发布时间:2017-12-07 13:48:14
保護模式Maximum protection mode因某些故障在事務提交前,如主庫online redo log不能傳輸到至少一組備庫的standby redo log file中,主庫將自動關閉。必須用LGWR SYNC AFFIRM Maximum availability modeLike maximum protection mode, a transaction will not commit until the redo needed to recover that.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2017-12-07 13:48:14
10) Now restore the datafiles to new locations and recover. Since we are recovering the database here till the archivelog sequence 50 the sequence number in the SET UNTIL SEQUENCE clause should be 50 (+1) RMAN> run { set until sequence 51; set newnam.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2017-12-07 13:48:14
环境:Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant) Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod备库中:SELECT current_scn+1 FROM V$DATAFILE主库中:[oracle@smt u01]$ rman target /Recovery Manager: Release - Production on 琍戳き 5る 11 .........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2017-12-07 13:48:14
When the issue occurred, please perform. the following:1. Please provide the OSWatcher output You can refer following note for details:Note:301137.1 OS Watcher User Guide2. please systemstate and hanganalyze dumpA. Identify the SID you want to traceexport ORACLE_SID=PRODReplace PROD with th.........【阅读全文】