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发布时间:2015-03-28 07:39:59
On Feb 11, 7:07 am, Mike Edenfield <kut...@kutulu.org> wrote:A fault address of deadbaad is a signal that your problem is a corruptmemory heap. The error's going to come from libc, but that's justbecause libc's memory management routines are what ultimately triggeredthe fault,.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2015-03-04 02:00:13
Cross-compilation using Clang?Introduction?This document will guide you in choosing the right Clang options for cross-compiling your code to a different architecture. It assumes you already know how to compile the code in question for the host architecture, and that you know how to ch.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2015-03-04 01:36:29
发表于2013-04-24 09:00| 7293次阅读| 来源Oschina| 26 条评论| 作者Oschina ClangC++11编程语言标准 摘要:Clang开发者宣布支持所有的C++11语言标准特性,C++11语言标准是在2011年夏季发布。最新的ISO标准特性添加了支持继承构造器和thread_local变量。Clang开发者宣.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2015-03-04 01:33:04
发布时间:2015-03-03 12:00:05
1.方法声明: -(void) setNumerator: (int) d;-代表对象方法,+代表类方法(静态方法)(void):返回值setNumerator:方法名(int) d:第一个参数类型和参数名2.obc可调用c++代码(.mm结尾)3.#import取代#include,可以防止重复include4.字符串:NSStringNSString *string1 = @".........【阅读全文】
COMPUTER-TECH2014-12-23 15:06
COMPUTER-TECH:近期在搞JNI,Xcode, 所以转了好多C++的文章。 C++,需要真正的面向对象设计,面向的不好是自己给自己找麻烦。