When the issue occurred, please perform. the following:
1. Please provide the OSWatcher output
You can refer following note for details:
Note:301137.1 OS Watcher User Guide
2. please systemstate and hanganalyze dump
A. Identify the SID you want to trace
Replace PROD with the SID you want to trace
B. Using SQL*Plus connect as "/ AS SYSDBA" using the following command:
sqlplus -prelim / as sysdba
C. Execute the following:
SQL> oradebug setmypid
SQL> oradebug unlimit
SQL> oradebug -g all hanganalyze 3
SQL> oradebug -g all dump systemstate 266
D. Wait at least 2 minutes to give time to identify process state changes.
E. Execute the following:
SQL> oradebug -g all hanganalyze 3
SQL> oradebug -g all dump systemstate 266
Verify that the the "diag" background process trace file has been updated in the
background_dump_destination on each node. Examine each "diag" file to ensure that it
contains 2 hanganalyze dumps and a systemstate dump.
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