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2010-07-12 16:38:12

a former Republican member of Congress In 2007, Politico took a more pointed dig, in zichan an item headlined "Boehner cries again, getting a rep as a 'weeper,'" which pointed out, "This is getting to be something of a habit for the Ohio Republican. One of his GOP colleagues noted that Boehner cries more often later in the day. Go figure, eh."

Stories about hard-drinking politicians are no rarity, of course. In 2000, CNN offered a lengthy summary of Congressional problems with alcohol, ranging from Gerald Ford to Ted Kennedy. And in 1990, the Washington Post presented a detailed account of Kennedy's drinking binges, including an anecdote about Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) seeking Kennedy out in the Capitol to invite him to address a group of Mormon missionaries and finding him in company with Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) and "neither ... feeling any pain."

The real question may be why Scarborough -- a former Republican member of Congress who served with Boehner in the late 90's -- chose to let the cat out of the bag at this particular time. Boehner has recently been providing an unusual amount of fodder for Democratic campaign ads, however, ranging from his description of financial regulation reform as "killing an ant with a nuclear weapon" to his suggestion that the Social Security zichan retirement age should be raised to 70.
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