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follow my heart...













2006-11-26 19:55:21

' ________________________________________________________________________
' ????????????????????????????????????
' Tutorial 12 : Get a landscape position
' ??????
' Description : In this 12th tutorial, we go back to a basic landscape
' ?????? loading and we add a collision check to get the impact
' point with the mouse.

' Force explicit declarations
Option Explicit

' We declare TVEngine.
Private TV8 As TVEngine

' New : to get the mouse pointer position, we have to check if
' there was a collision with the mouse position and the landscape.
' For this, we use the TV8 collision detection object.
Private CollisionResult As TVCollisionResult

' We declare the landscape
Private Land As TVLandscape

' The texture factory
Private TextureFactory As TVTextureFactory

' We the declare the scene
Private Scene As TVScene

' We declare the input engine.
Private InputEngine As TVInputEngine

' The loop.
Private DoLoop As Boolean

' We are going to use camera (point of view) angles, as well as the
' camera position and look at vectors.
Private sngPositionX As Single
Private sngPositionY As Single
Private sngPositionZ As Single
Private snglookatX As Single
Private snglookatY As Single
Private snglookatZ As Single

' We could have done this in many ways, but we added some smoothing to
' the movement se we need to declare two additional variables.
Private sngWalk As Single
Private sngStrafe As Single

Private Sub cmdQuit_Click()

    ' We have clicked on the "Quit" button, so we change the DoLoop.
    DoLoop = False

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

    ' We have to create the TV8 object before anything else.
    Set TV8 = New TVEngine

    ' Set the search directory of Textures, Objects, ...
    TV8.SetSearchDirectory App.Path
    ' We initialize TV8 in the picture box of the form.
    TV8.Init3DWindowedMode Picture1.hWnd

    ' We want to see the FPS.
    TV8.DisplayFPS = True

    ' We create the input object.
    Set InputEngine = New TVInputEngine

    ' We create the scene (the world).
    Set Scene = New TVScene

    ' New : we load a mouse pointer texture. The cursor you
    ' are seeing normally is the Windows cursor and it's
    ' position is NOT the game's mouse pointer position.
    Scene.LoadCursor "..\..\..\Media\pointer.bmp", TV_COLORKEY_BLACK, 32, 16

    ' Set background color
    Scene.SetSceneBackGround 0.7, 0.7, 0.3

    ' Create the texture factory
    Set TextureFactory = New TVTextureFactory

    ' Land generation
    Set Land = New TVLandscape
    ' Generate the height of the land from the grayscale of the image.
    Land.GenerateHugeTerrain "..\..\..\Media\heightmap.jpg", TV_PRECISION_LOW, 8, 8, 0, 0, True
    ' Then, we load the land texture.
    TextureFactory.LoadTexture "..\..\..\Media\sand.jpg", "LandTexture"
    ' We assign a texture to that land.
    Land.SetTexture GetTex("LandTexture")
    ' We set the camera vectors (the position will be automatically
    ' updated in the checks)
    snglookatX = 150
    snglookatZ = 550
    ' We set the initial values of movement
    sngWalk = 0
    sngStrafe = 0
    ' We pop the form over everything else.
    ' We start the main loop.
    DoLoop = True

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)

    ' The user asked to quit but clicked on the 'X' button at up right.
    DoLoop = False
    ' And ask to quit.

End Sub

Private Sub Main_Loop()

    ' The main loop
        ' Let us the capacity to use buttons of the form.
        ' Check the input
        ' check and update the movement

        ' Clear the the last frame.
        ' We render the landscape.
        Land.Render True
        ' We display everything that we have rendered
    'We loop all of this until the DoLoop isn't True.
    Loop Until DoLoop = False
    ' We ask to quit.

