发布时间:2014-04-22 20:59:23
http://dranger.com/ffmpeg/tutorial06.htmlTutorial 06: Synching AudioSynching AudioSo now we have a decent enough player to watch a movie, so let's see what kind of loose ends we have lying around. Last time, we glossed over synchronization a little bit, namely sychronizing audio to a vid.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2014-04-22 20:51:42
http://dranger.com/ffmpeg/tutorial04.htmlTutorial 04: Spawning ThreadsOverviewLast time we added audio support by taking advantage of SDL's audio functions. SDL started a thread that made callbacks to a function we defined every time it needed audio. Now we're going to do the same sort o.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2014-04-22 20:48:50
http://dranger.com/ffmpeg/tutorial03.htmlTutorial 03: Playing SoundAudioSo now we want to play sound. SDL also gives us methods for outputting sound. The SDL_OpenAudio() function is used to open the audio device itself. It takes as arguments an SDL_AudioSpec struct, w.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2014-04-22 20:43:01
http://dranger.com/ffmpeg/tutorial02.htmlTutorial 02: Outputting to the ScreenSDL and VideoTo draw to the screen, we're going to use SDL. SDL stands for Simple Direct Layer, and is an excellent library for multimedia, is cross-platform, and is used in several projects. You can get the li.........【阅读全文】