RnRtnAtrLen = %Elem( RnNetAtr ) * 24 + ( %Size( NetAtr )) + 4;
        RnNetAtr(1) = PxNetAtr;

        RtvNetAtr( RnRtnVar
                 : RnRtnAtrLen
                 : RnNetAtrNbr
                 : RnNetAtr
                 : ERRC0100

        If  ERRC0100.BytAvl > *Zero;
          NetAtr = NULL;

          For  Idx = 1  to RnRtnVarNbr;

            RtnValPtr = %Addr( RnRtnVar ) + RnRtnVarOfs(Idx);

            If  RnAtrNam = PxNetAtr;

              When  RnDtaTyp = 'C';
                NetAtr = %SubSt( RnDta: 1: RnDtaLen );

              When  RnDtaTyp = 'B';
                NetAtr = EditC( %Addr( RnDta ): RnDtaTyp: 10: 0: 'P' );

                NetAtr = NULL;


        Return  NetAtr;


     P GetNetAtr       E
     **-- Get system release level:  -----------------------------------------**
     P GetRlsLvl       B                   Export
     D                 Pi             6a


        RtvPrdInf( PRDR0100
                 : %Size( PRDR0100 )
                 : 'PRDR0100'
                 : '*OPSYS *CUR  0000*CODE    '
                 : ERRC0100

        If  ERRC0100.BytAvl > *Zero;
          PRDR0100.Release = *Blanks;

        Return  PRDR0100.Release;


     P GetRlsLvl       E
     **-- Edit code:  --------------------------------------------------------**
     P EditC           B
     D                 Pi           256a   Varying
     D  PxDecVar                       *   Value
     D  PxDecTyp                      1a   Const
     D  PxDecDig                      5u 0 Const
     D  PxDecPos                      5u 0 Const
     D  PxEdtCde                      1a   Const
     **-- Local variables & constants:
     D EdtMsk          s            256a
     D EdtMskLen       s             10i 0
     D RcvVar          s            256a
     D RcvVarLen       s             10i 0
     D ZroFilChr       s              1a
     D DecDig          s             10u 0
     D T_SIGNED        c                   x'00'
     D T_FLOAT         c                   x'01'
     D T_ZONED         c                   x'02'
     D T_PACKED        c                   x'03'
     D T_UNSIGNED      c                   x'0A'


        When  PxDecTyp = 'P'  Or PxDecTyp = 'Z';

          If  PxDecTyp  = 'P';
            DPA_Template_T.SclTyp = T_PACKED;
            DPA_Template_T.SclTyp = T_ZONED;

          DecDig = PxDecDig;
          DPA_Template_T.DecPos = PxDecPos;
          DPA_Template_T.DecLen = PxDecDig;

        When  PxDecTyp = 'I'  Or PxDecTyp = 'U';

          If  PxDecTyp = 'I';
            DPA_Template_T.SclTyp = T_SIGNED;
            DPA_Template_T.SclTyp = T_UNSIGNED;

          DecDig = PxDecDig;
          DPA_Template_T.DecPos = *Zero;

          If  DecDig > 5;
            DPA_Template_T.DecLen = 4;
            DPA_Template_T.DecLen = 2;

        When  PxDecTyp = 'B';

          DPA_Template_T.SclTyp = T_SIGNED;
          DPA_Template_T.DecPos = *Zero;
          DecDig = PxDecDig;

          If  DecDig > 5;
            DecDig = 10;
            DPA_Template_T.DecLen = 4;

            DecDig = 5;
            DPA_Template_T.DecLen = 2;

        CvtCdeMsk( EdtMsk
                 : EdtMskLen
                 : RcvVarLen
                 : ZroFilChr
                 : PxEdtCde
                 : ' '
                 : DecDig
                 : DPA_Template_T.DecPos
                 : ERRC0100

        CallP(e)  Edit( %Addr( RcvVar )
                      : RcvVarLen
                      : PxDecVar
                      : DPA_Template_T
                      : EdtMsk
                      : EdtMskLen

        If  %Error;
          Return  NULL;

        ElseIf  PxDecTyp = 'B'  And PxDecPos > *Zero;
          Return  %Trim( ApyDecFmt( %SubSt( RcvVar: 1: RcvVarLen ): PxDecPos ));

          Return  %Trim( %SubSt( RcvVar: 1: RcvVarLen ));


     P EditC           E
     **-- Apply decimal format:  ---------------------------------------------**
     P ApyDecFmt       B
     D                 Pi            64a   Varying
     D  PxInpStr                     64a   Value  Varying
     D  PxDecPos                      5u 0 Const
     **-- Local variables:
     D ZroOfs          s              5u 0
     D DecOfs          s              5u 0
     **-- Job info format JOBI0400:
     D JOBI0400        Ds                  Qualified
     D  BytRtn                       10i 0
     D  BytAvl                       10i 0
     D  JobNam                       10a
     D  UsrNam                       10a
     D  JobNbr                        6a
     D  DecFmt                        1a   Overlay( JOBI0400: 457 )


        RtvJobInf( JOBI0400
                 : %Size( JOBI0400 )
                 : 'JOBI0400'
                 : '*'
                 : *Blank
                 : ERRC0100

