2006-05-26 13:16:12
First thing you need to do is download SDL headers and binaries.
You will find them on the SDL website, specifically on .
Scroll Down to the Development Libraries section and download the Windows development library
Open the zip and there should be a folder side of it.
Open the folder and it'll contain a bunch of subfolders.
Copy SDL.lib and SDLmain.lib from the lib subfolder in the archive to the Visual C++ lib folder.
The Visual C++ lib folder should be at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Lib.
Next go to the Visual C++ include folder and create a folder called "SDL".
The Visual C++ include folder should be at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Include.
Then open the include subfolder in the archive and extract its contents to the folder you just made, which should be at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Include\SDL.
Now extract SDL.dll from the archive (it should be inside the lib subfolder), and extract it to C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32.
This is so whenever you make an SDL app, the program will be able to find SDL.dll even if SDL.dll is not in the same directory.
Now start up Visual C++ and start a new Win32 project.
Then set it to be empty so nothing is automatically generated.
Then click finish. A new dialog will appear asking you to confirm the empty project, so just click ok.
Next go to project settings.
Under the C/C++ tab, set "Category" to Code Generation. Then set "Use run-time library" to multithreaded dll.
Under the Link tab, paste:
Add source new source file to the project to test out everything.
Paste the following code into the new source file:
Now Compile. Save the new source file if necessary.
If there's no errors, you're finished.