发布时间:2014-11-17 17:00:36
This blog post was inspired by my visit at the annual Zabbix Conference in Riga, Latvia this year, where I gave a couple of talks on MySQL and beyond.It was a two day single-track event with some 200 participants, a number of interesting talks on Zabbix (and related technologies.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2014-09-22 17:44:14
发布时间:2014-07-03 15:42:08
Screen 将多种信息放在一起展示,便于集中展示某个host 的多个信息,或是比较多个hosts 的同一种信息,这些信息可以为graphs、maps、server infos 等等,几乎涵盖zabbix 所有的监控信息。通过configuration->screens->creat screen 来创建,创建时定义screen 的行数和列数,点击对应单元格内的change,添加相应的信息见.........【阅读全文】