Linux Shell Scripting Cookbook 笔记
$SHELL 当前系统shell,比如/bin/bash
$UID root用户UID为零, ubuntu中sudo sh
$RANDOM 返回一个随机数
$IFS shell默认分隔符,默认空格, 可以设置 IFS=”:”
$PATH 系统查找路径
$PWD 当前目录
$$ 当前进程ID
$# 参数个数
$? 脚本文件或函数返回值
$0 脚本文件或函数名
$1 脚本文件或函数第一个参数, 以此类推, shift可以对参数移位
$* 同$@, 表示所有参数
“$*” “$1$2$3...”
“$@” “$1” “$2” “$3” …
[[:alnum:]] 数字字符
[[:digit:]] 数字字符
[[:xdigit:]] 十六进制字符
[[:alpha:]] 字母字符
[[:lower:]] 小写字母字符
[[:upper:]] 大写字母字符
[[:punct:]] 标点符号字符
[[:graph:]] 非空格字符
[[:space:]] 空白字符
[[:blank:]] 空格和tab字符
[[:cntrl:]] 控制字符
[[:print:]] 可显示字符
$ variable 获取变量值
${variable} 获取变量值
${#variable} 获取变量长度
${#variable:=word} 变量存在且不为NULL,返回变量,否则设置变量为word并返回word
${#variable:?message} 变量存在且不为NULL,返回变量,否则输出message并退出
${#variable:+word} 变量存在且不为NULL,返回word,否则返回NULL
${variable%.*} 从右往左,匹配变量中.*, 并删除该部分(获取扩展名外文件名部分)
${variable%%.*} 从右往左,最大程序匹配变量中.*, 并删除该部分(只留第一个点号左边部分)
${variable#*.} 从左往右,匹配变量中*., 并删除该部分(保留第一个点号右边部分)
${variable##*.} 从左往右,最大程序匹配变量中*., 并删除该部分(获取文件名扩展名部分)
let result=no1+no2
result=$[ $no1 + $no2 ]
result=$( ($no1 + $no2) )
result=`expr 3+4`
result=$( expr $no1 + 5 )
array_var1=("test1" "test2" "test3")
array_var2=(TEST1 TEST2 TEST3)
echo array_var1[1]=${array_var1[1]}
echo array_var2[2]=${array_var1[$index]}
echo array_var1: ${array_var1[*]}
echo array_var2: ${array_var1[@]}
echo array_var1 len: ${#array_var1[*]}
echo array_var2 index: ${!array_var2[*]}
$ declare -A fruits_value
$ fruits_value=([apple]='100dollars' [orange]='150 dollars')
$ echo "Apple costs ${fruits_value[apple]}"
Apple costs 100 dollars
$ echo ${!array_var[*]} #show all the index in associative arrays
orange apple
Unary operators that check file characteristics Option Description
-b File is block special device (for files like /dev/hda1)
-c File is character special (for files like /dev/tty)
-d File is a directory
-e File exists
-f File is a regular file
-g File has its set-group-ID bit set
-h File is a symbolic link (same as -L)
-G File is owned by the effective group ID
-k File has its sticky bit set
-L File is a symbolic link (same as -h)
-O File is owned by the effective user ID
-p File is a named pipe
-r File is readable
-s File has a size greater than zero
-S File is a socket
-u File has its set-user-ID bit set
-w File is writable
-x File is executable
-lt < Less than
-le <= Less than or equal to
-gt > Greater than
-ge >= Greater than or equal to
-eq =, == Equal to
-ne != Not equal to
if [ -r $FILE -a -w $FILE ]
if [ -z "$V1" -o -z "${V2:=YIKES}" ]
if [[ "${MYFILENAME}" == *.jpg ]]
if [[ "$FN" == *.@(jpg|jpeg) ]]
if [[ "$CDTRACK" =~ "([[:alpha:][:blank:]]*)- ([[:digit:]]*) - (.*)$" ]]
@( ... ) Only one occurrence
*( ... ) Zero or more occurrences
+( ... ) One or more occurrences
?( ... ) Zero or one occurrences
!( ... ) Not these occurrences, but anything else
$ echo "cannot include exclamation - ! within double quotes"
This will return the following:
bash: !: event not found error
如果不加引号, 分号会被看成命令分隔符号
-e 使用转义,echo -e "1\t2\t3"
-n 忽略结尾换行
Color codes are used to represent each color. For example, reset=0, black=30, red=31,
green=32, yellow=33, blue=34, magenta(洋红)=35, cyan(青色)=36, and white=37.
