发布时间:2019-05-11 08:53:48
when you define a new application object or write some procedural code, does not create an actual table in a database or compile any code. Instead, simply stores metadata that the system’s engine can use to generate the virtual application components at runtime.When you ne.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2019-05-10 11:21:52
看文档:SAP client是SAP系统里包含了主数据和业务数据的层级结构最高的组织单元标识符,业务上来说代表一个企业,技术类型是一个三位的正整数。Every SAP user’s access and authorizations must assigned to the SAP client on which client users are working.It is used to .........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2019-05-10 10:55:43
从SAP的帮助文档上可以找到SAProuter的定义:, the firewall forms an impenetrable “wall”around your network. However, since particular types of connections need to penetrate .........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2019-05-10 10:36:10
R指Real time。3既指第三代系统,又代表3层架构。ABAP In EclipseABAP in WebIDEABAP in Visual Studio Code下图是在Eclipse里进行ABAP开发:在浏览器里进行ABAP开发:在微软的Visual Studio Code里开发:这.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2019-05-09 22:53:13
1. Open the file in application server3. If the file is regarding IPG or MIDH or TPG, handle with each line separately1. Check the file path whether it is IPG or MIDH or TPG related. If not, quit the report.The validation logic for input reco.........【阅读全文】