2009-10-11 14:17:37
l 考察侯选人的能力
l 考察侯选人的敏感性
l 考察侯选人的领导才能
l 考察侯选人的解决压力的能力
l 注意“项目经理的成熟,成熟对新项目而言有可能保守”
l 注意“强硬管理作风”影响下属自由发挥空间
l 注意“技术专家”过分关注技术
l 注意“顾客导向”
l 注意“岗位轮换以培养人才”的考虑
l 由企业高层领导委派
l 由企业和客户协商选择
l 竞争上岗
图1-5 典型信息技术项目的组织
l 概要项目进展 / Oversee the progress of the Project
n 进度 / Schedule
n 成本 / Cost
n 用户满意情况 / User Satisfaction
l 项目管理支持工作 / Project management support groups
n 项目保证 / Project Assurance
n 法律事务 / Legal
n 用户组织方面 / User organizations
n 技术方面 / Technical
n 产品安全性方面 / Product Safety
n 其他内部组织方面 / Other internal organizations
n 其他外部组织方面 / Other external organizations
l 提供信息,数据,决策和对项目组的认可 / Provides information, data, decisions and approvals to the project team
l 监控项目进展,并向客户方高层管理者汇报 / Monitors and reports on progress to upper user management
l 帮助解决项目问题 / Helps resolve project issues
l 参与项目状态会议 / Participates in project status meetings
l 与项目经理一起管理项目变化控制过程 / With the Project Manager, administers the project change control procedure
l 帮助解决与项目规划相比发生偏差的内容 / Helps resolve deviations from project plans
l 项目总负责 / Overall project responsibility
l 建立项目计划,评估表及进度表 / Establishes project work plans, estimates and schedules
l 建立项目人员需求表 / Establishes project staffing requirements
l 建立项目培训需求表 / Establishes project training requirements
l 进行项目计划,召集项目状态会议 / Conducts project planning and project status meetings
l 跟踪和报告项目进展情况,包括进度和工作产品 / Tracks and reports project progress, including schedules and work products
l 需要时采取必要的正确的行动 / Takes corrective action when needed
l 准备和提交项目状态报告 / Prepares and delivers project status reports
l 建立和管理项目变化控制步骤 / Establishes and administers the change control procedure
l 准备和发布项目审核报告 / Prepares and makes presentations at project reviews
l 与客户方经理接触,必要时获得同意 / Interfaces with the User Project Manager and obtains agreement when necessary
l 支持项目经理定义,评估和规划任务 / Assists the Project Manager in defining, estimating and planning tasks
l 协调与其他项目组,其他应用及其他系统之间接口的开发 / Coordinates development of interfaces between other teams, applications, systems, etc.
l 参与数据库设计及技术审核 / Participates in data base design and technical reviews
l 准备项目工作规范 / Prepares project procedures
l 对项目组成员提供技术指导 / Provides technical guidance to team members
l 对项目工作产品的内容和形式, 建立指南,标准和规范, 例如系统需求分析报告的指南与规范,系统设计报告的指南与规范/ Establishes guidelines, standards and procedures for format and content of work products(e.g., Requirements Report, System Design Report)
l 审核项目成员产生的工作产品 / Reviews work products produced by team members
l 协调与用户之间的各种问题协调会/ Coordinates walkthrus and user review meetings
l 对项目变化需求进行评估并编制评估报告 / Evaluates and develops estimates for project change requests
l 参与项目状态报告会议及项目审核 / Participates in status meetings and project reviews
l 解决技术问题 / Resolve technical issues
l 参与技术设计审核 / Participates in technical design reviews
l 向测试计划提要求 /Provides inputs to test plan
l 审核系统测试案例,检查其完备性和准确性 / Reviews system test cases for completeness and accuracy
l 有选择的审核测试结果以保证测试的质量/ Selectively reviews test results to ensure the quality of testing
l 管理并维护项目文档库和日志 / Maintains the project documentation library and logs
l 维护相应的各种文件 / Maintains the correspondences files
l 将周发生信息输入到项目跟踪系统中 / May assist with the entry of weekly input into the project tracking system
l 协助各种雇员进行工作 / Assists with clerical support
l 项目控制办公室的重要参加人 / Key participant within Project Control Office(PCO)
l 准备测试计划,包括测试规范 / Prepares the test plan, including guidelines for preparation of
n 功能列表 / Function list
n 测试脚本 / Test Scripts
n 测试案例 / Test cases
n 测试数据 / Test data
l 建立好系统测试软件环境和工作步骤 / Establishes the system test software environment and procedures
l 监控测试软件的运行以及案例的审核 / Monitors the running and review of test cases
l 监控系统测试功能表的开发以保证准确性和完备性 / Monitors the development of the system test function list for accuracy and completeness
l 协调并指导用户分析员准备以下内容 / Coordinates and provides guidance to the User Analysis in their preparation of
n 测试脚本 / Test scripts
n 测试案例 / Test cases
n 测试数据 /Test data
n 预期的测试结果 / Expected test results
l 维护问题报告和问题日志 / Maintains problem reports and problem log
l 跟踪问题以保证问题在要求的时间内获得解决 / Follows up on problems reported to ensure that problems are being fixed within the established time period
l 与所有的项目成员交流主要的问题及解决方案 / Communicates major problems and solutions to all project team members
l 维护系统测试进展报告并跟踪报告测试状态 / Maintains the system test progress report, tracks and reports test status
l 协助项目经理和系统设计师定义和评估任务以编制项目计划 / Assists the Project Manager and System Architect in defining and estimating tasks for the project plan
l 给项目成员定义,评估和分配任务 / Defines, estimates and assigns tasks to team members
l 按进度表要求计划/跟踪/报告项目组进展情况 / Plans, tracks, and reports the team’s progress against schedules
l 项目组成员的技术领导 / Provides technical leadership to team members
l 参与用户审核会议 / Participates in user review meetings
l 与系统设计师一起评估项目变化请求 / With the System Architect, evaluate project change request
l 对问题及其解决过程负主要责任 / Has primary responsibility for the problem and issues process
l 参与项目审核 / Participates in project reviews
l 与技术支撑人员,例如DBA,系统支持人员等的主要联络人员 / Acts as the primary contact with technical support personnel, such as DBAs, system support, etc.
