2010-09-27 17:08:13
这里以Redhat Linux为例,配置 Red Hat Linux 服务器时,必须确保最大文件句柄数足够大。一般是8192。文件句柄的设置表示您在 Linux 系统上可以打开的文件数。使用以下命令来确定整个系统中文件句柄的最大数量:
# cat /proc/sys/fs/file-nr
在脚本/etc/rc.d/rc..local中添加一行:echo 10240 >; /proc/sys/fs/file-max (举例)或者在/boot/.bashrc中加入:
ulimit -u unlimited
ulimit -n 20480
然后所有普通用户的open files都变为20480了,用户最大进程数变为ulimited了。
编辑/etc/sysctl.conf文件(或者sysctl -w,参看SYSCTL.CONF(5))
maxfiles Minimum = 30
Maximum = 60000
Default = 60
; maxfiles_lim Minimum = 30
Maximum = 60000
Default = 1024
maxfiles specifies the system default soft limit for the number of files a process is allowed to have open at any given time. It is possible for a process to increase its soft limit and therefore open more than maxfiles files.Non-superuser processes can increase their soft limit until they reach the hard limit (maxfiles_lim).
To be useful, the value assigned to maxfiles must be less than the value of maxfiles_lim. maxfiles_lim is useful only if it does not exceed the limits imposed by nfile and ninode.
从Solaris 2.4开始,可以通过修改/etc/system实现
* set hard limit on file descriptors
set rlim_fd_max = 4096
* set soft limit on file descriptors
set rlim_fd_cur = 1024
Solaris 7之前,select()使用的文件句柄数不能超过1024;Solaris 7下select()可以使用最多达65536的文件句柄,64-bit应用程序缺省情况如此。如果是32-bit应用程序,需要指定给FD_SETSIZE一个更大的值,重新编译。
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