分类: Python/Ruby
2009-05-26 14:17:18
py2exe是一個工具程式,可以將python程式轉換成為單一的執行檔案。在某些情況下使用者也許不想安裝整個python套件或是相關的檔 案。透過 py2exe可以將您的工具包裝成單一的執行檔,及數個相關檔案。使用者只要下載這幾個檔案就可以執行該程式了。因為py2exe會自動將該工具的或自動 搜尋您的python程式中所有用到的模組及檔案加以集中包裝至這數個檔案中。
且讓我用一個範例來說明。我寫了一個wxPython的程式。大家都知道wxPython就是python及wxWidgets的結合。對 於使用者來說, 要同時在他們的電腦中安裝python及wxPython,其實是個蠻沈重的負擔。所以我打算使用py2exe將我寫的工具包裝起來。我的程式總共有兩個 檔案分別是:HtmlConv.py及MainFrame.py。 此時,我們需要準備小小的python程式,透過這個程式來呼叫py2exe包裝我們的程式。我們將這個程式取名為setup.py。其內容如下:
# setup.py
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
讓我們來看一下這個檔案的內容。首先,我們可以看到這個python程式引入了distutils這個模組,這個模組是python的標準模 組之一。py2exe其實算是他的擴充模組之一,所以需要載入這個模組中的setup部分。然後,再引入py2exe這個模組。 因為我們的程式很簡單,所以只需要簡單的呼叫setup function。並且在在參數中指定您的主要程式的檔名。您或許會懷疑,我們怎麼不用指定MainFrame.py這個檔案呢?因為 MainFrame.py是被HtmlConv.py這個檔案所import的,py2exe在處理HtmlConv.py時,就會處理到 MainFrame.py了。 有了這三個檔案後,我們需要透過command的方式呼叫python來執行我們的setup.py程式。指令如下:
python.exe setup.py py2exe
您也可以透過下面的命令來瞭解py2exe提供了哪些command line參數:
python.exe setup.py py2exe --help
使用者只需要將這幾個檔案拷貝回去執行HtmlConv.exe就可以執行我們的工具程式。這對於使用者來說,無疑是非常方便的。 現在讓我們重新看看setup.py這個檔案的內容。因為我的工具程式是視窗介面的,不需要出現console視窗。因此,我透過指定 windows=["HtmlConv.py"] 的方式來指定主要檔案。如果您的程式是屬於console介面的,您就應該使用 console=["xxx.py"] 的方式來指定您的程式。此外,py2exe也支援Windows Service及COM元件類型的程式。分別使用下面的方式指定之:
py2exe其實是透過python的modulefinder來找到所需的module,再將他們包裝在一起。您在dist目錄中所看到的 library.zip就是這些module的壓縮檔。不過,也正因為如此,如果是一些您程式中所需要的資料檔,如圖片,音效等等。py2exe並沒有辦 法幫您自動包裝起來。不過,您還是可以透過手動的方式在setup.py中指定setup function的參數來告訴py2exe您還有哪些檔案。假設我們原來程式有一個子目錄名為bmp,下面放了一些程式用到的圖形檔。另外,還有一個子目 錄名為wav,放了一些程式會用到的wav檔案。此時,我們的setup function參數應修改為如下:
["bmp/logo.bmp", "bmp/title.gif"]),
data_files這個參數是一個list,list內的每個元素都是一個pair。pair的第一個元素是您所指定的檔案的目的地。第二個元素 是一個list, 列出了那些檔案的來源。且讓我們仔細看看上面的範例。第一組pair,告訴py2exe在dist目錄下面另外建立一個bmp目錄,並且將原來bmp目錄 中的的logo.bmp及title.gif檔案複製到dist目錄中的bmp子目錄。如果您不希望建立子目錄,可以將目的目錄指定為空白字串。此時, py2exe會將您指定的檔案複製到dist目錄下。 而第二組pair告訴py2exe在dist目錄中建立wav子目錄。然後將sounds目錄中的所有副檔名為wav的檔案拷貝過去。由於我們用了 glob的弁遄C所以別忘了在setup.py中import glob模組。 預設的狀況下,製作出來的執行檔所使用的icon是windows下的預設icon。其實,您可以自己將他修改成其他的icon。首先您先要準備好一個 icon檔案。以上面的例子來說,我們準備一個名為HtmlConv.ico的檔案(檔名未必要與python程式相同)。接著,將上面的範例修改如下:
setup(windows=["HtmlConv.py", {"script":"HtmlConv.py", "icon_resources":[(1, "HtmlConv.ico")]}],
["bmp/logo.bmp", "bmp/title.gif"]),
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
name = 'testGlade',
description = 'Some Test including Glade, Python and GTK in win32',
version = '1.0',
windows = [
'script': 'xxxxx.py',
'icon_resources': [(1, "your_program_icon_file.ico")],
options = {
'py2exe': {
'includes': 'cairo, pango, pangocairo, atk, gobject', # including the dynamic library
'xxxxx.glade', # xxxxx.glade is the project file made by Glade
>>> help(py2exe)
Help on package py2exe:
py2exe - builds windows executables from Python scripts
New keywords for distutils' setup function specify what to build:
list of scripts to convert into console exes
list of scripts to convert into gui exes
list of module names containing win32 service classes
list of module names containing com server classes
list of module names containing com server classes
