2010-03-16 09:45:19
1. 需要的功能:
注:此处仅列出2D加速特性,其他的一些通用特性(如对颜色格式的支持,local buffer不列出)
• Line draw:画线(线宽可变)
• Anti-aliased line draw:绘制锯齿线(线宽可变)
• Color fill:为目标矩形填充颜色
• Chroma key stretch BLT
• Rotate BLT
• Raster OP BLT (serves as source copy BLT)
• Pattern copy BLT
• Alpha blend BLT
• Scale BLT
• Bias BLT
• Chroma key BLT
• Stretch BLT
• Decimate BLT
•Alpha Blending
■Telechips公司的TCC 8900处理器:
采用了arm公司的Mali 200 GPU.是一个2D/3D引擎。兼容OpenGL ES 2.0 OpenGL ES 1.1 OpenVG 1.0等图像标准。Tcc 8900的图形引擎特性包括像素处理器和几何处理器两大部分:
The pixel processor features are:
z Programmable fragment shader
z Access to framebuffer from fragment shaders
z Alpha blending
z Arbitrary memory reads and writes
z Complete non-power-of-2 texture support
z Cube mapping
z Dynamic recursion
z Fast dynamic branching
z Fast trigonometric functions, including arctangent
z Full floating-point arithmetic
z Framebuffer blend with destination Alpha
z High Dynamic Range (HDR) textures and framebuffers
z Indexable texture samplers
z Line, quad, triangle and point sprites
z Multiple render targets
z No limit on program length
z Perspective Anisotropic Filtering (AF)
z Perspective correct texturing
z Point sampling, bilinear, and trilinear filtering
z Programmable mipmap level-of-detail biasing and replacement
z Register indirect jumps
z Stencil buffering, 8-bit
z Two-sided stencil
z Unlimited dependent texture reads
z Virtualized texture samplers
z 4-level hierarchical Z and stencil operations
z 4 times and 16 times Full Scene Anti-Aliasing (FSAA)
z 4-bit per texel texture compression
The geometry processor features are:
z Programmable vertex shader
z Autonomous operation tile list generation
z Flexible input and output formats
z Indexed and non-indexed geometry input
z Primitive constructions with points, lines, triangles and quads.
SM-501是Sillicon Motion公司推出的一款便携式多媒体协处理器芯片,专门为嵌入式工业提供补充功能,具有视频和2D能力。是现在主流的单芯片2D加速引擎之一。它的主要特性有:
1. BitBlt (from system/local memory to system/local memory) with 256 raster operations. Pattern is selectable between 8x8 monochrome pattern, 8x8 color pattern or another surface located in either system
or local memory.
2. Transparent BitBlt with the same capabilities as the previous command, but only the source or destination can be transparent (either ColorKey or ChromaKey).
3. Alpha BitBlt with a constant alpha value.
4. Rotation BitBlt for any block size. This feature allows high speeds conversion between landscape and portrait display without the need for special software drivers. (90°, 180°, 270°.)
5. YUV to 16-bit/32-bit RGB Blt conversion with 1:216 stretch or 4:1 shrink to provide high speeds video in common format.
6. Auto-wrapping for smooth scrolling support for navigational or other data.
7. Support for tiled memory to optimize performance for 2D operations and rotation.
B. 彩色扩展,彩色填充,裁减
C. 各类bitblt(缩放,旋转,复制等)
D.Alpha blending
一般的2D加速引擎都不支持Open VG,在调研的四款芯片中只有TCC8900支持,而TCC8900采用了一款2D/3D引擎,对于我们只需要2D引擎没有直接意义,因此基本认为是否支持Open VG只是2D图形加速引擎的一个可选项。
2. 性能评估:
2D图形加速性能最基本的指标的每秒完成的图形操作次数。当前PC系统上进行图形性能测试一般有两种性能指标,一种是渲染固定场景所得到的每秒帧数(这种方法适合于3D 性能测试),另一种是绘制固定数目的图形的时间,来得到每秒钟绘制图形的数目。这两种性能指标,其本质都是单位时间内完成的图形操作次数。
一般可以通过第二种性能指标,即绘制固定数目的图形的时间来测试。绘制的内容包括:绘制直线,矩形区域的填充、旋转、复制、缩放和Alpha Blending操作。
1. 性能测试方法:
2. 测试结果与分析