In the first ACT, doctor Stewart wants to schedule an operation for a boy named Carl however.
- The boy has infected townsossles and we should remove it as soon as possible.
Carl needs an operation soon, he has been very sick.
- He has so many colds in his throats recently.
But carl doesn't want to have the operation.
- I don't want my tonsossle out.
Why doesn't Carl want to be in the hospital now?
You're going to be fine
- Molly, I need your special talent for handling special matters.
- Like what special matters?
- Well, I have a scheduling problem.
- Yes?
- I have 3 times like to be self Friday with doctor Ear.(wrong, it should be: I have three tonsillectomies set for Friday with Dr. Earl. 原因:对单词tonsillectomy不知道)
- Yes?
- I need feed our 4th operation into his schedule(wrong, it should be: I need to fit a fourth operation into his schedule. 原因:对fit不熟悉), and I know you can do it.
- Who is the patient?
- Carl Herrera. The boy has infected tonsils and we should remove them as soon as possible.
- I'll try to arrange the schedule, Doc Stewart, but it's not going to be easy.
- I know you be able to take care of it.
- Oh... haha
- Well, Mrs Ear(wrong, it should be: Mrs Herrera. 原因:对老外的人名还是不够敏感), Carl will be perfect fine after we remove the tonsils.
- Thank you for your resure(wrong, it should be: Thank you for your reassurance. 原因:对单词reassurance不熟悉), Doc Stewart. He has so many colds through his throat recently.(wrong, it should be: He's had so many colds and sore throats recently. 原因:对单词sore不熟悉)
- Well, it's a very easy operation , Carl. You won't feel a thing.
- But when do we do it?
- This Friday.
- But that day (wrong, it should be: Saturday 原因:对that day和Saturday还是区分不清,辨识度不够)is my birthday.
- Well, we could reschedule the operation, Mrs Herrera, but I don't wanna put it off too long.
- No, I think it's important to do it now. We can have birthday party for you Carl when you come out of the hospital.
- But it won't be on my birthday.
- But your health is more important Carl. Believe me.
- I don't want my tonsils out.
- Miss Baker(wrong, it should be: Nurse Baker. 原因:把nurse听成miss,我真是高手), would you come in please?
- Hello, Mrs Herrera. Hi, Carl. How are you doing?
- I don't want my tonsils out.
- Come with me, Carl. You and I will talk this over.
- She has special waiwai kids.(wrong, it should be: She has a special way with kids. 原因:special way with 这个组合不熟悉)
- She showed us.(wrong, it should be: She sure does. 原因:sure可以修饰动词,跟前面的I sure do一样)
- Carl, does the throat hurt?
- Yes.
- OK.
- Do you wanna get better?
- Yes.
- OK. We want you to get better too. To have your towssoles out tommorow.(wrong, it should be: You'll have your tonsils out tommorow 原因,开头的you'll说得很快很轻,我把握不住啊) And you won't get some colds any more.
- But if I has my tonsils out tommorow, I'll miss my birthday party on Saturday.
- I know. That's a problem, isn't it? Let me try to work something help.(wrong, it should be: Let me try to work something out. 原因:对work something out这个组合不熟悉,work something out:想个办法解决问题)
- What?
- I have to think about it.
- You are fooling me.
- Oh, I'm not Carl. Give me a chance to think about it. And now, come up with something.(wrong, it should be: And I'll come up with something. 原因:还是开头太轻了)
- A surprise?
- Maybe. But if you disput off your jameson roben now I'll think of the surprise. (wrong, it should be: But you just put on your pajamas and robe, and I'll think of a surprise. 原因:对just发音还是不熟悉,just,天天见。 对单词pajamas和robe不熟悉。pajamas:睡衣裤, robe:睡袍,长袍)
- Will it hurt?
- No, the other boys and girls here and they're having their towsossles out, you met them. (wrong, it should be: There are others boys and girls here, and the're having their tonsils out. You'll meet them. 原因:对一些细节的时态助词还是很难听清楚,也许只能凭感觉了)
- I don't want to.
- Stand your class Carl.(wrong, it should be: Change your clothes, Carl. 原因:开头的change这个单词实在是很难听清楚,我认输了...) Everything will be just fine.
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