' ________________________________________________________________________ ' TrueVision3D (web: http://www.truevision3d.com) ' ???????????????????????????????????? ' Tutorial 13 : Mouse pick a 3D object ' ?????? ' Description : The Teapots are We are going to create 2 Teapots ' ?????? and add the feature to rotate those Teapots (in the ' 3D world) when we are clicking on them. ' And we will give the 3D mouse Position the same as the ' default windows mouse. ' Force explicit declarations. Option Explicit
' We declare TVEngine. Private TV3D As TVEngine
' You know how do do this, we declare an array of Teapots. '定义模型数组 Private Teapot(1 To 2) As TVMesh
' We declare the input object. Private InputEngine As TVInputEngine
' We declare the collision object. ' which is used to get information about the lastest collision. Private CollisionResult As TVCollisionResult
' We the declare the scene. Private Scene As TVScene
' The loop. Private DoLoop As Boolean
' Simple variable to hold the Teapots angle. Private sngAngle(1 To 2) As Single
' Declare a WinApi function to get the windows mouse position. Private Declare Function GetCursorPos Lib "user32" (lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long
Private Sub cmdQuit_Click()
' We have clicked on the "Quit" button, so we change the DoLoop. DoLoop = False
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
' We have to create the TV3D object before anything else. Set TV3D = New TVEngine
' Set search directory of Textures, Objects, ... TV3D.SetSearchDirectory App.Path ' We initialize TV3D in the picture box of the form. TV3D.Init3DWindowedMode Picture1.hWnd
' We want to see the FPS. TV3D.DisplayFPS = True ' We Set the AngleSystem to degree TV3D.SetAngleSystem TV_ANGLE_DEGREE
' We create the input object Set InputEngine = New TVInputEngine
' We create the scene (the world). Set Scene = New TVScene
' We load a cursor Scene.LoadCursor "..\..\..\Media\pointer.bmp", TV_COLORKEY_BLACK, 16, 16
' We load a texture for the Teapots '为茶壶加载材质 Scene.LoadTexture "..\..\..\Media\texture.bmp", , , "TeapotTexture"
' New : we are going to create the Teapot using a "for" loop Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To 2
' We create the 3D Teapot object. Set Teapot(i) = New TVMesh ' We tell the scene that it will have to take the Teapot ' object and create a mesh with it. Set Teapot(i) = Scene.CreateMeshBuilder ' We load the Teapot mesh. Teapot(i).CreateTeapot ' Load and assign texture Scene.LoadTexture "..\..\..\Media\waterfall_color.bmp", , , "Texture" Teapot(i).SetTexture GetTex("Texture") ' We enable the Teapot mapping Teapot(i).EnableSphereMapping True ' We scale down the Teapot Teapot(i).ScaleMesh 1.5, 1.5, 1.5 ' We set the Teapot position. Teapot(i).SetPosition (5 * i) - 7.5, 0, 5 ' We set the Teapot initial rotation sngAngle(i) = (Rnd * 360) Teapot(i).SetRotation sngAngle(i), sngAngle(i), sngAngle(i) ' New : Computing the sphere for the mesh is useful for ' collision and culling. 'NOTE : Frustum culling is a technique allowing to not render ' meshs and objects that are not visible by the camera. Teapot(i).ComputeSphere
Next i
' We pop the form over everything else. Form1.Show ' We start the main loop. DoLoop = True Main_Loop
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
' The user asked to quit but clicked on the 'X' button at up right. DoLoop = False ' And ask to quit. Main_Quit
End Sub
Private Sub Main_Loop()
' The main loop Do ' Let us the capacity to use buttons of the form. DoEvents ' We check the input Check_Input ' We start the rendering by clearing everything that we were ' seeing on the last frame (image). TV3D.Clear ' We render all the 3D objects contained in the scene. Scene.RenderAllMeshes ' We display everything that we have rendered TV3D.RenderToScreen 'We loop all of this until the DoLoop isn't True. Loop Until DoLoop = False ' We ask to quit. Main_Quit
End Sub
Private Sub Check_Input()
' We start with setting the 3D mouse Cursor to the position of ' the windows mouse cursor. ' Make a variable to store the position of the mouse. Dim WindowsMousePosition As POINTAPI ' Get the mouse position and store it in the ' WindowsMousePosition variable GetCursorPos WindowsMousePosition ' Set the 3D mouse cursor to the same position as the variable ' hase of the windows mouse (mouseposition - ((window left/top of screen) + RenderPart left/top of form) InputEngine.SetMousePosition WindowsMousePosition.x - ((Form1.Left / 14) + 1), WindowsMousePosition.Y - ((Form1.Top / 14) + 20) ' The we check the mouse status. Dim tmpMouseX As Long, tmpMouseY As Long Dim tmpMouseB1 As Integer ' Get the movement of the mouse. '获取绝对值 InputEngine.GetAbsMouseState tmpMouseX, tmpMouseY, tmpMouseB1
' If we clicked on the mouse button... If tmpMouseB1 <> 0 Then '...check if the mouse pointer has collided with a Teapot. Set CollisionResult = Scene.MousePicking(tmpMouseX, tmpMouseY, TV_COLLIDE_MESH, TV_TESTTYPE_BOUNDINGBOX) ' Check if we did have a collision with a Teapot. If CollisionResult.IsCollision Then ' Yes, we did have a collision with a Teapot. But which one ' is it? We use the collision get mesh to know this. ' and we rotate it a little CollisionResult.GetCollisionMesh.RotateY ScaleValue(0.1) CollisionResult.GetCollisionMesh.RotateX ScaleValue(0.1) End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Main_Quit() ' We want to quit the project, so we destroy the Teapot object. Set Teapot(1) = Nothing Set Teapot(2) = Nothing ' We destroy the input object Set InputEngine = Nothing
' we destroy the collision object Set CollisionResult = Nothing
' Then, we destroy the scene object. Set Scene = Nothing ' We finish the frenetic destroy with the TV3D object. Set TV3D = Nothing ' We end the application. End
End Sub