CPU也可以是I2C的Slave,CPU的I2C地址有 I2CADR指定2.2 I2CFDR 频率设置寄存器The serial bit clock frequency of SCL is equal to the CCB clock divided by the divider. 用来设置I2C总线频率
2.4 I2CSR 状态寄存器 MCF:0 Byte transfer is in process 1 Byte transfer is completed
MBB:0 I2C bus idle 1 I2C bus busy
MAL:若置1,表示仲裁失败 BCSTM:若置1,表示接收到广播信息
SRW:When MAAS is set, SRW indicates the value of the R/W command bit of the calling address, which is sent from the master. 0 Slave receive, master writing to slave 1 Slave transmit, master reading from slave
MIF:Module interrupt. The MIF bit is set when an interrupt is pending, causing a processor interrupt request(provided I2CCR[MIEN] is set)