For a colored background, reset = 0, black = 40, red = 41, green = 42, yellow = 43, blue = 44,
magenta = 45, cyan = 46, and white=47, are the color code that are commonly used.
echo -e "\e[1;31m This is red text \e[0m"
echo -e "\e[1;42m Green Background \e[0m"
echo -e "\e[1;42m \e[1;31m This is Green Background, red text \e[0m"
Get number of columns and rows in a terminal as follows:
tput cols
tput lines
In order to print the current terminal name, use:
tput longname
For moving the cursor to a position 100,100 you can enter:
tput cup 100 100
Set the background color for terminal as follows:
tput setb no #no can be a value in the range of 0 to 7.
Set the foreground color for text as follows:
tput setf no #no can be a value in the range of 0 to 7.
In order to make the text bold use:
tput bold
Start and end underlining by using:
tput smul
tput rmul
In order to delete from cursor to end of the line use:
tput ed
The -echo option above disables output to the terminal, whereas echo enables output.
stty -echo
read password
stty echo
set -x: Displays arguments and commands upon their execution
set +x: Disables debugging
set –v: Displays input when they are read
set +v: Disables printing input
Converting multiple lines of input to a single line output:
or Converting single line into multiple line output:
$ cat example.txt # Example file
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10
11 12
$ cat example.txt | xargs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
$ cat example.txt | xargs -n 3
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
10 11 12
We can also use our own delimiter towards separating arguments.
$ echo "splitXsplitXsplitXsplit" | xargs -d X
split split split split
$ echo "splitXsplitXsplitXsplit" | xargs -d X -n 2
split split
split split
To provide a command execution sequence as shown, xargs has an option –I.
$ cat args.txt | xargs -I {} ./ -p {} -l
xargs and find are best friends.
$ find . -type f -name "*.txt" -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f
$ find source_code_dir_path -type f -name "*.c" -print0 | xargs -0 wc -l
$ cmd0 | ( cmd1;cmd2;cmd3) | cmd4
If cmd1 is cd /, within the subshell, the path of the working directory changes. However, this
change resides inside the subshell only. cmd4 will not see the directory change.
echo "This is a sample text 1" > temp.txt
echo "This is sample text 2" >> temp.txt
command >stderr.txt 1>stdout.txt
command >&1 output.txt
command | tee FILE | command2 将command的输出存入文件FILE,同时给command的输入
command > /dev/null
cat <log.txt
Let's write a script that reads input interactively and uses this script for automation examples:
read -p "Enter number:" no ;
read -p "Enter name:" name
echo You have entered $no, $name;
$ ./
Enter number:1
Enter name: hello
You have entered 1, hello
$ echo -e "1\nhello\n" | ./
You have entered 1, hello
$ echo -e "1\nhello\n"
$ ./ <
You have entered 1, hello
spawn ./interactive .sh
expect "Enter number:"
send "1\n"
expect "Enter name:"
send "hello\n"
expect eof
$ ./
read "n" characters from input :
$ read -n 8 var
Read a password in non-echoed mode as follows:
$ read -s var
