一个USB设置可以有多个配置,在初始化的过程中,会选择一个默认的配置,选择的方法根据驱动实现而不一样,linux usb会选择第一个标准的配置。
else if (udev->descriptor.bDeviceClass !=
(desc && desc->bInterfaceClass !=
best = c;
在linux kernel里,接口用struct usb_interface来表示,接口里的设置是用struct usb_host_interface来表示。既然一个接口里包含多个设置,那我们看看接口的定义。
struct usb_interface {
/* array of alternate settings for this interface,
* stored in no particular order */
struct usb_host_interface *altsetting;
struct usb_host_interface *cur_altsetting; /* the currently
* active alternate setting */
unsigned num_altsetting; /* number of alternate settings */
/* If there is an interface association descriptor then it will list
* the associated interfaces */
struct usb_interface_assoc_descriptor *intf_assoc;
int minor; /* minor number this interface is
* bound to */
enum usb_interface_condition condition; /* state of binding */
unsigned sysfs_files_created:1; /* the sysfs attributes exist */
unsigned ep_devs_created:1; /* endpoint "devices" exist */
unsigned unregistering:1; /* unregistration is in progress */
unsigned needs_remote_wakeup:1; /* driver requires remote wakeup */
unsigned needs_altsetting0:1; /* switch to altsetting 0 is pending */
unsigned needs_binding:1; /* needs delayed unbind/rebind */
unsigned reset_running:1;
unsigned resetting_device:1; /* true: bandwidth alloc after reset */
struct device dev; /* interface specific device info */
struct device *usb_dev;
atomic_t pm_usage_cnt; /* usage counter for autosuspend */
struct work_struct reset_ws; /* for resets in atomic context */
红色部分就是接口里的设置,usb2.0标准里的interface描述符,其实是包含在接口里,也就是struct usb_host_interface里。那这到底是什么意思呢?下面是usb2.0协议里的一段话。
If a device configuration supported a single interface with two alternate settings, the configuration
descriptor would be followed by an interface descriptor with the bInterfaceNumber and bAlternateSetting
fields set to zero and then the endpoint descriptors for that setting, followed by another interface descriptor
and its associated endpoint descriptors. The second interface descriptor’s bInterfaceNumber field would
also be set to zero, but the bAlternateSetting field of the second interface descriptor would be set to one.
事实上这个interface描述符,就是设置描述符,这个描述符的其中一项叫做bInterfaceNumber,指的就是这个设置是属于哪个接口。比如一个接口包含2个设置,那么就会有2个interface描述符,两个描述符里的bInterfaceNumber设置都为0,但是第一个设置的bAlternateSetting为0, 第二个设置的bAlternateSetting为1。这样就区分开来了。
假如一共有5个设置,2个接口。这5个设置,2个属于接口1, 3个属于接口2.
则就会有2个struct usb_interface,第一个usb_interface里的altsetting有2个,第二个有3个。
endpoint有个特性,要么只能input,要么只能output,但是也有一个特殊的endpoint,就是endpoint 0,每个USB设备都有这么一个endpoint0,除此endpoint,其他都只能单工的。而且每个endpoint每次传输的大小也不一样,所以就有了这么个endpoint描述符来对其进行描述。
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