发布时间:2012-05-22 16:42:38
时钟/数据/地址线上串联一个小电阻有什么作用? 这个电阻有两个作用,第一是阻抗匹配。因为信号源的阻抗很低,跟信号线之间阻抗不匹配,串上一个电阻后,可改善匹配情况,以减少反射,避免振荡等。第二是可以减少信号边沿的陡峭程度,从而减少高频噪声以及过冲等。因为串联的电阻,跟信号线的分布电容以及负载的输入.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2012-05-22 10:25:31
Since the earliest days of microprocessors, system designers have been plagued by a problem in which the speed of the CPU's operation exceeded the bandwidth of the memory subsystem to which it was connected. To avoid wasting CPU cycles while waiting for the memory to fetch the requested data, the .........【阅读全文】