Display a message with read using:
$ read -p "Enter input:" var
Read the input after a timeout :
$ read -t 2 var
Use a delimiter character to end the input line as follows:
read -d “:” var #读取到var, “:”作为结束分隔符
将所有jpg,png文件重新排序命名为image-*.jpg 或image-*.png
#Description: Rename jpg and png files
for img in *.jpg *.png
mv "$img" "$new" 2> /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ];
echo "Renaming $img to $new"
let count++
rename *.JPG *.jpg
rename 's/ /-/g' *
rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' *
rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' *
rename 's/ /-/g' *.txt
find ./ -type f -name *.txt -exec rename 's/ /-/g' {} \;
$ find /home/slynux -name "*.txt" –print
$ find . -iname "example*" -print #-iname和-name 一样,只是忽略大小写
$ find /home/users -path "*slynux*" -print #-path会匹配整个路径,不止是文件名
$ find . \( -name "*.txt" -o -name "*.pdf" \) -print #多个条件中的一个
$ find . -regex ".*\(\.py\|\.sh\)$"
$ find . -iregex ".*\(\.py\|\.sh\)$"
$ find . ! -name "*.txt" -print #!表示取反, 查找txt以外的文件
$ find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -print
$ find . -mindepth 2 -type f -print
$ find . -type d -print #type 有d, f, l,p,c,b,s
$ find . -type f -atime -7 -print #7天内访问过的文件
$ find . -type f -atime 7 -print #刚好7天前那天访问过的文件
$ find . -type f -atime +7 -print #7天前访问过的文件
$ find . -type f -newer file.txt -print #mtime 大于file .txt (比之更新的)的文件
$ find . -type f -size +2k #大小大于2K 的文件(c,w,k,M,G)
$ find . –type f –name "*.php" ! -perm 644 –print #根据权限查找
$ find . -type f -user slynux -print #根据用户查找
$ find . -type f -name "*.swp" -delete #找到后删除文件
$ find . -type f -name "*.c" -exec cat {} \;>all_c_files.txt #{} 匹配找到的文件
$ find . -type f -mtime +10 -name "*.txt" -exec cp {} OLD \;
$ find . -type f -name "*.txt" -exec printf "Text file: %s\n" {} \;
$ find devel/source_path \( -name ".git" -prune \) -o \( -type f -print \) #-prune 跳过.git文件夹
-atime: This is the last timestamp of when the file was accessed by some user
-mtime: This is the last timestamp of when the file content was modified
-ctime: This is the last timestamp of w hen the file permissions or ownership was modified
$ grep "match_text" file1 file2 file3 ...
$ grep word filename –-color=auto #高亮匹配部分
$ egrep "[a-z]+"
$ grep -v match_pattern file #显示不匹配的行的内容
$ grep -c "text" filename #显示匹配行数
$ echo -e "1 2 3 4\nhello\n5 6" | egrep -o "[0-9]" | wc -l #显示匹配的次数
$ grep linux -n sample1.txt #显示匹配的行行号
$ echo gnu is not unix | grep -b -o "not" #显示字节偏移
$ grep -l linux sample1.txt sample2.txt #显示匹配的文件名 -L显示不匹配的文件名
$ grep "text" . -R -n #递归查找单前目录
$ echo hello world | grep -i "HELLO" #忽略大小写
$ echo this is a line of text | grep -e "this" -e "line" -o #匹配多个字符串中的一个
$ grep "main()" . -r --include *.{c,cpp}
$ grep "main()" . -r –-exclude "README"
$ grep "test" file* -lZ | xargs -0 rm
$ sed 's/PATTEN/replace_text/' filename #查找并替换, 输出到终端
$ sed 's/PATTERN/replacement/' -i filename #-i 直接修改文件
tempfile 生存临时文件
md5sum sha1sum 文件校验
sort 排序
uniq 查看单一或重复
tr 字符删除,替换
sed 文档、字符串处理
cut 字段裁剪 cut -d : -f 6 /etc/password :分隔字段,输出第六个字段内容。
find 文件查找
date 显示日期
sleep 延时多少秒
tree 打印目录树
wc 行数,单词、字符数统计
head/tail 显示开头/结尾的多少行
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