Objective Determine what should be done, and what should not, thus you will become more and more effective.
Ther are 5 types of plan
Daily: Plan at the end of a day
Weekly: Plan on weekend
Monthly: Plan at the end of every month
Quarterly: Plan in the end of every quarter
Yearly: Plan at in end of a year
List all necessory activities, and sort them in priority: Each activity at least contains the following attributes:
Action items
Start time
Status (New, On-going, Completed)
Leave a piece of time (about 1 ~ 2 hours) to handle important matters, any one should not disturb you during this time.
Check completed activities to see what kinds of activities waste of your time
Improve plan
Calendar (Online, Free)
Toodledo (Online, Free)
Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, and Yearly plan in separate execel file, you must check tasks in each file at the beginning of day, week, month, quarter, and year, and once you complete an activity, update its status immediately.
Actitivies to be done, and those completed are listed in separate spreadsheet within the same excel file.