l 审核项目成员的工作产品并参与过程讨论 / Reviews the team member’s work products, and participates in walkthrus
l 协助项目组长定义和评估任务 / Assists the Team Leader in defining and estimating tasks
l 按规范将需求文档化并准备在正式文档中的指定部分 / Documents requirements and prepares assigned parts of the Requirements, External and Internal Design reports according to established guidelines
l 按测试计划准备测试案例,脚本和数据 / Prepares test cases, scripts and data according to the test plan
l 按照测试计划进行系统测试 / Conducts system test according to the test plan
l 按照测试计划审核系统测试结果 / Reviews system test results according to the test plan
l 按用户手册规范准备用户手册中指定部分的内容 / Prepares assigned portions of the user manual according to the User Manual guidelines
l 按用户培训规范准备培训材料并进行用户培训工作 / Prepares user training materials and “training the trainer” according to the User Training guidelines
l 计划并进行与其他成员工作产品的过程讨论 / Plans, schedules and conducts walkthrus of other team members’ work products
l 提醒项目组长所有的需要变化控制的变化 / Notifies the Team Leader of all apparent changes which might require change control
l 按计划以周为基础报告进展情况 / Reports progress against the plan on a weekly basis:
n 工作的工时 / Hours
n 评估要完成的每一个任务 / Estimate to complete each task
n 其他会影响进度的关键因素 / Other key factors that may effect the schedule
l 软件产品的编程 / Codes of software products
l 软件产品的安装 / Installs software products
l 硬件产品的安装 / Installs hardware products
l 按规范测试软件和硬件产品 / Test software and hardware products according to the established guidelines
l 与项目经理一样对项目负总责,但是在更高层次上 / Same general responsibilities as the Project Manager, but at a much higher level
l 高层事务管理者 / High level business manager
l 与客户方项目经理一样对项目从客户角度负总责,但是在更高层次上 / Same general responsibilities as the User Project Manager, but at a much higher level
l 与项目领导相接触与协调 / Interface to the Project Executive
l 维护关键的项目文档资料和日志 / Maintains key project documentation library and logs
l 将周信息输入到项目跟踪系统中 / Enters the weekly input into the project tracking system
l 支持/维护所有项目计划 / Assists / maintains the overall project plans
l 协助项目审核准备工作 / Assists with project review preparation
l 跟踪/控制所有必要的文档 / Tracks/controls all documentation necessary for the project
图1-6 项目职位定义表
l 在项目目标定义阶段定义项目组织 / Define the project organization during the Project Objectives Definition phase.
l 在项目目标定义阶段文档化用户的责任 / Document the user responsibilities during the Project Objectives Definition phase.
l 为项目中的每一个人完成一份职位定义表 / Complete a Position Description for each individual on the project.
Follow the methodology / 按方法论去做.
Don’t assume anything / 不要假定任何事情.
Make sure everyone knows what to do / 使每个人都知道要做什么.
Look for problems – Don’t wait for them to seek you out…anticipate / 主动发现问题,不要等问题出来找到你, 要参与.
Don’t expect help without asking / 没有请求的时候不要期望帮助.
User satisfaction(long term) may require some(short term) dissatisfaction / 长期的用户满意可能需要用户一些短期的不满意.
Quality is first…and last. Don’t settle for mediocrity(平庸的) / 质量是首位的,也是目标. 不要平庸的解决问题, 要以最优的质量解决它.
Know what you don’t know. You are not expected to know everything. / 清楚你所不知道的. 并没有要求你知道任何事情.
Remember: The Project Plan is Your plan. 记住:项目计划就是你的计划.
Don’t just collect data. Analyze it… and change plans, if necessary./ 不要只是收集数据, 分析它…,必要的话,可以改变计划.
Communicate… in all directions. 在所有方面进行交流.
Good project rapport(亲善关系) is a must. Establish it early, and nurture it. / 良好的项目关系是必须的. 尽早的建立它,并精心护理它.
Recognize the value of planning. / 承认计划的价值.
Employ Project Reviews – formal and informal./ 利用项目审核—正规的和非正规的.
Stick to the process……it works! / 盯住过程… 它在工作呢!