发布时间:2014-05-29 15:56:51 PAGED_CODE macro ensures that the calling thread is running at an IRQL that is low enough to permit paging.SyntaxC++VOID PAGED_CODE(void);Paramet.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2014-05-26 17:47:23
video request packet (VRP)A mechanism used to communicate device I/O control requests from a display driver to its corresponding adapter-specific miniport driver. For example, when a display driver calls EngDeviceIoControl, this function calls a system service causing the NT-based oper.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2014-05-23 17:44:29 section describes the interfaces that the user-mode display driver implements and that can be called by the operating system. 用户模式驱动实现以下接口供系统调用。User-Mode Display Driver Funct.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2014-05-23 16:12:46 Interfaces Implemented By the Direct3D Runtime1)Direct3D Functions Called by User-Mode Display DriversDescribes the functions that the Microsoft Direct3D runtime suppli.........【阅读全文】