name of shared zipfile to generate, may specify a subdirectory,
defaults to 'library.zip'
py2exe options, to be specified in the options keyword to the setup function
unbuffered - if true, use unbuffered binary stdout and stderr
optimize - string or int (0, 1, or 2)
includes - list of module names to include
packages - list of packages to include with subpackages
ignores - list of modules to ignore if they are not found
excludes - list of module names to exclude
dll_excludes - list of dlls to exclude
dist_dir - directory where to build the final files
typelibs - list of gen_py generated typelibs to include (XXX more text n
Items in the console, windows, service or com_server list can also be
dictionaries to further customize the build process. The following
keys in the dictionary are recognized, most are optional:
modules (SERVICE, COM) - list of module names (required)
script (EXE) - list of python scripts (required)
dest_base - directory and basename for the executable
if a directory is contained, must be the same for all target
create_exe (COM) - boolean, if false, don't build a server exe
create_dll (COM) - boolean, if false, don't build a server dll
bitmap_resources - list of 2-tuples (id, pathname)
icon_resources - list of 2-tuples (id, pathname)
other_resources - list of 3-tuples (resource_type, id, datastring)
resources (package)
class Distribution(distutils.dist.Distribution)
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, attrs)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Methods inherited from distutils.dist.Distribution:
| announce(self, msg, level=1)
| dump_option_dicts(self, header=None, commands=None, indent='')
| finalize_options(self)
| Set final values for all the options on the Distribution
| instance, analogous to the .finalize_options() method of Command
| objects.
| find_config_files(self)
| Find as many configuration files as should be processed for this
| platform, and return a list of filenames in the order in which they
| should be parsed. The filenames returned are guaranteed to exist
| (modulo nasty race conditions).
| There are three possible config files: distutils.cfg in the
| Distutils installation directory (ie. where the top-level
| Distutils __inst__.py file lives), a file in the user's home
| directory named .pydistutils.cfg on Unix and pydistutils.cfg
| on Windows/Mac, and setup.cfg in the current directory.
| get_command_class(self, command)
| Return the class that implements the Distutils command named by
| 'command'. First we check the 'cmdclass' dictionary; if the
| command is mentioned there, we fetch the class object from the
| dictionary and return it. Otherwise we load the command module
| ("distutils.command." + command) and fetch the command class from
| the module. The loaded class is also stored in 'cmdclass'
| to speed future calls to 'get_command_class()'.
| Raises DistutilsModuleError if the expected module could not be
| found, or if that module does not define the expected class.
| get_command_list(self)
| Get a list of (command, description) tuples.