End Sub

Private Sub Check_Input()
        ' Check if we pressed the UP arrow key, if so, then we are
        ' walking forward.
        If InputEngine.IsKeyPressed(TV_KEY_UP) = True Then
            sngWalk = 1
        ' If we are not walking forward, maybe we are walking backward
        ' by using the DOWN arrow? If so, set walk speed to negative.
        ElseIf InputEngine.IsKeyPressed(TV_KEY_DOWN) = True Then
            sngWalk = -1
        End If

        ' Check if we pressed the LEFT arrow key, if so, then strafe
        ' on the left.
        If InputEngine.IsKeyPressed(TV_KEY_LEFT) = True Then
            sngStrafe = 1
        ' If we are not strafing left, maybe we want to strafe to the
        ' right, using the RIGHT arrow? If so, set strafe to negative.
        ElseIf InputEngine.IsKeyPressed(TV_KEY_RIGHT) = True Then
            sngStrafe = -1
        End If

        ' New : we check the mouse by using an other method. We
        ' are going to get the absolute mouse status.
        Dim tmpMouseX As Long, tmpMouseY As Long
        InputEngine.GetAbsMouseState tmpMouseX, tmpMouseY
        ' New : we set the collision object which will be
        ' used for the mouse pick on the scene's landscape
        Set CollisionResult = Scene.MousePicking(tmpMouseX, tmpMouseY, TV_COLLIDE_LANDSCAPE, TV_TESTTYPE_ACCURATETESTING)

        ' Check if we did have a collision with the landscape.
        ' If so, pass the collision point to the list box
        ' on the form.
        If CollisionResult.IsCollision Then
            txtCollision(0) = "X:" & CollisionResult.GetImpactPoint.x
            txtCollision(1) = "Y:" & Land.GetHeight(CollisionResult.GetImpactPoint.x, CollisionResult.GetImpactPoint.z)
            txtCollision(2) = "Z:" & CollisionResult.GetImpactPoint.z
        End If
End Sub

Private Sub Check_Movement()
        ' Okay, now for the smothing of the movement... Update
        ' the forward and backward (walk) movement.
        Select Case sngWalk
        Case Is > 0
            sngWalk = sngWalk - 0.005 * TV8.TimeElapsed
            If sngWalk < 0 Then sngWalk = 0
        Case Is < 0
            sngWalk = sngWalk + 0.005 * TV8.TimeElapsed
            If sngWalk > 0 Then sngWalk = 0
        End Select
        ' Now, we update the left and right (strafe) movement.
        Select Case sngStrafe
        Case Is > 0
            sngStrafe = sngStrafe - 0.005 * TV8.TimeElapsed
            If sngStrafe < 0 Then sngStrafe = 0
        Case Is < 0
            sngStrafe = sngStrafe + 0.005 * TV8.TimeElapsed
            If sngStrafe > 0 Then sngStrafe = 0
        End Select
        ' Update the vectors using the angles and positions.
        snglookatX = snglookatX + sngWalk * 5
        snglookatZ = snglookatZ + sngStrafe * 5
        snglookatY = Land.GetHeight(snglookatX, snglookatZ)
        ' We update the look at position.
        sngPositionX = snglookatX - 150
        sngPositionZ = snglookatZ
        sngPositionY = Land.GetHeight(sngPositionX, sngPositionZ) + 50

        ' With the new values of the camera vectors (position and
        ' look at), we update the scene's camera.
        Scene.SetCamera sngPositionX, sngPositionY, sngPositionZ, snglookatX, snglookatY, snglookatZ

End Sub

Private Sub Main_Quit()
    ' We want to quit the project, so we start by destroyng
    ' the texture factory.
    Set TextureFactory = Nothing
    ' We destroy the collision object
    Set CollisionResult = Nothing
    ' We destroy the land object.
    Set Land = Nothing
    ' Don't forget to destroy the inputengine object...
    Set InputEngine = Nothing
    ' Then, we destroy the scene object.
    Set Scene = Nothing
    ' We finish the frenetic destroy with the TV8 object.
    Set TV8 = Nothing
    ' We end the application.

End Sub


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