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分类: 系统运维

2010-06-21 12:16:20

Open list of joblog messages **
** Program summary ** --------------- **
** Message handling API:
** QGYOLJBL Open list of joblog Lists messages from the specified
** messages job's joblog in sending data and
** time order. Replies to inquiry-
** messages are listed immediately
** after the message it is associated
** with. ** ** The QGYOLJBL API is found in the
** QGY library as are all other open
** list APIs - prior to V5R3.
** To retrieve open lists entries
** from an already open list the
** QGYGTLE (Get List Entries) API
** is available. ** ** Open list APIs:
** QGYGTLE Get list entries To retrieve open lists entries
** from an already open list the
** QGYGTLE (Get List Entries) API
** is available.
** QGYCLST Close list This API closes the previously
** opened list identified by the
** request handle parameter.
** Storage allocated is freed.
** Sequence of events:
** 1. The API input parameters are initialized
** 2. The open list of joblog messages API is called
** 3. If an error occurred calling the API or
** no entry is found blanks are returned to
** the caller ** ** 4. The most recent joblog message CPIAD02 message
** data is retrieved and returned to the caller.
** Parameters:
** PxJobId INPUT Qualified job name of the job whose joblog
** messages are to be listed. The following
** format applies:
** 1-10 Char 10 Job name
** 11-20 Char 10 Job user
** 21-26 Char 6 Job number
** The special value '*' is allowed. This value
** identifies the current job.
** PxMsgDta OUTPUT The IP address portion of the most recent
** found message CPIAD02 is returned. If no
** CPIAD02 is found blanks are returned.
** Programmer's note:
** As mentioned above library QGY must be in the job library list
** to succesfully run this program on releases prior to V5R3.
** To list another user's joblog *JOBCTL special authority is
** required.
** To list the joblog of a user having user class *SECOFR, special
** authority *ALLOBJ is required.
** Compile options: ** ** CrtRpgMod Module( CXM101 )
** CrtPgm Srvpgm( CXM101 )
** Module( CXM101 )
** ActGrp( QILE )
**-- Control spec: -----------------------------------------------------
** H Option( *SrcStmt )
**-- API error data structure: -----------------------------------------
** D ERRC0100 Ds Qualified D BytPrv 10i 0 Inz( %Size( ERRC0100 )) D BytAvl 10i 0 D MsgId 7a D 1a D MsgDta 128a
**-- API parameters: ---------------------------------------------------
** D RtnRcdNbr s 10i 0
** D SltInf Ds Qualified
D RtvDrc 10a
D JobId 26a Inz( '*' )
D IntJobId 16a
D StrKey 4a
D MsgLenMax 10i 0 Inz( -1 )
D HlpLenMax 10i 0 Inz( 0 )
D FldIdsOfs 10i 0 Inz( 84 )
D FldIdsNbr 10i 0 Inz( %Elem( SltInf.FldIds ))
D CalMsqOfs 10i 0 Inz( 88 )
D CalMsqLen 10i 0 Inz( 1 )
D 4a
D FldIds 10i 0 Dim( 1 ) Inz( 201 )
D CalMsq 10a Inz( '*' )
D LstInf Ds Qualified
D RcdNbrTot 10i 0
D RcdNbrRtn 10i 0
D Handle 4a
D RcdLen 10i 0
D InfSts 1a
D TimStp 13a
D LstSts 1a
D 1a
D InfLen 10i 0
D Rcd1 10i 0
D 40a
D OLJL0100 Ds 32767 Qualified
D NxtMsgOfs 10i 0
D FldDtaOfs 10i 0
D FldNbrOfs 10i 0
D MsgSev 10i 0
D MsgId 7a
D MsgTyp 2a
D MsgKey 4a
D MsgF 10a
D MsgFlib 10a
D DatSnt 7a
D TimSnt 6a
D MicSec 6a
D FldDta Ds Qualified Based( pFldDta )
D NxtFldOfs 10i 0
D FldDtaLen 10i 0
D FldId 10i 0
D DtaTyp 1a
D DtaSts 1a
D 14a
D DtaLen 10i 0
D Dta 1024a
**-- Open list of job log messages:
D LstLogMsg Pr ExtPgm( 'QGYOLJBL' )
D LlRcvVar 65535a Options( *VarSize )
D LlRcvVarLen 10i 0 Const
D LlLstInf 80a D LlNbrRcdRtn 10i 0 Const
D LlLogSltInf 1024a Const Options( *VarSize )
D LlLogSltLen 10i 0 Const
D LlError 1024a Options( *VarSize )
**-- Get list entry:
D GetLstEnt Pr ExtPgm( 'QGYGTLE' )
D GlRcvVar 65535a Options( *VarSize )
D GlRcvVarLen 10i 0 Const
D GlHandle 4a Const
D GlLstInf 80a
D GlNbrRcdRtn 10i 0 Const
D GlRtnRcdNbr 10i 0 Const
D GlError 1024a Options( *VarSize )
**-- Close list:
D CloseLst Pr ExtPgm( 'QGYCLST' )
D ClHandle 4a Const
D ClError 1024a Options( *VarSize )
D CXM101 Pr D PxJobId 26a
D PxMsgDta 15a **
D CXM101 Pi
D PxJobId 26a
D PxMsgDta 15a
    PxMsgDta = *Blanks;
    SltInf.JobId = PxJobId;
    SltInf.RtvDrc = '*PRV';
    SltInf.StrKey = x'FFFFFFFF';
    LstLogMsg( OLJL0100 : %Size( OLJL0100 ) : LstInf : 1 : SltInf : %Size( SltInf ) : ERRC0100 );
    If ERRC0100.BytAvl = *Zero;
       DoW LstInf.LstSts <> '2' Or LstInf.RcdNbrTot >= RtnRcdNbr;
          pFldDta = %Addr( OLJL0100 ) + OLJL0100.FldDtaOfs;
          If OLJL0100.MsgId = 'CPIAD02'; PxMsgDta = %Subst( FldDta.Dta: 11: FldDta.DtaLen - 10 );
          RtnRcdNbr += 1;
          GetLstEnt( OLJL0100 : %Size( OLJL0100 ) : LstInf.Handle : LstInf : 1 : RtnRcdNbr : ERRC0100 );
          If ERRC0100.BytAvl > *Zero;
       CloseLst( LstInf.Handle: ERRC0100 );
    *InLr = *On;

  Thanks to Carsten Flensburg

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