| The list is divided into "standard commands" (listed in
| distutils.command.__all__) and "extra commands" (mentioned in
| self.cmdclass, but not a standard command). The descriptions come
| from the command class attribute 'description'.
| get_command_obj(self, command, create=1)
| Return the command object for 'command'. Normally this object
| is cached on a previous call to 'get_command_obj()'; if no command
| object for 'command' is in the cache, then we either create and
| return it (if 'create' is true) or return None.
| get_command_packages(self)
| Return a list of packages from which commands are loaded.
| get_option_dict(self, command)
| Get the option dictionary for a given command. If that
| command's option dictionary hasn't been created yet, then create it
| and return the new dictionary; otherwise, return the existing
| option dictionary.
| handle_display_options(self, option_order)
| If there were any non-global "display-only" options
| (--help-commands or the metadata display options) on the command
| line, display the requested info and return true; else return
| false.
| has_c_libraries(self)
| has_data_files(self)
| has_ext_modules(self)
| has_headers(self)
| has_modules(self)
| has_pure_modules(self)
| has_scripts(self)
| is_pure(self)
| parse_command_line(self)
| Parse the setup script's command line, taken from the
| 'script_args' instance attribute (which defaults to 'sys.argv[1:]'
| -- see 'setup()' in core.py). This list is first processed for
| "global options" -- options that set attributes of the Distribution
| instance. Then, it is alternately scanned for Distutils commands
| and options for that command. Each new command terminates the
| options for the previous command. The allowed options for a
| command are determined by the 'user_options' attribute of the
| command class -- thus, we have to be able to load command classes
| in order to parse the command line. Any error in that 'options'
| attribute raises DistutilsGetoptError; any error on the
| command-line raises DistutilsArgError. If no Distutils commands
| were found on the command line, raises DistutilsArgError. Return
| true if command-line was successfully parsed and we should carry
| on with executing commands; false if no errors but we shouldn't
| execute commands (currently, this only happens if user asks for
| help).
| parse_config_files(self, filenames=None)
| print_command_list(self, commands, header, max_length)
| Print a subset of the list of all commands -- used by
| 'print_commands()'.
| print_commands(self)
| Print out a help message listing all available commands with a
| description of each. The list is divided into "standard commands"
| (listed in distutils.command.__all__) and "extra commands"
| (mentioned in self.cmdclass, but not a standard command). The
| descriptions come from the command class attribute
| 'description'.
| reinitialize_command(self, command, reinit_subcommands=0)
| Reinitializes a command to the state it was in when first
| returned by 'get_command_obj()': ie., initialized but not yet
| finalized. This provides the opportunity to sneak option
| values in programmatically, overriding or supplementing
| user-supplied values from the config files and command line.
| You'll have to re-finalize the command object (by calling
| 'finalize_options()' or 'ensure_finalized()') before using it for
| real.
| 'command' should be a command name (string) or command object. If
| 'reinit_subcommands' is true, also reinitializes the command's
| sub-commands, as declared by the 'sub_commands' class attribute (if
| it has one). See the "install" command for an example. Only
| reinitializes the sub-commands that actually matter, ie. those
| whose test predicates return true.
| Returns the reinitialized command object.
| run_command(self, command)
| Do whatever it takes to run a command (including nothing at all,
| if the command has already been run). Specifically: if we have
| already created and run the command named by 'command', return
| silently without doing anything. If the command named by 'command'
| doesn't even have a command object yet, create one. Then invoke
| 'run()' on that command object (or an existing one).
| run_commands(self)
| Run each command that was seen on the setup script command line.
| Uses the list of commands found and cache of command objects
| created by 'get_command_obj()'.
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data and other attributes inherited from distutils.dist.Distribution:
| common_usage = "Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more...'\n..
| display_option_names = ['help_commands', 'name', 'version', 'fullname'..
| display_options = [('help-commands', None, 'list all available command..
| global_options = [('verbose', 'v', 'run verbosely (default)', 1), ('qu..
| negative_opt = {'quiet': 'verbose'}
__version__ = '0.6.9'