        If  ERRC0100.BytAvl > *Zero;
          Return  PxInpStr;

          If  JOBI0400.DecFmt = 'J';
            ZroOfs = %Len( PxInpStr ) - PxDecPos;
            DecOfs = ZroOfs + 1;

            ZroOfs = %Len( PxInpStr ) - PxDecPos + 1;
            DecOfs = ZroOfs;

          PxInpStr = %Xlate( ' ': '0': PxInpStr: ZroOfs );

          If  JOBI0400.DecFmt  = ' ';
            Return  %Replace( '.': PxInpStr: DecOfs: 0 );

            Return  %Replace( ',': PxInpStr: DecOfs: 0 );


     P ApyDecFmt       E
     **-- Get Cumulative PTF package level:  ---------------------------------**
     P GetCumLvl       B                   Export
     D                 Pi             5s 0
     **-- Local variables:
     D Idx             s             10u 0
     D CumLvl          s              5s 0 Inz
     **-- Local constants:
     D USRSPC_NAM      c                   'LSTPTFS   QTEMP'
     **-- User space generic header:
     D UsrSpc          Ds                  Qualified  Based( pUsrSpc )
     D  OfsHdr                       10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpc: 117 )
     D  OfsLst                       10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpc: 125 )
     D  NumLstEnt                    10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpc: 133 )
     D  SizLstEnt                    10i 0 Overlay( UsrSpc: 137 )
     **-- User space pointers:
     D pUsrSpc         s               *   Inz( *Null )
     D pHdrInf         s               *   Inz( *Null )
     D pLstEnt         s               *   Inz( *Null )
     **-- Product information - QpzListPTF:
     D PtfPrdInf       Ds                  Qualified
     D  PrdId                         7a
     D  Release                       6a
     D  PrdOpt                        4a
     D  LodId                        10a
     D  IncSpsPtf                     1a   Inz( '0' )
     D                               22a   Inz( *Allx'00' )
     **-- PTF list entry:
     D PTFL0100        Ds                  Qualified  Based( pLstEnt )
     D  PtfId                         7a
     D   PtfPfx                       2a   Overlay( PtfId: 1 )
     D   PtfCum                       1a   Overlay( PtfId: 2 )
     D   PtfNbr                       5s 0 Overlay( PtfId: 3 )
     D  RelLvlPtf                     6a
     D   RelV                         1a   Overlay( RelLvlPtf: 2 )
     D   RelR                         1a   Overlay( RelLvlPtf: 4 )
     D   RelM                         1a   Overlay( RelLvlPtf: 6 )
     D  PrdOptPtf                     4a
     D  PrdLodPtf                     4a
     D  LodSts                        1a
     D  SvfSts                        1a
     D  CvrSts                        1a
     D  OrdSts                        1a
     D  IplAct                        1a
     D  ActPnd                        1a
     D  ActReq                        1a
     D  IplReq                        1a
     D  PtfRls                        1a
     D  MinLvl                        2a
     D  MaxLvl                        2a
     D  StsDts                       13a
     D   StsDat                       7a   Overlay( StsDts: 1 )
     D   StsTim                       6a   Overlay( StsDts: 8 )
     D  SpsPtfId                      7a


        RtvPrdInf( PRDR0100
                 : %Size( PRDR0100 )
                 : 'PRDR0100'
                 : '*OPSYS *CUR  0000*CODE    '
                 : ERRC0100

        If  ERRC0100.BytAvl = *Zero;

          CrtUsrSpc( USRSPC_NAM
                   : *Blanks
                   : 65535
                   : x'00'
                   : '*CHANGE'
                   : *Blanks
                   : '*YES'
                   : ERRC0100

          If  ERRC0100.BytAvl = *Zero;

            PtfPrdinf.PrdId   =  PRDR0100.PrdId;
            PtfPrdinf.Release =  PRDR0100.Release;
            PtfPrdinf.PrdOpt  =  PRDR0100.PrdOpt;
            PtfPrdinf.LodId   =  PRDR0100.LodId;

            LstPtfs( USRSPC_NAM: PtfPrdInf: 'PTFL0100': ERRC0100 );

            If  ERRC0100.BytAvl = *Zero;

              RtvPtrSpc( USRSPC_NAM: pUsrSpc );

              pHdrInf = pUsrSpc + UsrSpc.OfsHdr;
              pLstEnt = pUsrSpc + UsrSpc.OfsLst;

              For  Idx = 1  to UsrSpc.NumLstEnt;

                If  PTFL0100.PtfPfx  = 'TC';

                  If  PTFL0100.PtfNbr > CumLvl;

                    CumLvl = PTFL0100.PtfNbr;

                If  Idx < UsrSpc.NumLstEnt;
                  pLstEnt += UsrSpc.SizLstEnt;


          DltUsrSpc( USRSPC_NAM: ERRC0100 );

        Return  CumLvl;


     P GetCumLvl       E
     **-- Get IPL timestamp:  ------------------------------------------------**
     P GetIplDts       B                   Export
     D                 Pi              z
     D IplDts          Ds            17    Qualified
     D  Date                          8a
     D  Time                          6a


