发布时间:2020-02-04 19:53:29
大家这几天在家里宅得如何了?貌似不少朋友都闷坏了。Jerry之前的文章 SAP错误消息调试之七种武器:让所有的错误消息都能被定位 介绍的第五种武器孔雀翎SAT,曾经提到了下面这张SAT的截图:SAT生成的Trace结果,以树形结构显示ABAP程序执行的每一调用栈和性能数据,无论是进行性能分析,还是学习一段陌生代码的.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2020-02-04 19:24:21
发布时间:2020-02-04 18:40:01
For example if you have 110 equipment to be downloaded from ERP, there would be 3 inbound queues generated in CRM, the first two will each import 50 equipment and the left 3rd queue imports the left 10 equipment.# Screenshot from customer system......【阅读全文】
发布时间:2020-02-04 18:02:46
Ross asked why there is strange queue with name CSA* in inbound or outbound queue monitor.CSA Queues - SAP Q&ABasically speaking, every time you make changes on an object in CRM downloaded from ERP, there will be CSA queue automatically generated.Before line 167 is executed, BDOC stat.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2020-02-04 17:33:02
After save, you can observe there are three BDOC related to this save.When you perform change in WebUI and save:This badi is responsible for sending product changes done in CRM to other registered site which are intrested with this change.And what content is included in this BDOC? Jus.........【阅读全文】