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chinaunix网友2009-03-23 22:29


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chinaunix网友2009-03-15 18:47

您好: 从网上看到你的文章,“6DOF Voxel地形渲染技术”。目前有个项目正需要使用voxel 3D进行地形重建和显示,苦于没找到合适的参考资料,麻烦您看是否可以把该文章提到的编写的引擎原代码mail给我,,先在这表示感谢。

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chinaunix网友2009-02-03 15:55

int num2; Exception exception; int num3; int num4; IEnumerator enumerator; num4 = 1; if (this.conn != null) { foreach (RTDData data in this.m_RealRTDData) { double num = 0; if (StringType.StrCmp(data.P4, "", false) != 0) { if (StringType.StrCmp(data.P5, "", false) == 0) { recordset = this.conn.Execute("select [" + data.P1 + "] from " + data.P2 + " where " + data.P3 + "='" + data.P4 + "'", out Missing.Value, -1); }else{ Recordset recordset = this.conn.Execute("select [" + data.P1 + "] from " + data.P2 + " where " + data.P3 + "='" + data.P4 + "' and " + data.P5, out Missing.Value, -1); } if (!(recordset.EOF)) { num = DoubleType.FromObject(recordset.Fields[0].Value); } recordset.Close(); if (this.conn.State == 0) { this.conn.Open(this.connectString, "", "", -1); } data.Last = (float) num; } } if ((enumerator is IDisposable)) { ((IDisposable) enumerator).Dispose(); } this.m_xlRTDUpdate.UpdateNotify(); } 简单看了下,不保证准确;你自己再核实一下吧,你这个其实很简单,只要把switch case结构去掉,然后把没有被引用的标号去掉,剩下只有几个标号了,很好整理的结构; 好久都没来看,回复比较迟,不好意思i

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chinaunix网友2009-01-24 03:10

你好看到你的“Dot Net项目用Reflector反编译时的switch问题”很是欣喜,我也有一个同样的问题,搞了好长时间了快疯了。请您给看看! private void m_tmrTimer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { int num2; Exception exception; int num3; int num4; try { IEnumerator enumerator; Label_0001: ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); num4 = 1; Label_0009: num2 = 1; if (this.conn == null) { goto Label_0249; } Label_0016: num2 = 2; foreach (RTDData data in this.m_RealRTDData) { Label_0037: num2 = 3; double num = 0; Label_0043: num2 = 4; if (StringType.StrCmp(data.P4, "", false) == 0) { goto Label_020D; } Label_005C: num2 = 5; if (StringType.StrCmp(data.P5, "", false) == 0) { goto Label_010E; } Label_0075: num2 = 6; Recordset recordset = this.conn.Execute("select [" + data.P1 + "] from " + data.P2 + " where " + data.P3 + "='" + data.P4 + "' and " + data.P5, out Missing.Value, -1); Label_0107: num2 = 7; goto Label_0199; Label_010E: num2 = 8; Label_0111: num2 = 9; recordset = this.conn.Execute("select [" + data.P1 + "] from " + data.P2 + " where " + data.P3 + "='" + data.P4 + "'", out Missing.Value, -1); Label_0199: num2 = 11; if (recordset.EOF) { goto Label_01C4; } Label_01A4: num2 = 12; num = DoubleType.FromObject(recordset.Fields[0].Value); Label_01C4: num2 = 14; recordset.Close(); Label_01CE: num2 = 15; if (this.conn.State != 0) { goto Label_0200; } Label_01DF: num2 = 0x10; this.conn.Open(this.connectString, "", "", -1); Label_0200: num2 = 0x12; data.Last = (float) num; Label_020D: num2 = 20; } Label_021D: num2 = 0x15; if (!(enumerator is IDisposable)) { goto Label_023A; } Label_0229: num2 = 0x16; ((IDisposable) enumerator).Dispose(); Label_023A: num2 = 0x18; this.m_xlRTDUpdate.UpdateNotify(); Label_0249:; goto Label_0315; Label_024F: num3 = 0; switch ((num3 + 1)) { case 0: goto Label_0001; case 1: goto Label_0009; case 2: goto Label_0016; case 3: goto Label_0037; case 4: goto Label_0043; case 5: goto Label_005C; case 6: goto Label_0075; case 7: goto Label_0107; case 8: goto Label_010E; case 9: goto Label_0111; case 10: case 11: goto Label_0199; case 12: goto Label_01A4; case 13: case 14: goto Label_01C4; case 15: goto Label_01CE; case 0x10: goto Label_01DF; case 0x11: case 0x12: goto Label_0200; case 0x13: case 20: goto Label_020D; case 0x15: goto Label_021D; case 0x16: goto Label_0229; case 0x17: case 0x18: goto Label_023A; case 0x19: goto Label_0249; case 0x1a: goto Label_0315; } } catch (object obj1) when (?) { Exception ex = (Exception) obj1; ProjectData.SetProjectError(ex); exception = ex; if (num3 == 0) { num3 = num2; switch (num4) { case 1: goto Label_024F; } throw; } } throw exception; Label_0315: if (num3 != 0) { ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); } } 麻烦你给看看原型是什么!看了好长时间了,一直搞不定!多谢!

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chinaunix网友2008-02-03 00:25

囧 难得在CU碰上同好...交个朋友... 我的CSDN... CU的BLOG找ID就可以了...XD

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