        MatMatr( MatInzSts: x'0108' );

        CvtDtf( '*DTS': MatInzSts.StrIpl: '*YYMD': IplDts: ERRC0100 );

        Return  %Date( IplDts.Date: *ISO0 ) + %Time( IplDts.Time: *HMS0 );


     P GetIplDts       E
     **-- Get processor group:  ----------------------------------------------**
     P GetPrcGrp       B                   Export
     D                 Pi             4a
     D matmatr         Pr                  ExtProc( 'matmatr' )
     D  mchatr                         *   Value
     D  mchatrlen                     5i 0 Value
     D MMTR_012C_T     Ds          2616    Qualified
     D  BytPrv                       10i 0 Inz( %Size( MMTR_012C_T ))
     D  BytAvl                       10i 0
     D  reserved                      8a
     D  Mem_Offset                   10i 0
     D  Proc_Offset                  10i 0
     D  Col_Offset                   10i 0
     D  CEC_Offset                   10i 0
     D  Panel_Offset                 10i 0
     D CEC_VPD_T       Ds                  Qualified  Based( pCEC_VPD_T )
     D  CEC_read                      4a
     D  Manufacturing                 4a
     D  reserved1                     4a
     D  Type                          4a
     D  Model                         4a
     D  Pseudo_Model                  4a
     D  Group_Id                      4a
     D  reserved2                     4a
     D  Sys_Type_Ext                  1a
     D  Feature_Code                  4a
     D  Serial_No                    10a
     D  reserved3                     1a
     D MMTR_VPD        c                   x'012c'


        matmatr( %Addr( MMTR_012C_T ): MMTR_VPD );

        pCEC_VPD_T = %Addr( MMTR_012C_T ) + MMTR_012C_T.CEC_Offset;

        Return  %Trim( CEC_VPD_T.Group_Id );


     P GetPrcGrp       E
     **-- Get processor type:  -----------------------------------------------**
     P GetPrcTyp       B                   Export
     D                 Pi             4a
     D matmatr         Pr                  ExtProc( 'matmatr' )
     D  mchatr                         *   Value
     D  mchatrlen                     5i 0 Value
     D MMTR_012C_T     Ds          2616    Qualified
     D  BytPrv                       10i 0 Inz( %Size( MMTR_012C_T ))
     D  BytAvl                       10i 0
     D  reserved                      8a
     D  Mem_Offset                   10i 0
     D  Proc_Offset                  10i 0
     D  Col_Offset                   10i 0
     D  CEC_Offset                   10i 0
     D  Panel_Offset                 10i 0
     D CEC_VPD_T       Ds                  Qualified  Based( pCEC_VPD_T )
     D  CEC_read                      4a
     D  Manufacturing                 4a
     D  reserved1                     4a
     D  Type                          4a
     D  Model                         4a
     D  Pseudo_Model                  4a
     D  Group_Id                      4a
     D  reserved2                     4a
     D  Sys_Type_Ext                  1a
     D  Feature_Code                  4a
     D  Serial_No                    10a
     D  reserved3                     1a
     D MMTR_VPD        c                   x'012c'


        matmatr( %Addr( MMTR_012C_T ): MMTR_VPD );

        pCEC_VPD_T = %Addr( MMTR_012C_T ) + MMTR_012C_T.CEC_Offset;

        Return  CEC_VPD_T.Type;


     P GetPrcTyp       E
     **-- Get key position:  -------------------------------------------------**
     P GetKeyPos       B                   Export
     D                 Pi             6a
     D MMTR_0168_T     Ds                  Qualified
     D  BytPrv                       10i 0 Inz( %Size( MMTR_0168_T ))
     D  BytAvl                       10i 0
     D  CurIplTyp                     1a
     D  BitMap                        1a
     D                                6a
     D  PrvIplTyp                     1a
     D                 c                   x'0168'


        MatMatr( MMTR_0168_T: MMTR_PANEL_STATUS );

        When  tstbts( %Addr( MMTR_0168_T.BitMap ): 4 ) = 1;
          Return  'Auto';

        When  tstbts( %Addr( MMTR_0168_T.BitMap ): 5 ) = 1;
          Return  'Normal';

        When  tstbts( %Addr( MMTR_0168_T.BitMap ): 6 ) = 1;
          Return  'Manual';

        When  tstbts( %Addr( MMTR_0168_T.BitMap ): 7 ) = 1;
          Return  'Secure';

          Return  *Blanks;


     P GetKeyPos       E
     **-- Get IPL type:  -----------------------------------------------------**
     P GetIplTyp       B                   Export
     D                 Pi             1a
     D MMTR_0168_T     Ds                  Qualified
     D  BytPrv                       10i 0 Inz( %Size( MMTR_0168_T ))
     D  BytAvl                       10i 0
     D  CurIplTyp                     1a
     D  BitMap                        1a
     D                                6a
     D  PrvIplTyp                     1a
     D                 c                   x'0168'


        MatMatr( MMTR_0168_T: MMTR_PANEL_STATUS );

        Return  MMTR_0168_T.CurIplTyp;


     P GetIplTyp       E
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