神奇的小工具, 是2007年1月 Adrian Milliner 编写的.
# Copyright 2006-2007 Adrian Milliner (ps1 at soapyfrog dot com)
# http://ps1.soapyfrog.com
# This work is licenced under the Creative Commons
# Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
# To view a copy of this licence, visit
# http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/
# or send a letter to
# Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.
# $Id: get-bufferhtml.ps1 162 2007-01-26 16:30:12Z adrian $
# This script grabs text from the console buffer and outputs to the pipeline
# lines of HTML that represent it.
# Usage: get-bufferhtml [args]
# Where args are:
# -last n - how many lines back from current line to grab
# default is (effectively) everything
# -all - grab all lines in console, overrides -last
# -trim - trims blank space from the right of each line
# this is ok unless you have lots of text with
# varying background colours
# -font s - optional css font name. default is nothing which
# means the browser will use whatever is default for a
# <pre> tag. "Courier New" is quite a good alternative
# -fontsize s - optional css font size, eg "9pt" or "80%"
# -style s - optional addition css, eg "overflow:hidden"
# -palette p - choose a colour palette, one of:
# "powershell" normal for a PowerShell window (ie with
# strange colours for darkmagenta and darkyellow
# "standard" normal ansi colours as used by a standard
# cmd.exe session
# "print" like powershell, but with colours handy
# for printing where you want to save ink.
# The output is one large wrapped <pre> tag to keep whitespace intact.
[int]$last = 50000,
$ui = $host.ui.rawui
[int]$start = 0
if ($all) {
[int]$end = $ui.BufferSize.Height
[int]$start = 0
else {
[int]$end = ($ui.CursorPosition.Y - 1)
[int]$start = $end - $last
if ($start -le 0) { $start = 0 }
$height = $end - $start
if ($height -le 0) {
write-warning "There must be one or more lines to get"
$width = $ui.BufferSize.Width
$dims = 0,$start,($width-1),($end-1)
$rect = new-object Management.Automation.Host.Rectangle -argumentList $dims
$cells = $ui.GetBufferContents($rect)
# set default colours
$fg = $ui.ForegroundColor; $bg = $ui.BackgroundColor
$defaultfg = $fg; $defaultbg = $bg
# character translations
# wordpress weirdness means I do special stuff for < and
$cmap = @{
[char]"<" = "<"
[char]"" = "\"
[char]">" = ">"
[char]"'" = "'"
[char]"`"" = """
[char]"&" = "&"
# console colour mapping
# the powershell console has some odd colour choices,
# marked with a 6-char hex codes below
$palettes = @{}
$palettes.powershell = @{
"Black" ="#000"
"DarkBlue" ="#008"
"DarkGreen" ="#080"
"DarkCyan" ="#088"
"DarkRed" ="#800"
"DarkMagenta" ="#012456"
"DarkYellow" ="#eeedf0"
"Gray" ="#ccc"
"DarkGray" ="#888"
"Blue" ="#00f"
"Green" ="#0f0"
"Cyan" ="#0ff"
"Red" ="#f00"
"Magenta" ="#f0f"
"Yellow" ="#ff0"
"White" ="#fff"
# now a variation for the standard console (used by cmd.exe) based
# on ansi colours
$palettes.standard = ($palettes.powershell).Clone()
$palettes.standard.DarkMagenta = "#808"
$palettes.standard.DarkYellow = "#880"
# this is a weird one... takes the normal powershell one and
# inverts a few colours so normal ps1 output would save ink when
# printed (eg from a web page).
$palettes.print = ($palettes.powershell).Clone()
$palettes.print.DarkMagenta = "#eee"
$palettes.print.DarkYellow = "#000"
$palettes.print.Yellow = "#440"
$palettes.print.Black = "#fff"
$palettes.print.White = "#000"
$comap = $palettes[$palette]
# inner function to translate a console colour to an html/css one
function c2h{return $comap[[string]$args[0]]}
if ($font) { $f += " font-family: `"$font`";" }
if ($fontsize) { $f += " font-size: $fontsize;" }
$line = ""
for ([int]$row=0; $row -lt $height; $row++ ) {
for ([int]$col=0; $col -lt $width; $col++ ) {
$cell = $cells[$row,$col]
# do we need to change colours?
$cfg = [string]$cell.ForegroundColor
$cbg = [string]$cell.BackgroundColor
if ($fg -ne $cfg -or $bg -ne $cbg) {
if ($fg -ne $defaultfg -or $bg -ne $defaultbg) {
$line += "" # remove any specialisation
$fg = $defaultfg; $bg = $defaultbg;
if ($cfg -ne $defaultfg -or $cbg -ne $defaultbg) {
# start a new colour span
$line += ""
$fg = $cfg
$bg = $cbg
$ch = $cell.Character
$ch2 = $cmap[$ch]; if ($ch2) { $ch = $ch2 }
$line += $ch
if ($trim) { $line = $Line.TrimEnd() }
if ($fg -ne $defaultfg -or $bg -ne $defaultbg) { "" } # close off any specialisation of colour
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