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发布时间:2014-10-11 03:02:02
Strategies for Using C++ in Objective-C Projects (and vice versa)Update (May 2012): while nothing in this article is incorrect, there have been some changes to Objective-C since clang became Apple's primary compiler. This means there is now an easier way to combine C++ and Objective-C than the.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2014-10-11 02:56:55
Cross-platform (iOS/Android) Mobile App development using C++At AmigoCloud, we use tons of C++ & OpenGL for our Mapping applications.Funny enough, when I talk to tech-people about our startup and tell them that we have a cross-platform framework, the first words that come out of their mout.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2014-07-23 15:01:05
本想等Android深入理解再看IOS,现在看来已经等不及了。工作中需要写一个库文件,Android及IOS均可调用。这免不了在IOS的平台下调试,总不能一直麻烦需求方吧。再说,IOS本来就是必备的。环境:Win7 64bit 8G 目标:编译运行IOS APP(希望今天下班前可以搞定)步骤:1. 下载Mac OS X Mavericks.app.dmg 注意,喜欢NBA.........【阅读全文】
COMPUTER-TECH2014-12-23 15:06
COMPUTER-TECH:近期在搞JNI,Xcode, 所以转了好多C++的文章。 C++,需要真正的面向对象设计,面向的不好是自己给自己找麻烦。
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