发布时间:2014-12-13 14:48:18
###这个问题在2010的时候印象比较深!当时也解决了,只是没有记录下来,这次转载人家的,就当留个资料备份吧!Sometime it happens that when you want do delete/remove a rpm pkg using the command rpm -e pkgname you came across the below error :: error: "curl-7.15.5-9.e.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2014-12-10 20:42:35
zabbix对一个服务进行监控,例如crond,zabbix本身没有此模板,需要手动书写脚本场景介绍: zabbix server192.168.10.134: zabbix client2:脚本内容如下:脚本的内容如下:[root@zabbiclient1 scripts]# pwd/etc/zabbix/scripts[root@zabbiclient1 scripts]# cat check_process_running #!.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2014-11-29 16:29:41
在配置keepalived+haproxy+xtradbcluster时遇到一个问题,9200端口已经启动了,通过lsof -i:9200 有输出,但curl -I http://localhost:9200 始终提示503 错误:我在percona论坛发帖提问,后来自己解决了!见附件Hi,I want to establish a cluster with 5 nodes (haproxy+keepalived and 3 node.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2014-11-29 15:37:52
f you initialized the first PXC node, so it's standalone primary node, then adding new nodes is very simple. On a new node, you just specify the existing node's IP in this variable: wsrep_cluster_address=gcomm://node1_IP Then full SST will copy data from existing node to a new node, eve.........【阅读全文】