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2009-10-19 06:57:17

For the first time, this year's enlistment poster in Beijing has a fresh, young face: that of Gao Ming, a Peking University economics major who is currently in service.
As a prestigious university student, Gao's decision to join the army two years ago attracted the attention of high ranking military officials, according to local media.
"Do you think it's a waste of time to stand on guard in the army? Do you feel bored sometimes?" Gao was asked during one interview.
He answered:"If you have a caring heart, you'll notice that the sun is different every day, and we ourselves are different every day. How can it be boring?"
Of course, military life is more than watching the sun rise and set. University students are treated the same as other enlistees.
Huang suggests that students think carefully before deciding to join the army. "It's not a place for a comfortable life. Get prepared for it," Huang said.
enlistment poster 征兵海报
be in service 在服役
an economics major 一个经济学专业的学生
a prestigious university 一所名牌大学
attract one's attention 吸引了某人的注意力
high ranking military official 高级别的军官
local media  当地媒体
be a waste of time 浪费时间
have a caring heart 有一颗关爱的心
sunrise and sunset 日出日落
be treated the same 被相等对待
get prepared for ... 为……做好准备
stand on guard 站岗
military adj. 军事的;军人的
enlistment n. 服役
prestigious adj. 有名望的
official n. 官员
poster n. 海报,招贴
economics n. 经济学
attract v. 吸引
media n. 媒体
interview n. 面谈,访问, 接见
treat vt. 视为,对待
currently adv. 目前
major n. (大学专业的)主修学生
attention n. 注意,关心
guard n. 保守,看守
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