发布时间:2019-05-11 10:23:39 integrates and optimizes several different data persistence technologies to deliver transparent polyglot persistence for all your applications and devices. With, you don’t have to deal with the complexity of trying to integrate, manage, test, and support several systems, and y.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2019-05-11 10:09:41
在Jerry的其他文章曾经提到,Salesforce里运行时对象均是通过静态存储的元数据,经过Runtime engine加工而成的。Because metadata is a key ingredient of applications, the system’s runtime engine must optimize access to metadata; otherwise, frequent metadata access would prevent the service .........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2019-05-11 09:46:04
事务码SE11,utilities->Database Object->Database Utility:点这个Storage Parameters:上面SAPGUI里显示的数据实际来自HANA数据库里的System view:TABLES,SELECT *FROM "SYS"."TABLES" WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = 'SAPAG3' AND TABLE_NAME = 'COMM_PRODUCT' .........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2019-05-11 08:53:48
when you define a new application object or write some procedural code, does not create an actual table in a database or compile any code. Instead, simply stores metadata that the system’s engine can use to generate the virtual application components at runtime.When you ne.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2019-05-10 15:47:54
Multitenancy is the fundamental technology that clouds use to share IT resources cost-efficiently and securely.多租户支持是所有云服务提供商都需要着力实现的一种技术,用于云基础设施上在成本可控和保证安全性的前提下进行IT资源分享。how to keep tenant-specific data secure in a shared .........【阅读全文】